Jim Stobe has passed


Deleted member 20

I had never heard of this dude before he caught westbound & this obit was posted on STP. Originally I scanned his vids & was not initially overly impressed. I rarely watch YT vids about riding trains. Here, he is a super nice, soft spoken & suburban railfan who actually hops trains while drinking beers & living the dream. Of course this could be a warning to any number of his 10k+ fans online as to the dangers of riding trains. If he or someone new approached me on STP today; I probably would discourage him in an obligatory fashion & share some basic info with him if he asked. His gear seems to always be falling apart yet his booze supplies never run out?

I have since watched a few of his videos in length; i dig the piano music & am glad that he went out doing what he loved. The sad music almost feels like a self fulfilling prophecy at times.

I will admit that he & his videos have grown on me with his departure. RIP Stobe

To the many who dream about hopping trains while watching his videos who forget that people get hurt & die on trains. This news is a solemn reminder.

Ride Solo/Ride Sober!
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Aug 6, 2014
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Cheyenne WY
Sent a cold one out in memorial.


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Dec 25, 2008
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Lincoln ne
@MooSlim420 I have asked the same thing. Nobody can show a link to a news article about it. Only second hand reports from people claiming to have heard about it happening. Strange


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2016
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Ogden, UT
A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS>>>>>I tried to say hello to this fellow once: My friend and I were in the yard when Mr Stobe and his crew came by. We tried to say hello, but he scurried off into the woods. Eventually, my friend & old hippie tramp 2Slim went to meet with them the next day after I left, and they made a video about it. He seemed like a decent fellow, but definitely a tramp in training. He tried to put on the aura of a hard-boiled, road-wise stiff. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it was clear that the way he rode, spoke, and did things, indicated that he was not a blowed in the glass roadster. He would make comments in his videos that suggested he did not really know the routes or towns. The final nail in the coffin (pun I suppose) confirms what I am saying. If you look at the map that run998rs just posted you can see he why he was killed...He was hoofing it on the North East Corridor!!!!! Are you fucking kidding me!?!?! What in the hell was he doing on that line?!?!?! That is the busiest passenger corridor in the country!!! Amtrak will run hot and fast through there constantly!!! 200 MPH trains run on that dedicated track!!! The catenary should have given it away!! If you see power lines above you and you are hoofing it on the roadbed underneath, Good-God!! GET OFF THE TRACKS!! He was obviously on the NE Corridor street trestle at E Monument Street, got whisked away, then pancaked it on the street below..... Bottom line: He was either without his cellphone, no map, drunk/lost, or just plain clueless. What I'm saying does not sound sensitive. It sounds judgmental I know, but I am mad as hell!! He didn't have to die in this way!! It is a shame he did, because he did not know what he was doing!!! Period!! A totally unnecessary tragedy.
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Deleted member 20

A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS>>>>>I tried to say hello to this fellow once: My friend and I were in the yard when Mr Stobe and his crew came by. We tried to say hello, but he scurried off into the woods. Eventually, my friend & old hippie tramp 2Slim went to meet with them the next day after I left, and they made a video about it. He seemed like a decent fellow, but definitely a tramp in training. He tried to put on the aura of a hard-boiled, road-wise stiff. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it was clear that the way he rode, spoke, and did things, indicated that he was not a blowed in the glass roadster. He would make comments in his videos that suggested he did not really know the routes or towns. The final nail in the coffin (pun I suppose) confirms what I am saying. If you look at the map that run998rs just posted you can see he why he was killed...He was hoofing it on the North East Corridor!!!!! Are you fucking kidding me!?!?! What in the hell was he doing on that line?!?!?! That is the busiest passenger corridor in the country!!! Amtrak will run hot and fast through there constantly!!! 200 MPH trains run on that dedicated track!!! The catenary should have given it away!! If you see power lines above you and you are hoofing it on the roadbed underneath, Good-God!! GET OFF THE TRACKS!! He was obviously on the NE Corridor street trestle at E Monument Street, got whisked away, then pancaked it on the street below..... Bottom line: He was either without his cellphone, no map, drunk/lost, or just plain clueless. What I'm saying does not sound sensitive. It sounds judgmental I know, but I am mad as hell!! He didn't have to die in this way!! It is a shame he did, because he did not know what he was doing!!! Period!! A totally unnecessary tragedy.
Agreed, I was also trying to mention this without sounding like a dick. Thank you for saying what I also thought. When I watched his videos (postmortem), my criticism gave way to sadness. Another young drunk with a camera is dead. Instead of him honing his train skills he wanted to gain YT followers and chronicle it all. The fact that he was a daily drinker and required booze to hop trains sure looks like active alcoholism. Only he could have determined that. To anyone who uses his videos as instructive, this very much was a tragic accident but there were many red flags to his style of riding trains.

Had he tried more to be a student of the road insted of teacher, he might still be around.


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Can ya'll please keep this thread what it was intended for....an obituary. Speaking ill of the dead in an obituary is bad karma, no matter how true it may be, not to mention incredibly disrespectful.

Stobe was a part of this community, and should be mourned as a part of it. Everyone/anyone can make a stupid mistake that rears the ugly head or mortality, its the human condition.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2016
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Ogden, UT
I agree with everything you said Highwayman. I don't like to judge people. I am not trying to diminish Jim and his life in any way, but for hell's sake!!! Walking on the NE Corridor roadbed?!?!?! I guess we will never know what was going on in his head. I can just say he was in over it. He didn't know the territory. He didn't need to go out like this. Best to his friends and family.
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Nov 23, 2017
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Charlotte, NC
Signed up just to give my $0.02.0%

Give me this guy over the violent drunks and heroin addicts that make up the majority of this "community" any day.. Coming from someone who has been out there in multiple countries longer than pretty much anyone here with zero injuries in almost two decades..

I would "scurry" off too.. If you don't have to go on a defense at least once a month you're not out here..

That being said: This is either a rookie mistake or inaccurate scenario.. Considering he was at the bridge( I looked up the mile marker) after being dragged I'm going to go with someone half-assing the entire story.. How disrespectful and lazy.. Typical millennial grade BS.. Also, when did it become news that railroad stuff doesn't make it to the TV??

P.S. if I don't answer soon it's because I'm not a weekend warrior or trend-chaser
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Active member
Feb 3, 2018
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Concord nh
Although Stobe never really at least documented riding an auto rack in his life, he did gain a lot of knowledge over time and even co-rode with at least one of our fellow STP members. I really thought he would pull a few thousand more miles and play it safe long enough where I would actually ride along with him. I know we lost a lot of good celebrities within the past year and a half, but it was a total blindside where I did not expect us to lose one of our own.

Per Matthew 6:13, Stobe, may the next train deliver you from evil - so you don't have to experience any more pain or suffering.

Lol, stobe always trying to get that Casey’s and beer
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Sep 1, 2018
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If anyone in the Baltimore area would like to pay their respects at the site there is information at: http://ssoih.com/stobe.html
It's sad the media couldn't cover any of this. The hobo community has been very gracious sharing memories and stories of Stobe. Stay strong.
Rest in peace Stobe
Thank you... finally some closure.

I downloaded Stobe's complete archive from some dropbox link posted on reddit and randomly selected a video to watch. Guess what? The video just happens to be Stobe catching out from the city I'm currently in.
So what did I do? Naturally I wanted to find the exact spot where he caught out; so I did.
To my great surprise, less than an hour later, a train came through at the same time (2:30am) from that RANDOM video I watched and I thought, "wow... stobie-wan kenobi was RIGHT HERE man. Wish I could have met up with the dude but at least I'm still learning things from him even after he's gone. RIP"

Strange how life works.


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Jun 20, 2019
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Cleveland, OH
Do you think some fuckers pushed him over because they had some stupid idea that hid videos were , " burning the rails" . Which is complete bull shit. How did he fall? Drunk? Wtf man. I loved his videos. He made me want to start posting some of my own. Rip .

Dude! Absolutely! I use to ride back in 2008 & FTRA are seriously killers, they'll kill just because. Furthermore, he landed on tracks and was run over by another train which destroyed any evidence of anything happening. FTRA are sick they use to take people hostage in the yards & piss on bandannas and make them wear it. FTRA SHOULD BE KILLED! EVERY1!!!
Stobe was so nice, he trusted too many people and got killed!!! Nobody out there to hear you scream for help or to hear you die.
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Deleted member 23824

Dude! Absolutely! I use to ride back in 2008 & FTRA are seriously killers, they'll kill just because. Furthermore, he landed on tracks and was run over by another train which destroyed any evidence of anything happening. FTRA are sick they use to take people hostage in the yards & piss on bandannas and make them wear it. FTRA SHOULD BE KILLED! EVERY1!!!
Stobe was so nice, he trusted too many people and got killed!!! Nobody out there to hear you scream for help or to hear you die.

You know, you really should think before posting.

Feel free to contact Jim’s parents, through the memorial page they have set up on Facebook. They will set you straight real quick. You stated something you simply believe as a set-in-stone fact. Was it the second shooter on the grassy knoll?

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