She’s alive then? Wow. There’s so many people that know her in New Orleans I’m suprised nobody has said they have seen her? That’s amazing news
Yes, I know. I have contacted all of our mutual friends from Nola, that are still there anyways…nobody has seen her, the last person who I was told had seen her just passed away in Nola themselves. I don’t know if the other mutual friends are lying to me about not seeing her around, because they just don’t give a shit and don’t want to get involved- or are telling the truth. I know a lot of people got real pissed with her and a lot of those bridges were burned, but I am her family and I finally have the resources to help her, and to get her “home” or at least home with me. I have to keep looking and trying. The crimewatch episode was episode 4 or 5 of this years 2021 season it was released for air in April , but it was filmed in February according to obituary we found of another woman who passed away on the same episode of that show. I have reason to believe it was a deliberate attempt on her life, she was shot at point blank range because of the powder burns on her skin. She was shot in the back, in the left shoulder, narrowly missing both her heart and lungs. Nobody else was shot, they didn’t rob her or anyone else, all anyone saw was a guy with a grey hoodie running away. She gave them her legal name and then They took her to the hospital. I already cussed out NOPD for not noticing they made contact with a missing person during a gunshot wound response, and they couldn’t help me with any information about where off villere the shack and encampment she was shot in were or are.
Now that Ida went through though,——that was the last known update about her, and I have no idea if she recovered from that gunshot, if anything else has happened, or if she’s still alive.
Anyone with any tips- please let me know!
I can’t afford to go down there without knowing I’m going to find her.

Message me here if there anything anyone knows- it goes straight to my email