is a scam!

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR

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click on "free price quote" to get an easy to fill out form you can have lots of fun with.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
i noticed his domain expires on 24th may this year, so maybe if he is hassled for being a fraudulent pussy hole non stop between now and then he may consider not renewing his domain and he will fuck of into the ether...

i certainly hope so. let's keep it up!

i found that he posted this on the website "message board" (it's old and extremely hard to use):

Punk Nomad Not Welcome
The "occupy wallstreet" movement is not welcome at Slab City, you can fire up your weed somewhere else. Stop bringing your filthy hippie friends out here to poop all over the place, and leave your garbage behind. Learn how to clean up after yourselves, you are not welcome here anymore. Your mommy doesn't clean up after you anymore, you need to grow up and show some respect for the environment. You should be ashamed of the way you left your campsite Matt Derrick. (his info shown below - this guy is clearly against our efforts to stop trash dumping)
Matt Derrick
1500 Twin Lakes Dr
Cle Elum, WA 98922

this is hilarious, since, you know, i live in an artist space dedicated to the repurposing of trash into art here (, and our camp is so beautiful/amazing that we get dozens of visitors a day. clearly we are just throwing trash around and pooping everywhere. he doesn't even live here but trying to make it sound like he does.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
so yeah, people should keep fucking with this guy. just saying. you know, if you're looking for something to do. :p
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Andie of the House of Queer
Aug 21, 2010
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New Orleans
It's been awhile since I had the opportunity to fuck with someones life out of sheer boredom. I wonder if he's married... Could always send a few stalkerish letters to his address. That could be good fun! Or perhaps I'll post his info on some gay sites and unleash the horror of the gay fetish community upon him. Decisions, decisions...

Deleted member 20

I found that site a few years ago & thought he was equally fake & a douche but lacked to techno ability to track him down. Thank you.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2007
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eastern shore of Maryland
"The "occupy wallstreet" movement is not welcome at Slab City, you can fire up your weed somewhere else. Stop bringing your filthy hippie friends out here to poop all over the place,".......hahaha spoken like a true blue 'merican.......git-er-done eric.......goddamn dopesmokin hippies!
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
man, am i tired of this guy. he's totally proven himself to be a complete psychopath. some friends of mine in slab city sent me a link to this newest tirade about me on the website. the funny part about this is that i haven't contacted this fool in 2 months and he still can't let the fact that i called him out on his fake website about a place he's never been (and collects donations for, illegally). so, here's the latest chapter, check it out, its fucking hilarious.

Matt Derrick "Punk Nomad" and Charlie Vollrath - ADMIT THEY ARE OK WITH TRASH DUMPING!

We were not sure at first, but then after asking around, we finally think we found out who dumped most of this trash at this campsite and left it. It was apparently left behind by Matt Derrick and Charlie Vollrath. This was their campsite, but we are not actually sure how much of this trash was left by them. They had a huge party, and apparently this was the result. We cannot confirm for 100% sure, but we did receive several tips as to who did this. When confronted, both Matt Derrick and Charlie Vollrath had nasty things to say about the Slab City Organization. Which is nothing new. But then Charlie sent us an email saying that it's not a big deal to dump trash because it's in a remote location. Then he wanted to know if I ever cut myself on some glass, which I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. He makes it seem like I need to be personally injured before having an objection to trash dumping. Here's a snippet of an email we received from Charlie Vollrath:
"and just for your information, it's Slab City which is in the middle of a BARREN DESSERT!! who gives a shit if there's trash. does it hurt the sand? did you cut yourself on a shard of glass? in case you didn't know, glass breaks down into, what? SAND!"

Send complaints to Charlie Vollrath for the mess left behind:
This is the type of loser mentality we have to deal with in order to stop the dumping. What kind of person acts like this? I am absolutely certain there must be some parenting issues in both of these fellas past history. And what kind of degenerate sends an email to an organization dedicated to cleaning things up, saying all sorts of nasty things and trying to rationalize dumping? What kind of person thinks it's OK to litter the environment? I would love to find out where these clowns work, and hear what their co-workers think of this type of behavior. These young people are in serious denial if this is how they plan to treat government property that doesnt belong to them. And these guys are the futrue of America? Telling me to mind my own business so they can dump trash? Amazing....! The "real" story about Slab City isn't being told on the news. People like Matt Derrick and Charlie Vollrath waste their time making up smears about myself and this organization, rather than come up with solutions. Most of you who are reading this page don't have any idea how many "slow IQ" people are showing up at Slab City acting like they own the place, wanting to dump trash and raw sewage anywhere they wish. It used to be a minority in the beginning, now it's open season on freaks who think they have a permit from the State of California to dump waste on their property. Only myself, and the people who join this organization, think Slab City should be cleaned up. There are only two sides to this issue, you either want to stand with us and force out the losers, or you want to join the losers and dump poop out of your RV, instead of driving to a proper dump station. There is no middle ground on this issue, you either want to continue dumping, or you want to see it halted altogehter. The line of distinction is becoming more clear each year. The only people who complain about this organization are the ones doing all the dumping - go figure. Matt Derrick (Punk Nomad) writes:
"i hope horrible things come your way."
Sounds like a real nice guy huh? I'll bet it's a joy for his co-workers having a person like that around. Sending an email like that to a complete stranger. What kind of person does that? We are trying to spread awareness of a terrible problem at Slab City, and he hopes bad things come our way. Well Derrick, we wouldn't want you to have any "horrible things come your way" next time you visit. We sure wouldn't want you to get four flat tires on your next visit, as we have heard many stories about trash dumpers waking up the next morning to "unfortunate" situations. While we certainly do not condone this type of behavior, it's important to point out that some people won't allow you to just do whatever you want and get away with it. Not everyone looks the other way when you and your trash dumping friends act like little spoiled brats, something you need to wise up about Matt. Slab City is not your personal dumping ground.

Send complaints to Matt Derrick for the mess left behind:
Random emails from a few smelly hippies like Matt Derrick and Charlie Vollrath will not shut down this organization. In fact, it drives more traffic to our website, and our membership increases each year. The best way for these disgruntled individuals to "make" me mind my own business is to stop having the need for a babysitter.
MY MESSAGE TO THE TRASH DUMPING LOCALS AND LONG TIMERS: Why don't all of you grow up, and start cleaning up your mess before you leave? Instead of blaming me, take responsiblity for your own actions, and clean up your damn mess. Is it really that hard for you guys to figure out? How much more clear do I need to spell things out? You can make up all the lies you want about me, but these pictures tell the truth about who you are, and what your agenda is. Year after year, this website reigns supreme, and all of you "LOCALS" become further isolated and more insignificant. Your old ways of trash and sewage dumping will eventually be replaced by common sense ideas. I will not go away, and I will not be intimidated by a bunch of neanderthals who have no clue about what this organization is trying to accomplish. So why don't you "LONG TIMERS" try a different approach for a change, and clean up your campsites without having a website babysite all of you? You "LOCALS" should be embarrassed of yourselves that an "OUTSIDER" has to come along and tell you what to do. You brought this on yourselves. Your filthy and uncivilized camping ways, year after year of allowing people to dump anything they want, has caused me to step in and take charge of this situation. As a result, I'm going to tell you to clean up your mess stop digging sewage pits. DON'T LIKE IT? TOO BAD! Man up, and start treating your surroundings with some diginty. Otherwise, I'll continue to hold your hand like babies and run things my way. You "LOCALS" clearly need someone to tell you to stop dumping, because you can see from the pictures not a single one of you has the brains to take charge and do this job yourself. You apparently need someone to "boss over you" and make you clean up, how patheitc!
Any of you "LOCALS" want to prove me wrong? Send me some photos and videos of you guys cleaning up your own filth. But untill then, stop whining and complaining like toddlers and do something for yourselves for a change. Show some leadership, rather than send me goofy emails telling me to shut down the website. That hasn't worked for the past 12 years, what makes you think a few more complaints will do anything? Stop acting like simpletons and come up with a better strategy if you really oppose what I'm doing. So long as you keep dumping and digging septic pits, I will be around whether you like it or not. The focus is on YOU and the TRASH & SEWAGE, not me. I didn't cause the mess, YOU did! You "LOCALS" need to stop being so jealous of me, and learn how to stand on your own two feet to solve the dumping problem without a babysitter. The ridiculous emails you "LOCALS" are sending me show that you really need me around for a very long time. Over the past 12 years, there has been little improvement in the trash dumping and sewage pits. This means I need to keep holding your hand a while longer until you babies grow up, and learn how to join the human race. Most of society doesn't live in a giant garbage dump, surrounded by raw sewage. So you "LOCALS" need to get a clue, you are the only ones who live like savages, and you choose to do it voluntarily, which is pathetic. So if you really want me to "mind my own business and go to hell" then you need to clean up. Otherwise, I'll keep doing things my way. Until better ideas come along, you have no choice in how this website operates. I'll continue to post trash photos and let everyone know that the "LOCALS" and "LONG TIMERS" at Slab City enjoy living like filthy pigs, and have no desire to change their ways. The pictures prove I am correct, you guys absolutely refuse to act civilized. The only reason this website is still around is because the "LONG TIMERS" want to have it this way, they don't want to clean up. They want me to keep babysitting them. The "LONG TIMERS" have themselves to blame for this website "butting into their bussiness". If they hadn't made such a mess, I wouldn't have built the website. How about that Judy, Mike, Bill? You guys are the ones who made this webstie famous. You caused all of this, it's on you. Your agenda is all about the music stage and all that crap, but nothing about cleaning up or acting responsible. You guys put no effort into making people clean up before they leave, as the pictures prove time and time again. None of you would last two seconds at Burning Man, they would expell all of you filthy trash dumpers.
NOTICE REGARDING DONATIONS: In 2002, we were contacted by an individual who called himself Canadian John. He claimed to represent a group of "Slab City regulars" who were interested in getting a large flatbed truck to haul away some of the junk cars. We gave him $300 because he said he needed the money for diesel fuel to bring the truck. John disappeared into thin air with our money. So that pretty much put a stop to us handing out money blindly to anyone who appeared to need help. You "LOCALS" already have the means and the resources to end the trash and sewage dumping completely, but instead, you invite more of it. We are fully aware that you guys arrange for local workers (usually teens or drug addicts) to dig new septic dumping holes (honey pits) for RVs as they arrive. We have had many reports that you guys are collecting money from digging those holes. YOU'RE PROFITING BY TRASHING THE ENVIRONMENT! That is the complete opposite of our cause, so that's why none of you "LOCALS" are currently getting any funding from this organization. GOT THAT STRAIGHT? You can complain all you want, but we are not sending funds to KNOWN SEWAGE DUMPERS who keep encouraging the same thing year after year, that's not what this organization was founded for. We are not here to supply you guys with free cash so you can keep destroying Slab City. If you "LOCALS" want funds from this organization, you will stop sending us dopey emails and show us the results of actual work being done to solve the problem. No money will flow from our account into the Slab City community until you stop digging sewage pits and show videos of people being evicted for littering. Until you show some responsibility, there will be no funds sent to irresponsible individuals who have been a part of the dumping all these years, so let's be clear about that. Don't ask us for any money until you show us that you are taking responsibility for your community. We'll just keep it in the bank for now, and use it to help cover the cost of maintaining our website and promoting our ideas. We don't send cash to hole diggers or junkies who trash the place. Sorry, you'll need to come up with your own website for that type of funding. Our organization is not a source of easy funding for your parties, you guys can pay for your own pot and booze. We are only interested in assisting people who want to SOLVE the trash and dumping problem. But the "LOCALS" and "LONG TIMERS" are blocking any chance of us sharing funds, due to their actions, so just keep that in mind. All you have to do is take a look around to know why this organization doesn't mail checks to any of you losers. If you want our cash assistance, you can't have it both ways, the septic holes and dumping need to stop first. Then, maybe we can discuss transfer of funds, but not until the mess is completely gone will anyone receive one cent from us. Another 12 years of doing things "your way" isn't going to convince this organization that our funds will be used properly. One look at these pictures says none of you "LONG TIMERS" deserve anything from this organization by way of cash funding. We are not going to reward you for years worth of acting like a bunch of dirty savages. Stop begging us for money, and go clean up your mess. If you want any funding from us, we need to see some real action first.
-Eric Amptmeyer (Founder of the Slab City Organization)


the funniest part about this is how inaccurate his is in all his "details" are about me, and just how ridiculous this stupid internet drama has gotten. im not even mad, i just think it's funny, sad, and pathetic. i was ready to let it be, but now, fuck it, i think everyone should send an email to this guy telling him what a drama queen he is.​


I see this as free advertising for the site. since anyone who's reads this on his site might want to do their own research on Matt and when they do they will find a website that truly is dedicated to the preservation of the traveling and communal societies.


Active member
Oct 21, 2012
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I saw that site and immediately fucked it off. It seemed shady right away. I can understand the wanting to clean it up...i plan on keeping my shit straight when I go there. But shit, he sounded almost police state about it


Active member
Sep 6, 2013
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It seems to me that a good way to combat this jerk is to come up with an official website that can refute the .org.

I load in and it comes back with a logo pic and a bunch of related links, but no site... comes back, but is just that, a panoply of personal stories, no real "site".

The exposing of this phony here is good, but an official website would be ideal, and maybe this guy could be prosecuted for fraud?

Once a genuine site is established, they could do a video interview and see what the folks at Slab City have to say about this shit-bird and settle it for all to see.

(Then, we can send him a turd gift card for his birthday.) (Dog crap on the front door knob is another good one and makes it oh-so painfully personal. :eek:)

Thx :cool:
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Website is the official site now, run by someone that lives there.


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Jun 11, 2011
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Not totally related but I wanted to clarify. Guy is a huge d-bag whom lies and manipulates for his own financial benefit.
Slab city stories was created by an awesome young woman and friend named Jessica Lum whom passed away early this year. She is missed. While doing that piece she was in and out of the slabs frequently and would send us gift packages from civilization that included books, board games and xbox games [Ya we had an xbox at EastJesus].

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