How Has Government Lock-Down Affected Your Travel?


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Oct 20, 2018
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Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
I'm just curious about those of you out there right now trying to move about the planet. How has the crazy Government lock downs, especially in California, affected your travel abilities? Has it made it easier or harder? How are you resupplying with everything closed or sold out? How are the cops reacting to you? How are you supporting yourself?

I guarantee you all that after all this virus thing passes over, life will NEVER be the same again on this planet! The world's governments will want to start tracking everyone's movements. I've heard cash will go away completely--haven't you heard money carries germs. The global economy will be collapsed. The supply chain will be broken. Worse, as this drags on--and I believe it will drag on a lot longer than they think, people's resolve will start breaking down. Right now everyone is acting civil because they believe the Governments are going to solve all the problems. What happens when the Governments simply run out of money and resources?

These are just a few things I've been thinking about this past week. Our world has gone into full WAR mode, nothing like this has been seen since World War II, but this time, so far, nothing has been done to combat the enemy. Morale will NOT hold up forever.

The Coronavirus will pass and most will survive it, but at what cost to our economies and personal freedoms?

Post your thoughts, stories, comments below. I'm sorry to post such a depressing picture, but this is the way I see things going right now....
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Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
I don't know how the future will be and I think nobody knows, even the experts in specific fields. Because the situation is unprecedented and nobody know how long the crisis will last.

Of course there were pandemics before but not in the now globalized world like this. Our only hope is science now.

All my best wishes are with all of you currently travelling and/or being houseless.

I'm currently housed and have a job (work from home) that seems to be quite safe for the time being. I missed the streets all the time but now I am glad I have a place to stay at the moment, because I think I could not maintain my lifestyle on the road anymore.

Thing is as I travelled UK I made a little bit of money playing harmonica. Was enough for some drinks and often even tobacco. Food I only bought rarely cause you could always ask at takeaways for leftovers just before they closed. Often even that was not neccessary cause nice people offered a slice of pizza or some sandwiches or alike. And as a fallback there were always the foodruns, day centres and so on.

Now everything will change or already has. Much less people on the street who could drop some coins. If they are even in the mood to donate something. I think most of the people will try to hold together their money now. All restaurants and takeaways closed. Pubs as well, no social gathering allowed anymore. Plus most of the food runs and day centres closed or on limited service. I can't blame them cause many of the people working there are elderly people who should stay at home now and even donations (from supermarkets for example) drop dramatically cause there is not much to donate at the end of the day.

So everyone living a normadic lifestyle at the moment should put their thinking hat on and make plans. I can't give any recommendation cause IMHO everyone and every situation their are in is different.

If I would be still on the streets now I guess I would avoid big cities and go to the countryside instead. Would be difficult for me cause I never camped out in the wilderness but I think I would try to do this.

My rational appeal to everyone: First, stay away from gatherings, keep distance to people. Not only for your own protection. Even if you think you would not so much effected by the disease, if you get it you most probably will infect 2-3 other people before it's gone. And look out for other people who are vulnerable and may need help. Keep distance, though!

Hope the best for us all.

Deleted member 24782

Non essential business are closed, bars/restaurants/gyms/etc. Other than that, business as usual. Sure glad I live in the country.

Deleted member 13433

Bars out here can still sell beer to go... or if they had a kitchen, food to go as well.
Liquor stores will remain open - for now....

Things in CT are heating up, partly because Fairfield County has all this rich crap coming up from our neighbor NY...

Many are in complete denial, and early on I shared some of the sentiments of the original post here, wondering if this was an exercise to see how much control the U.S. Government could place over this subjects.... but then once I saw what was happening in Europe, I knew this was no joke.

Italy today will most likely break 800 deaths today, and Spain's numbers are cranking up too.

It's only a matter of time before the numbers start to really rise here in the states, and once it does, if one were to look at a chart we'll go from a fairly level with a slight incline to straight up, my guess within a week or two.

So, to me isolation is a good thing - because that's how you get it -from contact with someone else who has it, and because the mass's constantly travel all over the place, whatever happens in say China eventually comes here, sometimes sooner rather than later.

This is not going to end well.....

has a very well written comment here, and I for one feel it's good advice to heed and learn from.

Deleted member 28239

I'm in a good position. I have a car and a decent chunk of money saved so I'm rotating between a couple of BLM campgrounds. They're all near tiny farming towns. I'm young and healthy and not worried about getting sick, but I don't want to infect others so I'm just chilling in the forest until it's time for a food run and then taking the proper precautions. I'm kinda worried about my 94yo grandpa and diabetic father back home but there's not much I can do about them.

Theres a few minor annoyances like finding places to charge my external battery and everywhere being out of water but it's not a big deal.

I'm mainly anxious/curious about how the economy and politics are going to be affected. And how people are going to respond. Xenophobia, class consciousness, trust in the system, collective versus individual safety, what the toilet paper magnates are gonna do with their new wealth, etc etc.


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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Reporting from Departamento Casanare, Colombia - every day it's just gotten worse.

One week ago someone I was living with got a flight back to France, on the very last day she had the chance. Lucky, I suppose. so that was Saturday the 14th. I tried to convince her to stay actually, that she was overreacting and possibly going into a worse situation.

The next day I went to a cookout and drank all afternoon, having a good old time with one of my co-worker's cousins and friends, only to find out classes would be cancelled the next day (I work in a private language school) Sunday the 15th. I thought okay I wonder how that'll work out

So things got rescheduled, I was doing more tutoring the local teachers helping them improve their English all this week, with very limited classes. As opposed to 100 students a day, the plan was to let 5 to 10 in a day (most don't have Internet at home, but some were doing online classes as well, all tailored within the first couple days of cancellations) Monday through Thursday were like this and it was cool..

Friday morning though, this was when things took a sharp dive, I found out there'd be a "simulacro de cuarentena" from 8pm Friday the 20th to 5am Tuesday the 23rd... so this is like a "Quarantine drill".... to see how people'd react, behave... and to "slow the potential spread of the virus" Well, the virus is not even documented to be in the state/departamento yet - although there are many in Bogota of course, which is like 6 or so hours west, not really far, and at least 1 in Villavicencio, which is only 2 or 3 hours west.

So of course I didn't work much yesterday, afternoon class was totally cancelled, I walked into town and got a few things together. My people went to their other property, about 7km outside of town, and left me in charge of the school and their home, which are on the same street. This morning I woke up and I pretty much stayed inside, took one stroll to their place.

This afternoon the news is that Colombia in it's entirety will go into a more serious quarantine from next Wednesday until like April 12th, so I guess I've officially become the school caretaker. I may be able to leave once a day for medicine and food? I have Internet obviously and as long as the town utilities keep running, electricity, water, and gas for cooking/boiling..

Anyway I guess I should be glad they're handling it more well than so many other places...Italy, Brazil, certain parts of the USA.... I'm not a fan of the social distancing shit but it's cool they're trying to nip it in the bud (there are only a couple hundred in the country) I'm glad I happen to be in a straight spot where I live for free, a safe town, a safe neighborhood, I wasn't caught out in the wilderness or a big city. I know people who are stranded here arund the country, probably having to pay out the ass for a hostel or whatever, and not even get to experience what they came for. it's pretty wretched at the moment.

How's it affecting my ability to travel? I was hoping to get out of this town before the first week of April but I'm pretty sure bus service will be done for, and there will be a lot less truckers and everyone else on the road (this state is oil country and I talked to some people who got around hitching pretty well) it's definitely gotten serious. flights in country, not that I'm huge on them but I am sure they'll soon be off the menu.

I was planning to go up to the Carribean coast, then down and around to Medellin and further south to the mountains. I reckon it'll all still be there. I'm oscillating between gettin all freaked out and bein pretty chill with my lucky circumstances. Although as someone else mentioned ITT I'm concerned about certain family members, my mom is a heavy smoker and my dad has a colostomy bag and a heart condition, and even if one or both were to pass on, I highly doubt I could fly into the USA anytime soon.

I've heard a lot of rumors and even seen a bit on the news about various foreigners being stranded at the Bogota airport. One of my friends as well, a British-Colombian dual-citizen, was turned away from trying to stay at his Aunt's place (she lives in a gated community) granted I don't know their relationship - maybe she coulda pulled some strings, I dunno, maybe it's the place's policy - so, that's that for now

Deleted member 13433

makes a good point: "how the economy and politics are going to be affected. And how people are going to respond"

I know for a fact gun sales are going way way up here in the States, which.... well, if your place is about to get robbed, then one is glad they got a firearm.

brings some real life reality regarding travel.

I know out here, you won't get hassled if you are going to get food or something necessary, but I understand that - if I heard this right - all people over 70 years old will not be allowed outside in public places. This is in Connecticut.

I myself am pretty bummed.
Normally on Saturdays I would take some kind of kayak trip, but since my back has been out, I've cooled it a bit with that BUT with the nice weather, I really want to get on the water in the worst way.

So, instead I rode around with my dog trying to take her for a nice walk in an area where there are no humans, and I failed with each attempt.
The second try was epic - I was driving my Jeep over a road being worked on what has no shoulders - rock wall one side, jersey barrier the other while the bridge is being repaired - hence the no pedestrians order, and what do we see: pedestrians, and they are mad at me zooming on by [the traffic light is on a timer so you got too boogie or someone will meet you head on - not good !!]
Once where we took many a hike, there were idiots with NY license plates everywhere... and my dog was not liking it one bit.
But we did get our walk in, and she even went for a quick swim, but my dog was not happy, perhaps because she see's how I am not happy.
So, we went back home, and the dummies who were in the narrow roadway were now on the side, as if they were waiting for me... the mad had a big stick, the woman looked like she knew they were in the wrong.....

Attitudes are changing out here and it is not for the better so I am only leaving the home when I have to.

This is going to be one tough spring and summer... and probably fall as well.

Yeah, for people traveling.... this has got to suck.
For once, pretty much the whole world is experiencing the same thing.

*makes me wonder if something positive might come out of this........
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
It's definitely thrown my plans off a bit. I departed California about a week ago, arrived Flagstaff and learned of the shutdowns starting the night after I got there. Then learned it's happening everywhere.

Which.. is pretty convenient considering I had plans to drive from Flagstaff to Austin to New Orleans to Richmond then swing back northwest to Nevada. New Orleans seems pointless now, and traveling right now in general seems like a lousy idea but I'm all the way over in Austin now and idk what I'm gonna do.

I'm trying to stick to the theme; Find the dopeness in the wackness. I've learned that all the really expensive camp sites are free right now, so.. I might alter my plans a bit and just go camp at some really sweet spots I'd normally never pay for or make reservations far enough out to make staying at one a reality.

As long as a whole bunch of other people haven't gotten the same idea it might be pretty fucking cool. Entire campsites to myself that are normally packed. Just me and my dog, sounds pretty great. Plus it's probably a better idea to be out in the cuts than in the cities right now anyway.

Another positive is I'm loving the thinned out traffic in the big cities. 4pm weekdays and no rush hour traffic? I kinda love this new world. Sucks people are dying and shit but damn it's kinda nice to have a little more room to breathe in general.

Not too sure what the hell I'm gonna do, but if anyone is on my route and wants to hang out, hit me up! I'm on the fence about pushing further east but I feel like I set out to do something and I'm not tryna to let any pandemic break my muthafuckin stride.


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Nov 15, 2012
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I was in Laos and suppose to be touring SE asia until the 20th of march, but was worried about being able to get back so called my trip early, flew back to the states for a night and then to Mexico. It was sad and had to reroute my flights which was more expensive than I wanted but I'm grateful I'm not stuck there.
The buzz amongst the travellers there was more whether to go home or not rather than fear of getting the virus. But everything seemed obla di in the cities and airports and had no issues getting into the states or Mexico. That being said I had to change my connection leaving Bangkok from Shanghai to Heathrow.

I ended up spending the end of feb and half of march bouncing around the yucatan. Tulum, Merida, and Valladoid were all bumpin' with both travellers and locals. Not much worry there. I met a lot of european travellers that had plans to do asia but ended up in Mexico last second because of the virus. I met some snow birds from Canada that were worried about getting home.

From Cancun I flew into Miami (March 11th?)and got pulled into secondary at customs, which was actually more fun than annoying as I've never had that happen. They asked me all the places I had been, (I had been in Shanghai for 4 hours early January) any symptoms, etc. The agent even felt it prudent to ask me about a possesion charge I got when I was 16, 23 years ago, that should have been expunged. They knew everything. Got out in an hour, killed 12 hours in South beach, excitedly tried 2 impossible burgers at BK for 6 bucks, and flew to Savanah to visit my parents. Miami airport had a worried vibe for sure, but still wasnt a ghost town.

Spent a week on the beaches of SC, which were packed with families and spring breakers and St Pattys day partiers with no parties to go to, but suffice it to say, they gave no shits.

From savanahh I flew to Phoenix. I connected in Charlotte and it was fucking eery how empty it was. I went out to smoke a cig, coming back in there was NOONE at security. The TSA agent said it had been like that since midnight the night before. Nonetheless, nice to fly through quickly.

All the flights I've been on recently have been noticeably less crowded but still fairly full considering. Flying has been way easier and less frustrating.

I've been in Tempe for the last week picking up some hours at my friends sandwich shop. which had been bumpin bc ASU shut down it's cafeteria so the students that stayed have no options to spend thier dining hall moneys.

I had a cheffing gig lined up in Yellowstone to bank some moneys, but just got an email yesterday saying they are pushing back the opening date from late april to may, which is whatever.

In the end, I've been enjoying it. The streets and parks are empty to cruise on my bike, less people on the trails I like to run. Resteraunts and bars are outta my price range anyhow, so whoopiedeedo. And. Im content to wipe my butt with whatever works, so Sharon can have a garage full on Charmin, I dont care. So long as I can get weed and tobacco, I'll be good.


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Nov 15, 2012
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Another's sooo frustrating that borders are closed as travel is so cheap.

Chatted with a lady who flew into PHX from CHI roundtrip for 18 bucks.
Started dicking around on cheap flight sights and found dope deals, Vancouver roundtrip for 60, Guatamala City for 120 roundtrip.
Silly, bc ya cant get in and out as far as I know?
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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
two months later I'm in the same spot, still earning my keep doing online classes, and even a few in person since things have slightly calmed down in the region. The rainy season is in full force here and electricity has been going out briefly a few times a week. Still pretty warm, 70 - 85 Farenheit.

We got a big announcement here, that all borders will be officially closed until the end of August. HOWEVER - intermunicipal planes *and* busses should be operating again at the beginning of July, so that will be an interesting trial run.

I had an opportunity for a "humanitarian flight" to Florida this week that I passed on. I'm feeling like since I'm basically making myself useful and in a safe place that it would be unwise to "retreat" back to homebase.

This flight would have been like 400 dollars as well, just to get to fuckin Fort Lauderdale, Florida - whereas the biggest fine I'd heard of/read about being given for overstaying - even up to a YEAR and under normal circumstances - would be about, 500 dollars. Of course it would be the USA that charges for "humanitarian flights". A friend in Bolivia had a gov't sponsored flight back to Germany, so I'm bitchin.

Sometimes I regret it, but this was my original gamble back in March, and being out in a small rural town with this type of occupation is pretty fuckin ideal, even if I don't have everything I want here. Now isn't the time to bug out back to the USA, just for....what again?

My original tourist VISA expires on Tuesday but it's word-of-mouth that nobody will be charged for overstaying..which should be pretty obvious anyway. There has been some contention regarding whether people may be taking advantage anyway, partly because bribery is a thing here - but more importantly in my personal opinion -> the gov't just got 'recognized' by the WHO as having "one of the best responses to the crisis" - so I'm thinking they won't wanna be fuckin up their good-boy points over a few hundred dollars per the few other stubborn people who somehow got stuck here as well - especially considering how much the state of the country has been improving for so many years now, they wanna keep it going that way, but crazier things have happened and I don't have a crystal ball.

*** Fun with numbers: where most of my connections are/my life has been (Maryland) vs the nation of Colombia by the numbers:

Area of the state of Maryland... 32,133 kilometers squared

Area of the entirety of Colombia... 1,142,000 kilometers squared

Colombia is 34 x the size of Maryland ---

total population of Maryland is about 6 million people with an apparent population density of 594 per square *mile*

Colombia is about 50 million people, and granted a lot less population-dense at 119 per square *mile*

Now.... *supposed* Covid-19/SARS deaths in Maryland... @ 2,200 out of @44,000 cases, @ 3,200 "recovered"

and in Colombia... @ 680 deaths out of @20,000 cases...with @4,500 "recovered"

so a third of the deaths (so far), less than half the "supposed" cases, and yet twice as many recovered (reportedly) in a much larger area. ... clearly the population density makes a significant difference, but still it made me wonder.

The questions remain - how much more expensive will a flight to the US be down the road?

if and when the borders open WHERE will I even be able to get into, first? My greatest desire is to return to Brasil which these days is simply going to require a plane. Going overland through Ecuador and Peru is kind of not in my interest after all this has blown up, but if the borders all opened up I would probably still consider it. One, more realistic, option will be flying domestic to a town called Leticia and then getting into Brasil over the water, but, apparently Amazonas has been getting 'it' pretty bad in Colombia *and* in Brasil...

and when will I actually leave the place I currently live in, and what would previously "normal" travel conditions look like in comparison to what I'll be dealing with, within Colombia itself?

So that's my "How has this Covid-19 outbreak affected your travel" update ::playful::
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
one more thing, and i don't wanna throw this as an edit into the previous post, it's a separate issue that I think people especially those of us who use planes should be aware of:

A few days ago I read some of the new plans for domestic flights here in Colombia regarding this "new normal" bullshit, I may have to revisit but this is what I gleaned from it after one read:

1 you gotta wear a mask in the airport and on the flights. I'm over that, I'll wear it. I can't even get a beer at the convenience store here in my quaint little neighborhood without it so I'm chill with that.

2 Social distancing horseshit is gonna drive up the prices for everything because we can't pack in like sardines anymore - and actually I don't think it will even be very effective, sitting 3 or 6 or 9 feet apart in a CONFINED SPACE..... but leave it to the "experts" to fuck up our society even more... We need better experts.

and 3 I might sound like a real priss but the thing that pisses me off the most is apparently you won't be allowed to have *hand luggage* anymore... be on the lookout for this issue people... I don't know if it'll jive here even in the end or if it'll be a widespread thing... here's my problem with that, and please forgive my ignorance if there's something I'm missing

I can't bring *a book* onto the flight because maybe it's infected with a respiratory virus that'll spread to someone on the plane if I wanna read, write, or draw on public transportation???

This is pissing me off proper on account of the way I fly. I typically check *one* pack and then have a reusable shopping bag that I stuff with books, pens, a spare pair of glasses, and cell phone chargers. So I now have to risk losing all of that by forcing it into my checked bag? For real? I have a bit of anxiety over checking anything at all to begin with, yeah I get it "that's life get over it" but now they're pushing it way too far

Most everything is replaceable, oh I know the road provides and all that I've experienced it to an extent - but spare glasses are a serious issue for me and many other people and some books have sentimental parts, as well as artwork and stuff I use in language lessons. Yeah I've lost sentimental stuff before, I've been through that cool, but why accelerate this possibility over.....???

On top of that I scored a small laptop, yeah the price was right free.99, regardless this puppy's got value - i don't wanna force that into a checked bag, it already got damaged just on a bustrip in the shopping bag, the built-in keyboard pooped so I had to buy a mouse - anyway, hell I may as well just give it to someone before I fly again if the man're really gonna be that much hardliners, going onto the flight or the bus empty-handed, FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC, like fuckin really? can I keep my wallet in my pocket? It's shitty

Right so nobody knows what the restrictions will be precisely but that's some garbage IMHO, yeah everyone will draw their own conclusions, I think this is one of those "cutting off yr nose to spite yr face" wingnut fuckery moves.
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Aug 23, 2018
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Are you going to work on a fishing vessel, tender or cannery?

For F/V’s, your going to be living in close quaters with 1-5 other people depending on the type of boat.
Same thing with tenders.

If with the canneries, your gonna be living in dormitories, sharing bathrooms with dozens of people. Everyone I know who’s worked in them said sicknesses spread like fire.

also be aware alaska has a mandatory 2 week quarantine for anyone coming from out of state. Penalties for violation are up to 25,000 and a year in jail. Now word on the street is no ones been seriously enforcing it for regular travelers. But vessel operators have to have paperwork certifying all crew has completed quarantine. The canneries probably will not be fucking around and will either put you in quarantine or require evidence you’ve done it already. I would research what the major companies are doing.
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Jan 20, 2020
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Dirty Bradenton,Fl
Are you going to work on a fishing vessel, tender or cannery?

For F/V’s, your going to be living in close quaters with 1-5 other people depending on the type of boat.
Same thing with tenders.

If with the canneries, your gonna be living in dormitories, sharing bathrooms with dozens of people. Everyone I know who’s worked in them said sicknesses spread like fire.

also be aware alaska has a mandatory 2 week quarantine for anyone coming from out of state. Penalties for violation are up to 25,000 and a year in jail. Now word on the street is no ones been seriously enforcing it for regular travelers. But vessel operators have to have paperwork certifying all crew has completed quarantine. The canneries probably will not be fucking around and will either put you in quarantine or require evidence you’ve done it already. I would research what the major companies are doing.
I'll be in a cannery.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
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Southern Arizona
one more thing, and i don't wanna throw this as an edit into the previous post, it's a separate issue that I think people especially those of us who use planes should be aware of:

A few days ago I read some of the new plans for domestic flights here in Colombia regarding this "new normal" bullshit, I may have to revisit but this is what I gleaned from it after one read:

1 you gotta wear a mask in the airport and on the flights. I'm over that, I'll wear it. I can't even get a beer at the convenience store here in my quaint little neighborhood without it so I'm chill with that.

2 Social distancing horseshit is gonna drive up the prices for everything because we can't pack in like sardines anymore - and actually I don't think it will even be very effective, sitting 3 or 6 or 9 feet apart in a CONFINED SPACE..... but leave it to the "experts" to fuck up our society even more... We need better experts.

and 3 I might sound like a real priss but the thing that pisses me off the most is apparently you won't be allowed to have *hand luggage* anymore... be on the lookout for this issue people... I don't know if it'll jive here even in the end or if it'll be a widespread thing... here's my problem with that, and please forgive my ignorance if there's something I'm missing

I can't bring *a book* onto the flight because maybe it's infected with a respiratory virus that'll spread to someone on the plane if I wanna read, write, or draw on public transportation???

This is pissing me off proper on account of the way I fly. I typically check *one* pack and then have a reusable shopping bag that I stuff with books, pens, a spare pair of glasses, and cell phone chargers. So I now have to risk losing all of that by forcing it into my checked bag? For real? I have a bit of anxiety over checking anything at all to begin with, yeah I get it "that's life get over it" but now they're pushing it way too far

Most everything is replaceable, oh I know the road provides and all that I've experienced it to an extent - but spare glasses are a serious issue for me and many other people and some books have sentimental parts, as well as artwork and stuff I use in language lessons. Yeah I've lost sentimental stuff before, I've been through that cool, but why accelerate this possibility over.....???

On top of that I scored a small laptop, yeah the price was right free.99, regardless this puppy's got value - i don't wanna force that into a checked bag, it already got damaged just on a bustrip in the shopping bag, the built-in keyboard pooped so I had to buy a mouse - anyway, hell I may as well just give it to someone before I fly again if the man're really gonna be that much hardliners, going onto the flight or the bus empty-handed, FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC, like fuckin really? can I keep my wallet in my pocket? It's shitty

Right so nobody knows what the restrictions will be precisely but that's some garbage IMHO, yeah everyone will draw their own conclusions, I think this is one of those "cutting off yr nose to spite yr face" wingnut fuckery moves.

I ran into the fee for a carry-on bag thing before, and I didn't want to pay it, as that's just ridiculous. Hopefully my solution will help you and any others with the "no carry-on allowed" issue.

The trick to getting around having to pay for my carry-on was to eliminate it first, and buy a photographers vest. If it fits in it, they shouldn't be able to charge you for it. Security will go through it like they frequently do with a piece of carry-on luggage, but unless the airline prohibits what you can wear you can get pretty creative with clothing... Yes, even a laptop can be "worn" with the right one, and there's plenty of room for books, spare clothes, sunglasses, etc. And to add to your "personal capacity," cargo pants can carry smaller books, cell phone, charger, camera, notepads, etc.

I even put my sunglasses in a clip-on carrier which I clipped to the photographers vest; it kept them safe, easily accessible, and was that much more space in the vest for other things. Like I said; you can get creative with clothing...


Well-known member
May 30, 2018
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Kansas City
I ran into the fee for a carry-on bag thing before, and I didn't want to pay it, as that's just ridiculous. Hopefully my solution will help you and any others with the "no carry-on allowed" issue.

The trick to getting around having to pay for my carry-on was to eliminate it first, and buy a photographers vest. If it fits in it, they shouldn't be able to charge you for it. Security will go through it like they frequently do with a piece of carry-on luggage, but unless the airline prohibits what you can wear you can get pretty creative with clothing... Yes, even a laptop can be "worn" with the right one, and there's plenty of room for books, spare clothes, sunglasses, etc. And to add to your "personal capacity," cargo pants can carry smaller books, cell phone, charger, camera, notepads, etc.

I even put my sunglasses in a clip-on carrier which I clipped to the photographers vest; it kept them safe, easily accessible, and was that much more space in the vest for other things. Like I said; you can get creative with clothing...

Have you worn a 40+L pack with the photographer/fly-fishing vest? That's my hesitation but it's a great solution for flying!


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
I ran into the fee for a carry-on bag thing before, and I didn't want to pay it, as that's just ridiculous. Hopefully my solution will help you and any others with the "no carry-on allowed" issue.

The trick to getting around having to pay for my carry-on was to eliminate it first, and buy a photographers vest. If it fits in it, they shouldn't be able to charge you for it. Security will go through it like they frequently do with a piece of carry-on luggage, but unless the airline prohibits what you can wear you can get pretty creative with clothing... Yes, even a laptop can be "worn" with the right one, and there's plenty of room for books, spare clothes, sunglasses, etc. And to add to your "personal capacity," cargo pants can carry smaller books, cell phone, charger, camera, notepads, etc.

I even put my sunglasses in a clip-on carrier which I clipped to the photographers vest; it kept them safe, easily accessible, and was that much more space in the vest for other things. Like I said; you can get creative with clothing...

nice to see you here you've always got good things to bring up

well you know what i'm talking about actually has been classified as a "personal item" which is included in the cost of the flights i use. it's not even a carry-on, it's more like a tiny bag with a bunch of books, pens, spare glasses, cellphone chargers, and this tiny laptop I have. it's probably 10 pounds or less and it's shit i wouldn't wanna check anyway minus the books, pens and chargers.

so my issue is more actually being charged for a carry-on, if they'll even still be allowed (** in Colombian airports **) because of the sensitivity of some of these items.

anyway yeah that is dope, fortunately i have cargo pants with me so i'll at least be able to utilize them. i'd love to see one of these set-ups with the vest holding a laptop somehow though, wild idea
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