Reflections on the Road and Anarchy at 55


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Apr 25, 2018
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Odesa, Ukraine
This year I finally qualified to join the AARP, so I thought I would write some reflections on my experience as a road dawg and involved later in the anarchist scene. I know many people become road dawgs after reading anarchist zines, etc. I was already a road dawg when I encountered my first anarchists in DC in my late twenties, actually i met some anarcho-punks in Marseille when I was 18 in the Navy, but on a day to day experience it wasn't till i met some Christian Anarchists anti-nuke activists in DC that I ever knew anyone that said they were an anarchist. I had already been living on and off the streets by then, after leaving the military, when I joined at age 17 my father was incarcerated for armed bank robbery, but that isn't why I joined the military, I was a child of the Reagan years in a small rural Ohio community so joining was just part of life, so many high school classmates had already joined or were going to. I learned alot on special operations on submarines about actual US foreign policy, eventually I was kicked out of the military for refusing to fight.
I was lucky to discover Anarchism when I did, this was in the late 90s and early 2000s when there was a very large and growing anarchist movement, mainly because most on the left needed a new identity to rally around after the fall of the Soviets, kinda like today where leftists are gravitating toward the Democratic Socialists of America, which I joined when I was in the military and starting questioning the official line on our foriegn involvments. This was a time when the anti-Globalization movement was staging mass protests, with large mobilizations, like Seattle, Quebec City, several protests in DC, IMF-WB protests. Things were really alive and dynamic back then, it was also when people were optimistic about the internet and IT and the opportunities it could bring, but then eventually was taken over by the corporations and the new media and voice for independents was quickly placed under their control, so that now most radicals are contained in the databases of X and fB, easily tracked and studied. During these mobilizations we had our own media centers known as the Independent Mecia Centers (IMC). I was a reporter videographer with different IMCs, mainly in the SF Bay Area and DC. I was actually shot in the head while filming at protests in Quebec City. Things were cracking for anarchists back then. So what happened to it all?


When 9/11 happened I was working in DC at the IMC setting up for the major mobilization against the World Bank/IMF and neo-liberalism in general. It was anticipated to be a major protest along the lines of Seattle. But then some planes were flown into the symbol of neo-liberalism, the world trade towers, and all protests in an instant were shut down by organizers from mainstream groups and security protocols were brought in to make sure the neo-liberal order was maintained. Patriot Act, etc. Before then I had seen the precursors to the new state security apparatus that would be put in place, for instance when picking up a burner phone, several activist reported having to talk to the military to confirm their identity to get the phones. When covering animal rights activists I noticed that those policing the animal rights activists was mostly private security and it was private contractors that messed with them, not the actual government unless there was a violent crime. This was also a time when the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front were committing acts of violence as part of their campaigns. I also was active in Northern California's Earth First and met some rather famous members of the ELF, whose sincerity I will never question. I do believe it is important to seperate violence and military tactics from social movements and organizing, violence should never enter the social organizing sphere of resistance, they must always be seperate. I had scene how the state and private security had used again and again 'violence' as an excuse for 'repression' of not just those engaged in military organizing but also social organizing. Black bloc was fun in the day, from a reporters perspective, yet we really can't point at it achieving anything but breaking windows and making insurance claims to rebuild broken windows. I am from a Northern Irish background, indigenous Irish, you can look at the struggle of the Irish to see the difference between social-political organizing and military campaigns. It is easy to talk violent but another thing entirely to put together a military campaign that isn't just more symbolic violence.

It was after 9/11 that I also started noticing a new sinister form of surveillance and intoxication of activists to turn them against each other and divide the resistance to the neo-liberal order. I actually wrote a book about this technology that they use for COINTELPRO, it is called 'Battlespace of Mind' . I had watched collective after collective divide and factionalize after 9/11, there was definitely something different about this much personal conflict and lack of dialogue on issues as they came up in different groups. This was standard COINTELPRO stuff but with a new technical means to conduct divide and conquer. In my book I covered how they have dividing groups down to a science, divide, re-write the values of the group, make irrelevant. I also noticed that the world itself seemed to be participating in this surveillance which sounds crazy and luckily for me it is considered crazy so after years of squatting I was given SSDI payments for being crazy. Which has saved me many times, being considered disabled, actually I am autistic, has given me stable money while continuing to squat and resist on a personal level. My life became after 9/11 one of a struggle to survive through squattiing, dumpster diving and travelling around. One thing I learned thanks to my Earth First! experiences was how to survive in the forest, I discovered that in the city it was easy to be messed with by others, but in nature it was hard to be messed with because most people can't function in the forest.

One consequence of the increased surveillance and interference like in a COINTELPRO scenario it forced me out of work, I had worked as a graphic designer during the early mobilizations against the neo-liberal order, this allowed me to afford to go to various protests in North America. I later worked as a computer programmer. I have not worked in my profession since I noticed the increased surveillance against Anarchists, my last real job being alll the way back in 2005 as a software engineer.

One of my favorite groups that I participated in was SF Homes Not Jails, which was a collective of squatters, we would routinely go out and crack squats open for others to live in. this allowed us almost a total autonomy as we also did regular dumpster diving. It shows that you don't really need money to organize for what you need, but you do need a good process and dynamic among the collective members, which is one of the first things they will target, your cohesion. You might be surprised by how they will divide peopel, but one method I have seen again and again is that of sexual violence, whether provoking people to commit violence or by hypnotic suggestion of a victim, that reports things that never happened, or attackers that are blamed but they themselves have no real memories of the supposed events. I have seen this again and again, and usually a hard line is taken by one or more involved party, which usually limits others ability to understand if something has happened or not, as one stone walls the other party and vice versa, breaking down trust and communication, this is a very effective way to break up a collective. In my book I cover some of the physical technical ways they do this, for instance they can send out an Electromagnetic Wave at 6.6Hz which promotes violence in males, or they can just fake it all with hypnotic suggestion, where victims have no way of telling it's just a hypnotic suggestion, believing actual things had happened when they never did.

So if you can't tell what has happened to the Liberation Leftist struggle? Since 9/11 it has come under attack by technology and idealogues to destroy it, it is rather interesting that there was a major protest movement before 9/11 and since it has been systmatically destroyed. It has also been during these times that the rise in drugs among the unhoused also rose incredibly fast, so that now almost anyone that is unhoused is surrounded by tweekers offering a cheaper better high then safer drugs like THC, which also fights anxiety.

This is just a begining post, I hope to continue writing on my reflections and experiences that have seen me go from being a cog in the military and intelligence machine to one that has gone native and sees that resistance is our only hope.

Andrea Van Scoyoc

Animal/Enviro Activist, Tree Hugging Nature Fae!
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida
This is very cool! I'm 55 and have never been on the road, though I have an Outreach for fellow Travelers (being of Ethnic Gypsy honor of my grandmother) and hope to one day take to the roads.
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Big George W

Oct 21, 2021
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East Derby, Connecticut
I turned 59 back in March, and have never been on the road either but I am no stranger to the whole anarchist thing.... I just chose to go about it differently, in a manner where I have my own place bought and paid for, more or less, but more importantly set up exactly the way I want which enables me to do what I want to do, be what I want to be.

I subscribe to the CRASS anarchy, as I'm old enough to remember them in real time.

Anarchy, Peace, LOVE, and freedom.....

No truer words have ever been spoken.

I will re-read your original post once I get sometime to properly do so, then I will comment at greater length. as I've been away from STP for what I viewed as a necessary break, but thanks to a kind and gentle soul named Ali, who took the time to write a very long message to me, I have decided that now is a good time to return, not too mention this intriguing post of yours.

Cheers xoxo


Well-known member
May 30, 2018
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Kansas City
I had watched collective after collective divide and factionalize after 9/11, there was definitely something different about this much personal conflict and lack of dialogue on issues as they came up in different groups. This was standard COINTELPRO stuff but with a new technical means to conduct divide and conquer.

I'm 45, so my version of this is in the wake of President Trump's election. For a brief moment we were a unified front, but then not. I think it's a flaw in leftist activist circles. Now that I've been out of it for 5 years or so, I have done some reflection and I think most leftists that are "leadership material" treat people as resources for the cause rather than as humans who deserve compassion. There are also a lot of historically oppressed and persecuted minorities with a lot of pain that has to have an outlet, so there's so much division they don't even need the alphabet govt. orgs to do that damage anymore.
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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2020
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I suppose the theory of anarchism is that anyone who is "leadership material" is bound to fuck it up, because that's an inherent part of having authority in the first place. The contradiction with anarchism is that there are all these anarchist "thought leaders" out there, but if we can't trust anyone who speaks with authority, how can we trust them either?

The reductionist end state is that nobody should trust anyone and everyone should figure it out for themselves. But - as we have seen time and time again - when people decide to distrust anyone in a perceived position of authority, then we end up in a situation that favors the most sociopathic individuals, the ones who can bamboozle people into believing they are making autonomous decisions while actually they are being manipulated by the most self-serving scumbags in the business. Most of the time those scumbags are the usual array of solipsistic shitheels just looking to get laid or get rich, but even if they're not directly employed by authoritarians, they're doing the authoritarians' work.

The insidious part of undercover operations and psychological warfare more broadly is that it seeds exactly this kind of distrust. So authoritarians attack movements that challenge them by using techniques that not only undermine the movements but also go on to poison the minds of the "true believers" in those movements who then come to distrust everyone, ensuring they will never again be able to support any kind of organized resistance. You checked out of politics? Congrats, the authoritarians won.

This is why in my old age I have given up on seeing anarchism as meaningful goal in its own right, and I see it more as a thought experiment that warns about the dangers of authoritarian excess and imagines how we could structure society to empower people who traditionally might hold very little.

Meanwhile real change can be affected - at least in democratic societies - by being engaged with the political process, and that means accepting that there will be leaders who are imperfect but who may at least represent your interests better than others. It means trusting that people are trying to do what they can to make things better, even if they have to compromise from time to time, even if you don't agree on all the issues. But most of all it means openly talking about what you do believe in and what you think is right. People who only ever lived in countries that have a pretty good system of free speech don't always understand how much worse it is in places where open dialog really is limited, not just by cultural mores but explicitly and harshly, by an autocratic government.

Big George W

Oct 21, 2021
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East Derby, Connecticut
When I grew up in NYC, after being born in W.Berlin, E. Germany.... by 1982 I had discovered NYHC and CBGBS, and most important of all: Ratcage Records.
Could you imagine hanging out with Franco from MDC back then, for like 3 hours or so ??
All my friends became regestered Libertarians because they were viewed as the Anarchist Party.
Truth be told, I've been in that party 3x but was forced out in a fit of rage once they anointed Mien Trumpf to be the keynote speaker.
I went back to the Working Families Party, because they kind of reminded me of the collectives the poor in NYC's lower east side were about.
People like Steve Wishnia, he was and still is very vocal when it comes to tenants rights and has been a witness to the whole squatter thing too during the 1980s.
I still remember John The Communist at the marches..... and I still remember the Rock Against Racism/ Rock Against Regan concerts of the 1980s.
One thing I recently became aware of was during a live broadcast from Amy Goodmans Democracy Now program, there was a young girl from Fridays for Future [I might be wrong with the exact wording] at a huge march in NYC, and she spoke so well, so accurately of the state of our planet, and I could not help but feel....proud !!
Meanwhile where I live, the youth are more concerned with their gangsta life.....
I know, as usual I'm all over the place... but I honestly feel that as long as it's the same old white people calling the shots, nothing positive will ever take place.
The future is with the youth, those who are now becoming of age to vote.
Those who have only known violence and just want to live in peace with their friends.
Those are the ones who will save us from this ship of fools.......

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