I crave loneliness like a mad man. im sick of the voices... the voices.. everywhere... traffic, people, cars, stoplights, buildings, workers, people, problems, drama, life, its everywhere....but they get to you. women stealin my souls, dying inside, life changing experiences.....gotta get away. fuck being lonely. i love it. mmm freedom, ecstasy. Just me and the blue sky....the long green rolling hills and yellow corn fields... goin down country roads into another time...another world. not seeing a soul for days, weeks on end. fuckin hell yea. fuck modern life. just be happy with my convictions and ways and take delight in everything., get high off life. even if it kills me. risk my life everyday doin crazy shit, just for the adrenaline and thrill ride i get off life. damn. ramblings of a man mad longing for solitude. give me my peace away from this damn screwed up world.