One thing
One thing is certain. Poly WILL NOT fix a broken relationship. However, if you aren't wired to be monogamous, forcing monogamy is as disastrous as forcing poly in a relationship. (Look at how many people cheat.) One thing it does to is take the burden off each other to be everything to each other. It can be a godsend if someone is going through a serious illness. Having someone else around really helps in that situation.
You illustrated perfectly a couple huge points why I think this is such an important topic...
One it´s sad, to say the least, a lot of people who can´t ¨realize¨ polymory out of some, fear or lack of good influence, or whatever, and try to force monogamy. And what happens? people die over this,¨¨ cant stand to see their partner with someone else...¨¨ and if not, lots of suffering
Two I think it´s more well documented and understood, say a couple has been together, forever, and one gets physically very ill, and just for example, can´t have sex, or needs to legitimately rest for 20 hours a day and not even talk - but one partner wants to stay by them, yet they want to have sex as well, and-or they want more than a smidgen of intimate conversation. It makes so much sense, it´s so obvious, it´s almost mainstream, to bring someone else into the picture. The rationale is strong, and I´d like to believe it can work, often, and in different ways.
But what about mental illness? Not saying everyone who is poly is mentally ill, don´t get me wrong - but I think, personally, everyone, Everyone - is somewhat mentally ill - and everyone ought to be more inclined to give each other a break, be more forgiving, if for any reason that we´re all more than capable of realizing the world as is is very very fucked up, and so much out of our control, so what can we do to be more loving to each other?? Is that not the LEAST we can do? - Especially with the person you ¨are in love with¨.
I´ve never been in a poly relationship, but it makes so much sense to me these days. Again, it´s theory in these posts of mine, not spoken from practice.