I just wanna say I'm really glad you're looking for peeps to travel with --- I know I sound like a god damn hypocrite because I hitched extensively alone as a girl (started when I was 13-14 years old) but please don't do it solo. I don't have any horror stories from my 10+ years hitchhiking mostly alone, but I still don't advise it to anyone, especially young women. Always trust your gut, don't just hop right in. Ask questions, take down license plate numbers and I even took pics of drivers and 'sent' them to my friends ( I didn't have a functioning phone, so I would just lie and say pictures are sent to people all over the place, if you do have a functioning phone, absolutely send pictures, license plate numbers, make/model and color of the vehicle) I also would always familiarize myself with the route a couple hundred miles ahead, every turn off and everything. So I would know if someone was turning off route, and to get tf outta there immediately.
Good luck and I hope you find a good crew if you haven't already !! ☺️