Well, I bet everyone have their own way of sustaining themselves one the road. For my personal addition to this, I've been really cheeky most of my days on the road, kinda just accepting free stuff, and kind of expecting others generosity to keep me well fed. - it doesn't alqways keep me well fed, but sometime I've been fed quite well.. Knocking on doors at farms getting homemade bread and salami has happened, fruit trees,, sandwiches at the highways... Also dumpsterdiving have served me well.
"Is it worth it" - every, single, bit of it! Nothing is worse, i think, to be 35 and realise that you never had the courage/time/reason/w/e to do it.
I've encountered struggles of various kinds while on the road. Namely loneliness, questioning my sanity, questioning my spiritual welfare, doubting myself, relying on chance. I guess I've just dealth with every situation for my own best, finding the best suited ways for myself to get out of it.
Also to add, speaking with elderly, or people who seem wise on life, have served me a great deal of release, just to get my thoughts vented and maybe see a fresh perspective on things.