Share your greyhound/shame hound/dirty dog horror stories


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
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I rode a greyhound from Savannah GA to Tucson AZ once, which is already a shitty time even if everything goes right..

Somewhere in Tx the driver mentions that some app on her phone won't let her log in to keep driving cuz she's over on hours (or something like that. I was towards the back of the bus). So she says we need to wait for greyhound to say she can keep driving. She waits a few minutes then starts driving. Rumours start circulating around the bus that's shes high af on meth, and some lady and her husband call the cops and the bus gets pulled over in Van Horn TX. The lady and her husband who called the cops start announcing shit to the bus and saying all kinds of weird shit. She tells everyone she has her CDL and blah blah and shes also an attorney and is gonna file a class action lawsuit against greyhound and gives everyone her info to call her when this is all over. Ofcourse none of it was true so ig she just wanted to either keep everyone calm or to just be a psycho wack job lol idk.

We all get out on the side of the road and wait for a new bus. We get a new bus after a couple hours and finally make it to el paso to get a shitty free meal from greyhound made by the super overwhelmed cooks that now have to make a whole bus of people food, cuz greyhound is a bunch of cheap bastard assholes who don't wanna refund a ticket no matter what happens on your ride. I can't wait til that shithole company finally goes under and the real bus companies take over.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
get a shitty free meal from greyhound made by the super overwhelmed cooks that now have to make a whole bus of people food, cuz greyhound is a bunch of cheap bastard assholes who don't wanna refund a ticket no matter what happens on your ride.
frankly i'm shocked they gave you any compensation at all. most of the times I've had a problem on the bus their answer is everything just short of 'tough shit buddy, deal with it'.
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Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
I'm bumping this thread because of how awesome it is.

I'll edit my story into this post when I get a minute after my (city) bus drops me off in SLC.

The Toecutter

The Patron Saint of Filth
Oct 2, 2022
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Everywhere and nowhere
My worst experience on the bus was seeing a bunch of cops rifle through my belongings, without probable cause, or a warrant. That angered me. But supposedly, riding the bus means you willingly gave consent to be searched. Which is absolute horseshit, but that is what the courts say is the case.

Basically, one of the police dogs sniffing through everyone's belongings alerted the cops it had found something. The cops then decided to go through ALL of the belongings in the general area that the dog alerted, including my duffle bag. They unzipped my bag and dumped everything onto the ground from a height of about 2 feet. My laptop computer crashed to the ground, cracking the case(fortunately the computer still worked). I then had to wait for them to finish going through everyone else's belongings before I could repack everything, which took me about 10 minutes and I almost missed my next bus because of it.

Another bad experience that stood out was being forced to use a Mens' room where the stall doors were removed. I'd rather not pollute this topic with that story, so it is being posted in the link below:

Good morning -

Fortunately, the company had the good sense to eventually replace those stall doors at a later date. I know this because the doors were there two years later the next time I stopped at that station.
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I’m not locked out but I can’t get in
Dec 18, 2020
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east coast
I took a grey hound from San Francisco to kw FL with my bf at the time it was the
w o r s t longest ride ever. We were pretty messed up at the time. We had got scabies in SF and had a baddd vodka habit. We started going through dts soon after we started the trip. Stopped in Reno and got a half gallon of vodka named the white wolf lol. Never saw it before and never seen it since, but I remember us wasted saying the white wolf bit us. I think cops came and started searching the bus not for us idk i always thought a meth deal went down. We ended up drinking it within a couple days I can’t believe we didn’t space it out

Before you know it we are shaking like leafs on trees in the middle of no where dry county’s so even if we got off wouldn’t have mattered
I think we got off in Saint Louis and they wouldn’t let us back on. Some how we did the next day after getting some more vodka. The rest of the trip is kind of a blur but I remember itching like CRAZY and using the hand sanitizer in the bathroom to calm it down, while also shaking and hallucinating. We had a 16 hour lay over in Miami were we were only able to panhandle 1 dollar and share a 211.
This was over 10 yrs ago now.
I have never taken a grey hound since.


Mar 8, 2023
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Not a horror. But, south of the northeast I was walking a back highway and spotted an off label charter bus and the driver let me hop on for free for a little while. Lol, I spent my stimulus on a train ticket from Tuscon trying to go to FL only to realize it only went as far as nola. What a trip. Had mushrooms and pot on the train and the attendant asked me for my ticket while tripping and I thought he said something about the smell and mentally freaked out for what felt like an hour until he repeated himself lmao.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2018
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I took a grey hound from San Francisco to kw FL with my bf at the time it was the
w o r s t longest ride ever. We were pretty messed up at the time. We had got scabies in SF and had a baddd vodka habit. We started going through dts soon after we started the trip. Stopped in Reno and got a half gallon of vodka named the white wolf lol. Never saw it before and never seen it since, but I remember us wasted saying the white wolf bit us. I think cops came and started searching the bus not for us idk i always thought a meth deal went down. We ended up drinking it within a couple days I can’t believe we didn’t space it out

Before you know it we are shaking like leafs on trees in the middle of no where dry county’s so even if we got off wouldn’t have mattered
I think we got off in Saint Louis and they wouldn’t let us back on. Some how we did the next day after getting some more vodka. The rest of the trip is kind of a blur but I remember itching like CRAZY and using the hand sanitizer in the bathroom to calm it down, while also shaking and hallucinating. We had a 16 hour lay over in Miami were we were only able to panhandle 1 dollar and share a 211.
This was over 10 yrs ago now.
I have never taken a grey hound since.

…… You got on a greyhound with a contagious skin parasite. Wow. Classy move.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2018
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My worst experience on the bus was seeing a bunch of cops rifle through my belongings, without probable cause, or a warrant. That angered me. But supposedly, riding the bus means you willingly gave consent to be searched. Which is absolute horseshit, but that is what the courts say is the case.

I just one to chime in to say that is ABDOLUTLEY NOT the case. Pigs, border patroll or otherwise have no special right to search your luggage on a bus without probable cause or YOUR consent. Greyhound lets them do their little ‘inspections’ and lies, saying they are required to do so under law(their not) You 100% can refuse to let cops search your bag, infact if they even take your bag out of the bus and take it somewhere or possibly even to inspect it that constitutes an illegal seizure. Greyhound continues to refuse to protect its customers from harassment from cops, so you have to do it yourself.



I’m not locked out but I can’t get in
Dec 18, 2020
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east coast
…… You got on a greyhound with a contagious skin parasite. Wow. Classy move.

I can look back now and see it wasn’t right, your right on that. Can’t say I’m proud of everything in my life. I do know we were dying out there. Young naive and sick and dying. I do know not to go around judging people for things they’ve done when I myself havnt always been a stand up person. The guy I was with has since passed on. may he Rest In Peace. As most everyone from the streets..I knew. Back then..back when..we were runaways waiting for death... I carry you with me<3

Coyote Red

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May 3, 2023
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Got on the greyhound outta New Orleans these dumb fuck kids claiming a certain gang were talking mad shit about doing this and that crime they had a baby w them. We get on the bus and they we bragging about how many xans they could take and I saw them popping em one after one after one. In my head I was like just get to where you're going don't say shit to these idiots. Not even halfway to Baton Rouge the one w the baby on his lap passes out and hits the floor along w the baby thank fuck baby was ok. The other dudes all pass out violently one by one. The lady next to them not in their group picks up and takes care of the baby the whole bus ride while these dumb fucks are zonked out one of them blocking the bathroom door. All the people from the font were coming back to use the bathroom and kicking the dude , no response. Baby ended up being ok the dudes all got kicked off in BR waking up not knowing what the fuck happened. Fucking greyhound man got plenty more stories lol


New member
Nov 22, 2022
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one bus ride from seattle to portland a few years back sticks in my head. i had some liquid xanax stuff (some random research chemical) and had been getting stoned and hanging at the big ol asian grocery waiting on the bus. I remember racking a bunch of notebooks and pens from uwajimaya and finding a decent bento box trashed . I remember struggling to eat and in the busted old bus, throwing me and my pack around.
I was pretty zoned out drawing for most of the ride, but at some point a crusty couple who had been sittin across from me got my attention, and offered me some fruity malt liquor they were sipping on. I went to scribe my name into the bathroom and remember the latch being broken, and clumsily falling out into the aisle. This kind of thing probqbly happened a bunch during that ride but, struggling to remember.
At some point i offered my new friends some of the liquid xanax, cuz they seemed fairly lucid and asked if i had anything fun. (i totally didnt realize i had a tolerance to the stuff at this point). We were like 20 mins from portland.
Pretty much as soon as we hit Portland, i could tell that they were waaaay more fucked up than i thought. We were speaking perfectly clearly moments before, and as soon as we were approaching downtown, they were both completely ripped.
Helped the driver drag these two off the bus and into their cab - one of them was much more lucid, but they were still bein’ rowdy as hell. Sounded like they had a safe place to stay for the night with friends, but i never got a confirming text. Either way, weird memory. Learned a thing ir two, i hope.
If for any reason those folks see this story or remember it - my bad :)
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Nov 26, 2019
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I've had shit get stolen on greyhound
Took some week long trips, which is horrific

Also picked up a few chicks during rides, so there's that to balance it


Nov 26, 2019
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I just one to chime in to say that is ABDOLUTLEY NOT the case. Pigs, border patroll or otherwise have no special right to search your luggage on a bus without probable cause or YOUR consent. Greyhound lets them do their little ‘inspections’ and lies, saying they are required to do so under law(their not) You 100% can refuse to let cops search your bag, infact if they even take your bag out of the bus and take it somewhere or possibly even to inspect it that constitutes an illegal seizure. Greyhound continues to refuse to protect its customers from harassment from cops, so you have to do it yourself.

Searches on transportation like that is complicated legally, especially interstate.

I'd recommend being dead sober and presentable if carrying anything sketchy on a bus. Also certain cities should just be avoided in that regard


Jun 29, 2023
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..Years ago, I was on a Greyhound heading to Ocean City. I used to write graff everywhere, & I tagged the window on the bus with 'BRAINWSHED', my tag. I KID YOU NOT, suddenly (and mind you, route 50 is only a 2 lane hwy.) the driver STOPS THE BUS in the middle of high speed traffic, on the right lane of the highway, didn't pull over or anything, gets out of the driver's seat, and STORMS straight down the aisle towards me. He DEMANDS that I clean the window off or he's tossing me off the bus. I think I told him I didn't do it, I can't completely remember, it's been a while. All I know is, he didn't kick me off right then, but at the very next station (which was close by) he comes up to me with a spray bottle of engine cleaner & a rag and demands I clean off the window or he's kicking me off the bus & calling the cops. Atp, I figured I'd just clean it off, it had now turned into this huge situation, so I did. Then I got off the bus to get a soda at the machine since the bus had a break there. Turns out the driver calls the cops anyway, AND STILL kicks me off the bus. I had a mad stash of markers down my pants. I hurried up & hid them before the cops got there, pretty sure they would search me. Turns out they didn't. The window was clean now, so nothing else could really be done. It sucked though cuz I got marooned at some out the way rinky dinky station that didn't even have indoor seating for 3 hours until the next bus came. I posted up in the parking lot with a 40 oz I bought at the store next door & waited it out. Met a cool dude walking by who bought me a dime of weed. I didn't know where I was at, so he went & got it. Atp, I was willing to gamble with 10 bucks in case he didn't come back, cuz I needed a head change from the whole ridiculous ordeal. It took dude a while & I thought he burned me. The bus finally starts to roll up, and I figured, he's gone, when I look up the street & yo is RUNNING full speed down the street towards me, from way far away! I was so happy! I doddled a bit to get the bus to wait, and he runs up to me apologizing for taking so long, and hands me the weed. All that for 10 bucks. Yo coulda just kept it. God bless him. You don't meet cats like that every day. I'll never forget it

train in vain

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Nov 15, 2009
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Out there
Not sure this is entirely a “greyhound horror story”, but it was a crazy, disorienting and stresssf experience none the less. At one point I thought I was catching a felony. April 2008. Houston. I’m bored as shit, been waiting in the station for hours when this huge, muscular, black dude with a doo rag and sunglasses on blasts through the front door and pretty much yells “who wants to smoke some weed?!? Follow me!” I was hesitant in Houston, but he looked pretty normal and naturally, I wanted to smoke some weed so me and few other guys followed him out the door. We got outside and he explained he didn’t have any weed yet, at which point everybody but me bailed. Once again, naturally. I asked if he knew where to get weed, he said he did and I had like 7 hours till my bus left with nothing better to do so I said fuck it and we walked downtown to a large central plaza somewhere. We hung around for probably an hour, with my new friend who called himself “Jamaica” working anyone there to get a 20$ bag brought to him. Thankfully he genuinely had my back, because a lot of them started asking about “white boy with the backpack” and undercover cops after a while. Little did I know... Anyway, dealer shows up after two hours, and we follow him onto a river walk type thing along a bayou. He pulls out a fake cell phone that’s actually a scale, and as soon as he drops the first nug onto it I hear behind me “STOP, HANDS UP, HOUSTON POLICE” I turn and two under covers have guns drawn on us from 20 ft above on a stair set. The dealer grabs his shit and runs, the cops blast by us chasing him. Jamaica very calmly laughs and says “well shit we better get out of here”. We walked again, for 3-4 miles this time, to a McDonald’s in SW Houston. The whole time he’s reassuring me he’s gonna get us some weed. In the McDonald’s he’s asking around, and eventually is able to straight up seduce a woman who was claiming had “no weed”, into selling him a pre wrapped 20 from her purse?!? That was when I realized this guy was on some other plateau of existence. We smoked in alley somewhere, and I was morbidly stoned. Back at the greyhound an hour later, with an hour to kill standing in line. The whole time Jamaica walks around talking people into sharing their food with him. Many people. At one point, he’s hitting on a teenage girl in front of her grandmother, hand feeding the girl grapes out of a bag her grandma is holding!! That got the police called. They came, and I watched paranoid as fuck from the corner while Jamaica talked the cops down and had them laughing within five minutes. We board the bus late afternoon, I pass out. Jamaica wakes me up in Baton Rouge later that night, where another traveler boards and gives us a bag of crawfish to share cause we’re ripped and hungry as hell. 7 AM, Jamaica wakes me up in Mobile, AL to smoke. He takes me literally inbween two buses 15 fr over, reaches into the back of his pants and pulls the bag of weed out his ass right there in front of me. He made some joke about it. He rolled, we smoked his butt weed. Once again ripped into the outer stratosphere, armed with my own personal can of Pringle’s chips. 30 minutes in, I pop the can and start munching away. I kid you not, the guy hears me eating, realizes it’s roughly my seating area, stands up, takes the shades off, and stares down the aisle. He sees my stoned ass munching away, and literally YELLS “ YO WHITE BOY, GIMME SOME OF THEM CHIPS” and walks down the aisle, takes the rest of the can right out my hands. I’m like WTF, but maybe I earned it for scarfing hard on the crawfish the night before. I’ll never be sure, so much weed. Agreed that we rode on in relative peace and sobriety to Norfolk, VA. Where I gained a internet stalker (different story) and ditched Jamaica. I couldn’t stay on his level for the whole trip north, and he had latched on and just wasn’t gonna leave me be. There were two buses going to NYC minutes apart from Norfolk, so I just got on the wrong bus intentionally. I will never forget Jamaica though, something of a genius and one of the most amazingly affable people I can remember meeting in all my travels.

This is awesome. I grew up in Houston and have been to that station more times than I can count and shit like this was pretty standard. It was even more wild in the 90s. A friend of mine got kidnapped by crackheads and tied to a chair in a bando (i cant remember where). There were always these sketchy dudes offering people rides haha. He was just dumb enough to gladly hop in the car. They stole all his money and just had him tied up while they smoked crack and like taunted him and shit. I kinda miss the old days when motherfuckers basically lived at that place. Now you cant even go into the terminal without a ticket. Which is probably good for the normal person just trying to get to Jacksonville to visit grandma..but we aint normal haha.

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