possibly homeless soon


Apr 28, 2024
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hi everyone,

me and my partners housing situation fell thru and we weren't too prepared for it. we haven't worked in 2 years, we're mid 20s, trans. we have some extra money for a start at something, around 1k. we were looking into vans for a while but never seemed in our budget. we haven't had permanent housing for a while, at the whims of being kicked out so it was a long time coming, but we've never bummed it other than couch surfing. any advice would be appreciated. we've gotten used to shitty stuff before and dealt with traumas or whatever. but, ig you deal with it when it comes up or you don't make it. anyways, where do ppl buy cheap vans? i've been reading the rubbertramping stuff as well. any other ideas? we have a tent and sleeping bags. car right now but it isn't ours, just borrowing it for a short time. we are staying with a friend for a week to a month, not sure how long we are allowed yet. after that, nothing really lined up.

anyways, we like folk music, reading, weed, anarchism, and we've both done a bunch of mutual aid and related stuff.

nice to meet you all.

  • Best of Luck!
Reactions: NamelessExistence


"Divided we take our anti-depressants."
Dec 6, 2023
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Wadsworth OH
I'm more or less in the same situation you guys are. Currently at my partner's place, but there's a stupid limit of one person per room, so I'm here secretly while I get my affairs in order. Been trying to find cheap, fuel efficient cars, and work through the logistics of rubber tramping since I'll be looking forward to that for a few years at least.

Recently I've given thought to the idea of moving from place to place volunteering for mutual aid networks and getting in with different collectives while on the road, but I don't know of any orgs around my area, or even near the region to get started with.

Don't really have all that much experience myself yet, so pontifications aside, all I can really offer right now is solidarity from one soon to be traveler to another.


Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
I'm more or less in the same situation you guys are. Currently at my partner's place, but there's a stupid limit of one person per room, so I'm here secretly while I get my affairs in order. Been trying to find cheap, fuel efficient cars, and work through the logistics of rubber tramping since I'll be looking forward to that for a few years at least.

Recently I've given thought to the idea of moving from place to place volunteering for mutual aid networks and getting in with different collectives while on the road, but I don't know of any orgs around my area, or even near the region to get started with.

Don't really have all that much experience myself yet, so pontifications aside, all I can really offer right now is solidarity from one soon to be traveler to another.

Ah sounds tough. We've actually been involved in a lot of mutual aid over the years, its how we met. Would be nice to contribute in those ways but its hard when your living situations unstable. Still, I've always dreamed of being at an animal sanctuary. We've tried communes and stuff in the past but its always fallen thru. WWOOF seems maybe useful so im going to check that out. Ill always be searching and moving toward anarchy, whatever the confines of society push me thru.

Solidarity to you as well. I hope everything goes as smoothly as it can.


"Divided we take our anti-depressants."
Dec 6, 2023
Reaction score
Wadsworth OH
Ah sounds tough. We've actually been involved in a lot of mutual aid over the years, its how we met. Would be nice to contribute in those ways but its hard when your living situations unstable. Still, I've always dreamed of being at an animal sanctuary. We've tried communes and stuff in the past but its always fallen thru. WWOOF seems maybe useful so im going to check that out. Ill always be searching and moving toward anarchy, whatever the confines of society push me thru.

Solidarity to you as well. I hope everything goes as smoothly as it can.

You know, I was looking into WWOOF too, and there's a few listings on there that seemed pretty cool all things considered. If you guys end up working with WWOOF, I'd definitely be interested in hearing how that goes. I also looked into Communes, and might visit a few, but some of them seem a bit too weird for my taste, always some detail or another that makes me think "Yeah, it'd be perfect except for this one thing." Or "Yeah, I like the idea, but man do they expect a lot."

Still, it's appreciated. I hope things go smoothly for you both as well.

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