@ERSK , I travel.. Probably your equivalent to attempting to "asylum" yourself here, and I would say that as an American born Human, I have been hated by many outsiders.
As I am an advocate for peace, I ask why do you think we should let a mostly hateful and biased group, into America?
My experience Trumps all.
I don't expect you to like this comment.
I'm being real.
I've walked the streets of many cities.
I know there's hate out there.
I give respect constantly.
I find that the culture from your world and the hate therein, gets dispersed and slows down the further inland I go. Inland here in America.
Most likely due to the fact that most of the violent refugees or whatever, won't make it far inland, over time..
So, why if most of you hate our president, whom we elected in a majority, why, would you think the majority would accept that?
These and many more, are questions, you and your support should answer.
Afterall, with all the violence our people have against each other, we aren't trying to invade your country!