I think,perhaps,Tom, that you are equating StP with larger social media.
as @
Shwhiskey Gumimaci said, "
He spends HOURS every day working on this website. Spends time finding moderators to keep things ffrom falling apart when he can't be online. Has kept this site going for some 15 odd years and created an entire community for us to meet and interact and have positive experiences."
he does this, in fact, *while he is actually either mobile or displaced*, last i saw, personally & directly, in the goddamned desert, with electricity running from a small, shared generator & using a communal shithole dug 4' deep in the sand.
This in nothing like facebook, of course, or myspace..
StP, even with all the love & strength & contributions of the moderators and staff doesn't even come close to the resources of, say (as hardcore grassroots as they are), RiseUp.net.
At least you've been spoken to, tenderly or not, by not a single person who has any other interest in *ideology* itself, regardless of how disparate, conflicting, inconsistent or perhaps even foolish or untenable those ideologies my be.
we have learned, very much, that most venues of digital interaction come guised beneath some sort of vested interest.. because of this, i can honestly understand your initial anger & suspicion..
it might be usefull to note that matt's *usual* donation drive is *fifty fucking dollars a fucking *MONTH**, and merits that are earned are based, in fact, on contribution of content & not donation.
nobody gets hit for mandatory personal info, & even 'violators' of the website rules get to A: state their opinions, B: voice their gripes pretty heavily & repeatedly & C: get input not only from the founder, but look at the number of responses you've generated, eh?
& you haven't been banned, so.. i think the skins are pretty thick, and that it might be wise to assess whether we are just a bunch of fucking sycophants, a goddamned cult, a flaming shithole of variously deranged losers, or.. or, perhaps, a community which values not only freedom, but a distinct (if maybe a little overbearing) initial loyalty towards someone who has given (as already said) so much of their life to make a place where we are free to rail, flame, condemn, encourage, hope, enjoy, instruct, share, support and even aid & abet within the contexts of whatever risks we are each willing to present to each other..
--hopefully with enough integrity that we may be able to make that risk of placing trust before fear (because, comrade, if we have not that, we goddamned fucking fail, don't we?), so that we may able to **accomplish**, however small, what we hope and dream we have the power to, because we thus know that any promise we make to each other is more certain than any fight we will have against the world at large, when all we can do is hate what it does to us, when we are against it, alone...
i do not know you.
i do not know your ideologies, your past, your actions from courage, foolishness, friendship or love.
i can only suggest that you settle down a little bit, look at the way things are *able* to work, instead of being confrontational because things are not immediately aligned to the architecture you would have personally designed upon default.
StP, is, in fact, my friend, a community build.
you have been assailed, already, by those whom would point what your previous words were, towards you.
my suggestion now, having been bitten after biting, is to say to yourself "holyjesusfuckingchristalmighty!! there are other dogs here!!" & start wandering around & sniffing a few assholes, gently..
participate & contribute.
if we aren't your cup of tea, don't hate us.
anarchy is not about either rules or the absence of them.
anarchy, ultimately, is about forgiveness, because we each, individually, refrain from physically damning each other because our simple methods of construction differ from each other.
come to a jambo..
don't be just an online presence..
nothing is perfect, and nothing can be, so don't waste the good energy of your hatred on targets where hatred of injustice is not only understood,
but put to use..
good luck, bro, because you're part of what will make a difference..