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I think everybody is just trying to help the OP the best way that they know how. Some people think support is the way, some people think scaring her into action is the way. Ultimately, no matter what we as individuals think, she has to decide the right way. No matter what our opinions and advice, she has to deal with the consequences of her situation and all of her future actions.

Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
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Slab City, Ca
Anyway, fuck OP. She came onto a website for crusty poor travelers begging for a free ride out of her own personal shitsmear of a life.

Let her die in a gutter. Who cares?

Only a bunch of dudes who think that she needs to have some dudes tell her what's what. You already told her enough.

Clearly, she's not interested in fixing her own life and expects somebody else to do it, or she's trolling for pity dick and a skeezy rape van to hang out in in exchange for a greasy jerk.


Apr 7, 2013
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Let her die in a gutter. Who cares?

If... we can't find at least one person at hand... who can care... then this world probably deserves to fucking burn.
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Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
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Slab City, Ca
I feel like natural selection is being undervalued here.

This world does deserve to burn, and it will probably literally burn on a larger time-scale than you can appreciate here and now as a tiny human on the internets.

People die in gutters every fucking day. Good people that do things for other people. This person doesn't even do anything for herself.


Apr 7, 2013
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I hope I'm lucky enough to die in the gutter as a good person...

Mostly I'm just lazy drunk and goofy...

@Cornelius Vango I see you want the op to stop being a victim and kick ass at life. Hopefully reading stuff here will help. It's the internets ... but sometimes...
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At the risk of also drawing your wrath, I kinda care. She may have a shitsmeare of a life but mine hasn't been much better. Not knowing every detail of her life, mine may have been smearierer!

I've never met the OP and I most likely never will. If she were to die in a ditch, I would never know. If I never knew, then how could I care. I do think that I know a couple of things.

I think I know that EVERYONE has a hard life, no matter how easy it looks from the outside. I think I know that there's no way I can possibly know the pains and hardships that every person i meet, everyday, has gone through. It doesn't matter whether those hardships are from that day, that week, that year, that lifetime - I think that I know that those hardships are still there.

It may be as you say, she's running a scam on those who have nothing. May be, I'm being naive (wouldn't be the first or last time) but I choose not to believe shes looking to scam and that she's just looking for advice. I choose to believe in the goodness of people. Yes, I get burned again and again and again in ways that barely seem tolerable at times. Being naive and believing in the goodness of a fellow human being - bc everyone is a person first and a type of person second - is much preferable to me than the option. That option is to believe in the evil of the human soul. That option brings me down to a way lower level than being burned ever has.

So I'm done. Believe it or not, I'm not judging anyone for anything they've posted. I'm just stating my personal beliefs for any willing to read them. You're now free to tell me what you would do with my bloody skull. You're free to call me what you will and point out how unbelievably fucking wrong I am. Believe this or not, there's nothing that you can say to me on here, or in person, that will effect me half as much as some of the things I've already heard.

With that I wish you all the happiness that life has to offer.
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Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
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Slab City, Ca
I deal with people like this on a daily basis. No amount of encouragement, explaining or hand-holding will do them any good.

Sometimes what it takes for a person to do what they need to do for themself is to completely hit rock bottom and reach out and realize that there is nothing reaching back for them. The more you prolong that point, the worse off the person will be.

If they already can't care about the multiple hands already stretched out to help them walk their path, then that's what's waiting for them, and they will either find their fire and rise out of their sad puddle of shit, or they won't, and they'll die cursing the world for the fate which they have manifested.

And the world will be a better place without them.
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You're absolutely right about that. Some people will wallow in their despair no matter what.

The one thing that i will add is that wallowing in a puddle of shit is the easiest thing to do when your life is at it's lowest. You look around and all around is black. No points of light to be seen. When it seems like there are no good options, no way out at all, you need something, anything. So what do you need?

You need that one point of light. Not the easy way out, just a possible way out. So you have all these hands reaching out to help you but if none of those hands spark the point of light within you then none of those hands do any good, however well intentioned. You don't need all of these hands, just the right hand. So what's the right hand?

The right hand reaching out is a total unknown, even to the person wallowing in the puddle. That hand may be just the right word, just the right sentence, just the right post that makes the wallower finally believe. Believe that maybe things aren't so bad, maybe there's a way out of this. Look, there's my point of light, where before I was drowning in a sea of darkness.

That hand may act through scaring the living shit out of a wallower that didn't think they could be any more scared. That hand may act through encouraging in a way uncommon and untried. I believe it takes all these hands offering for the wallower to find just the right hand. That's all anyone was trying to do here, regardless of the method they were do trying to do it in.

I've told you what I think I know in the last post. Let me tell you what I definitely know in this one. BTW, it may be the only thing I definitely know.


These ramblings were also my personal beliefs and opinions and after all, WTF do I know. I'm just a Traveller through time and space, making my way as best I can from minute to minute, day to day. If I can help someone along the way, then I can help myself in a less common way.


I am ::cigar:: a lot of stupid shit was said in this thread.
Im glad @AlmostAlwaysLost and others have kind hearts.

Thanks bro I appreciate that a lot.

And I apologize if my one comment seemed sexist I didn't mean to apply that women couldn't be or arent as tough as men. I just meant that its harder for some Normie's to adjust to this life than others. God knows I've failed more than I've succeeded.

Without STP I would have gone insane, but now I feel prepared for what is inevitably coming next. Instead of being a homeless bum i will be a travelling streetartist. You all gave me that strength I can't thank you all enough.

Let's not give up on anyone because others have fallen.

Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
Slab City, Ca
What you said was very much sexist and it wasn't okay and it wasn't true and beside that, it wasn't in any way helpful to anyone except to stroke your own ego.

I know tons of non-males who are doing way more hardcore shit than you've ever done.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
okay @Cornelius Vango let's all calm down, i think maybe you're reading into what was said a little too deeply, and besides, he apologized multiple times.

this has gotten way off topic and too close to a flame war for comfort. also OP hasn't responded in quite some time, so I'm closing this thread.
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