I’m kind of homesteading right now on my 1.69 parcel in a 12x12 cabin. Been busy as hell cutting wood for winter with a bow saw and axe, save chainsaw for really big stuff, all of which I mostly scrounge off the side of the road and beyond my land on an abandoned part of a tree farm, no vehicle so I ride bike 6 miles one way to town but on the way back it’s all up hill to my area, a higher elevation. I’m busy organizing extra gear to promote a less constricting space. Hopefully gonna do a little canning, meat and food stamp veggies. I collect rain water and walk about a mile total to a fresh spring piped from the ground.
It can really be awesome, I’m lucky to have great neighbors for visits at time plus food and town of course. Isolation is really the hardest, even with my dog. Animals all around, little people, stars and Milky Way a time nights, coyotes howling, bears hangin around etc