a lot of travelers just find stuff more important than traveling..
a good train jumping daddy will sit his ass down for a baby, and once that happens, mom or dad, it doesn't mean you 'didn't last', it just means yer balls are bigger than a choo choo..
@Hillbilly Castro & myself were talking, just yesterday, about not the fact that not too many idealistic older folks remaining on the road, and that was the only answer i could come up with..
most of you lovely smarmies are less than 30 or 35..
imma almost fucking 60..
you do one of two things to keep traveling, at least as a goddamned guy, & still keep yer goddamned fucking balls..
but.. nevermind...
y'all know..
that thing between yer fucking legs is either a friend or an enemy, and you answer to it by either lie or commitment..
the journey may be the fucking same..
it isn't a matter of 'lasting'..
it's a matter of remaining honest..
if you aren't a person whose word can be trusted, you aren't a goddamned traveler.
my poppa sat in a fucking building for 30 fucking years because he loved us, and for some reason or other that poor bastard married my mom, who dragged his ass to.. i dunno..
a zillion fucking countries & every continent save antarctica..
maybe not jumping trains, but if my daddy said he was yer friend, he'd pull a knife out between you & whatever, & i know this for a goddamed fucking fact..
& more than goddamned once..
who lasts for what?
if yer some old tooth busted smell stomper who shares his last can of fucking beans with no more than a handshake, i suspect you've lasted..
goddamned fuck..
one of the holiest fucking bastards i ever met was a goddamned fucking ancient dirty fingered, trash can scrounging, deep deep deep northwest sub-freezing winter crawling vegetarian sonofacock who wouldn't accept a can of soup because it had fucking chicken in it.
i dunno how you measure 'lasting', but if i can die with his soul, i think i might miss the next turn of the wheel..
don't be pridefull because you travel.
yer just a human doing your thing, and as long as anyone else can keep a promise to others, based upon the fact of the honor needed between guest and host, then they continue to last..
those whom open their doors to us, in holy fucking trust, are certainly at least our equals, unto the the death they find, when they can, no longer...