Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know about this tour I'm putting together for a new movie called "Train On The Brain":
YouTube - Train On The Brain (dir. Alison Murray) Trailer
In addition to Train On The Brain, I'm looking for other ideas from the StP community for movies or other things that I can present to people in the vein of 'alternative transportation' (i.e. bike tours, veggie oil cars, train hopping, etc).
also, if you'd like to join the tour (our veggie oil bus has plenty of room), need a ride somewhere along the way, or want us to stop in your town, reply to this post or send me a PM here.
This tour will likely be taking me through the following cities between December 15th to January 27th:
Philadelphia, PA
Baltimore, MD - Dec 17th, Red Emma's (http://redemmas.org)
Richmond, VA
Asheville, NC
New Orleans, LA
Austin, TX
Denver, CO
Park City, UT (Jan 17th - 27th Sundance Film Festival)
Click here to see a rough map of the route we're taking!
There are movies I've confirmed to be playing on the tour:
Train on the Brain (http://thehellhound.com)
Veg My Ride (http://submedia.tv/vegmyride.htm)
Trailer for "Road to Colossus" (http://www.roadtocolossus.com/colossusblog.html)
of course, we're looking for as many other towns as possible to stop through on this route as well. let me know if you'd like us to stop through your town!
"Alison Murray is a young Canadian who decided to ride the rails across America living as a hobo. By the time her journey was over, she had crossed the continent twice.
This is the story of her travels through huge, wide-open spaces and little Norman Rockwell towns, and her vivid encounters with "the elite of society's basement". It captures both the sense of carefree drift and the abysmal discomfort involved.
Riding a boxcar is "like being in a sauna that was in a blender" -- to say nothing of the filth, the exhaustion and hunger, and the constant anxiety about being thrown off the trains and beaten up by the police."
YouTube - Train On The Brain (dir. Alison Murray) Trailer
In addition to Train On The Brain, I'm looking for other ideas from the StP community for movies or other things that I can present to people in the vein of 'alternative transportation' (i.e. bike tours, veggie oil cars, train hopping, etc).
also, if you'd like to join the tour (our veggie oil bus has plenty of room), need a ride somewhere along the way, or want us to stop in your town, reply to this post or send me a PM here.
This tour will likely be taking me through the following cities between December 15th to January 27th:
Philadelphia, PA
Baltimore, MD - Dec 17th, Red Emma's (http://redemmas.org)
Richmond, VA
Asheville, NC
New Orleans, LA
Austin, TX
Denver, CO
Park City, UT (Jan 17th - 27th Sundance Film Festival)
Click here to see a rough map of the route we're taking!
There are movies I've confirmed to be playing on the tour:
Train on the Brain (http://thehellhound.com)
Veg My Ride (http://submedia.tv/vegmyride.htm)
Trailer for "Road to Colossus" (http://www.roadtocolossus.com/colossusblog.html)
of course, we're looking for as many other towns as possible to stop through on this route as well. let me know if you'd like us to stop through your town!