so this thread was started a little over two years ago, and i haven't had any contact with him since, until about five minutes ago... he must have finally found this thread since he sent me this email with his usual colorful banter:
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From: Slab City Organization <>
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Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 22:54:40 -0500
Subject: Website Donations
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How are those donations coming along? Looks like nobody has donated a =
single penny towards your cause of trying to spread lies. Maybe you're =
in jail, because you gave up two years ago.
You thought you were real smart last time we talked, huh? Remember? =
Maybe bragging about squatting on public property doesn't grab the kind =
of donations you were expecting. Looks like people don't have much =
respect for losers who expect hand outs. In fact, everyone ignores your =
clown-like website. Your website gets almost no traffic at all. That's =
the best you can do? Your parents must be real proud of you. I know you =
must be having trouble getting a job when any fool can google your name =
and find out how you like to play with your poopy, and fantasize about =
mailing it off to complete strangers. Good luck with that, it's a =
felony. Enjoy being both homeless and pathetic.
P.S. I have made over one thousand dollars in donations since 2012 so =
thanks for the additional advertising. It's doing wonders for my PayPal =
account, which funds the Slab City website. Not a penny for you so far. =
Pooping outside of a toilet is not as popular as you may think. It's =
just fun for you and your squatting monkey friends. What do you guys do =
when you run out of toilet paper way out in the middle of nowhere? You =
don't have any money because none of you slackers can hold down a job. =
Do you wipe with your hands? Or just let the "crust" keep accumulating? =
I bet I know the answer......people send me emails about how you guys =
so yeah, the guy is still an asshole, and still has the maturity of a 10 year old. it would be fascinating if it just wasn't so damn sad and pathetic.
so... i'm putting this on the front page of stp and encouraging anyone with the spare time to fuck with him however you see fit. have fun!