"it's because of YOU, that more and more people are becoming anti homeless and the cops are cracking down on honest free spirits, because they can't and aren't interested in learning the differences between those of us free spirits and the assholes who are just lazy bums who will never amount to anything because they never want to."
No, cops are cracking down on honest free spirits because cops are cracking down on honest free spirits. Cops like cracking down. It's what they do. If they could crack down on anyone for any reason, they would. And they regularly do crack down on people for any reason at all, at least where minorities (including homeless people) are concerned.
I feel your position is a position that indirectly and perhaps unknowingly favors the cops and complacent property owners. Cops are violent and would crack down on you for walking around without your top on in many places, lady. Is that fair? I know dirty kids are annoying but they're not the ones using batons and guns on people, putting people in handcuffs and throwing them in jail, throwing teargas into crowds, etc.
Relative to cops, they're hardly that bad.