Have you ever been in a fight?


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Apr 9, 2010
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Christchurch, New Zealand
a guy stole my hat at a concert then when i confronted him he threw a punch at me so we fought for a bit and i ended it by swinging a mean elbow to his head.
felt good man.

however that is the only fight ive ever been in.


When I was 10. Yeah. Hardcore times. It was over breaking my favorite bow and arrow (I was weird, dude). I used to run around with that thing strapped to my back like I was tough shit. Of course the hood rats whose parents never bought them a goddamn thing would get jealous, take it, and smash it. I showed up asking where it was like a badass, clutching my bike lock. Kid denied it. I popped him one in the mouth with the lock and his parents about shit their pants. Had police at my house an hour later laughing, flirting with my mom, asking me to re-tell my story and if I wanted to be a cop. Hahaha.

90's were fun. Closest I've been to a "fight".


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
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Im Fighting a bear later tonight. Muvvugga owes me ten dollars. Its not the money , but the principal of the matter.


May 11, 2016
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Da States
I used to fight quite a bit, against my will for the most part. Started training kung-fu about six years back, and noticed a big reduction in conflict. I try not to fight other travelers, fuck hep c.
It's not about trying to fight other travelers as so much for young guns trying to prove something to themselves, I've been in a fair amount and lost a bunch do to not caring enough to prove anything as I found it stupid in the first place. But when I actually did make the effort to fight someone for stepping over the line, well let's just say this four or five bro's that came.out of a pub in Boston got the shit end of the stick from me and my ex and her girlfriends. Long story short out panhandling and a few slick underhanded words got exchanged and before we could reasonably let it go a shoving match happened then a bottle got smashed on a douchers skull and his boys got jumped by us.


First fight (well I got jumped from behind by a Mexican midget right off the high school bus - literally), I lost because I refused to swing back (pacifist days and I admit I was too shocked at the situation), though my friend did grab them and took it for me. The last fight was back on New Years. I was spending the holiday with my family for the first time since I was 17 and my twin had gotten pissed because I threw the remaining cookie dough away. I was too tired to put up with the dyke so I pulled my blade on her. At that point my dad held me down while she beat me. Her husband grabbed her while my mom pulled my father and I grabbed a bat that I hid in my old room to go at my dad. Cops were called and my pregnant friend sped me away to meet up with an ex who was pissed drunk and drove us into a church wall that had cops in their cars only a few yards over. Anywho, long story short, woman to arrive asked why I pulled my knife out. Said I was annoyed by the loud noise, was tired, and don't get along with the family. She laughed, said she related, and dropped it all.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2016
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San Antonio, United States
I, being 5'9", stood in between my 4'8" male friend trying to fight a 14-yr old of the same height at a pop punk show once. Not sure if that counts.

I also dived down and smashed my face into a rock that I didn't see and it ended up breaking my nose and busting my lip. It looked like I got into a fight, haha. Not sure it that counts either...


May 11, 2016
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Da States
First fight (well I got jumped from behind by a Mexican midget right off the high school bus - literally), I lost because I refused to swing back (pacifist days and I admit I was too shocked at the situation), though my friend did grab them and took it for me. The last fight was back on New Years. I was spending the holiday with my family for the first time since I was 17 and my twin had gotten pissed because I threw the remaining cookie dough away. I was too tired to put up with the dyke so I pulled my blade on her. At that point my dad held me down while she beat me. Her husband grabbed her while my mom pulled my father and I grabbed a bat that I hid in my old room to go at my dad. Cops were called and my pregnant friend sped me away to meet up with an ex who was pissed drunk and drove us into a church wall that had cops in their cars only a few yards over. Anywho, long story short, woman to arrive asked why I pulled my knife out. Said I was annoyed by the loud noise, was tired, and don't get along with the family. She laughed, said she related, and dropped it all.
Its one of those damned if you do damned if you don't might as well go for it situations, I understand you.

WanderLost Radical

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Dec 7, 2014
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Been in fights a few times, but I was always completely pissed, so obviously got my ass kicked every time xD

Other than that, I've done MMA for a bit, and had 3 fights within my first 3-4 months and also lost all of them because most people dont start having fights before a year of training. But I didnt care, I was there to learn how to fight, not to have a good fight card


Active member
Feb 8, 2016
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Not the starting line.
Fought a bunch as a kid but never anything entertaining. I was witness to far more entertaining fights though. In band class, this dude started dumping his spit valve onto the back of this dudes neck. Guy sitting next to the guy getting spit on his neck turned around and told him if he did it to him he was going to break his jaw. Jerk engages his biggest smirk and blow spit on the guys shirt. Spitblower gets beat with his own trombone and the whole band room becomes an instrument mosh pit as chairs are being knocked all around and all these expensive instruments get bashed up. Spitblower ends up with no shirt, a broken trombone and a split nose and a fractured rib. I think the damage total was like 12k dollars. It was a huge ordeal and the Keebler Elf looking band teacher almost quit over it.

Then this 20 year old black chick beat this 7th grade inbred kid for shouting racial slurs on the bus. Same kid got his nose broke and strangled by an 8ft tall Irish dude with a testosterone problem. Another time, this Mexican kid who was actually Puerto Rican but everyone called him a Mexican (Usually starting a fight) tried to sell some weed out of a binder filled with weed in ziplock bags (like an ounce in total prolly) to the inbred kid. They get to arguing, with the inbred kid saying he is going to report him. They get off the bus and are in the school all going to the gym or whatever. Inbred kid says he is telling the nearest teacher to search Mexican guy. Sure enough they see a teacher walking away and inbred kid goes to say something and gets slapped across the face. It scratches him and draws some small blood like a cat scratch. One of the big goons walking behind them shoves both and tells them to go cat fight elsewhere along with some other insulting things. Everyone starts laughing at both of them and they get into a scratching match, windmilling and slinging their claws like women who carry dogs in their purses. Everyone is laughing at this spectacle and eventually some dude shows up and restrains both of them. Mexican kid gets sent to another school for like 3 years and his older brother is busted for growing weed. Riding the bus was always fun times. Especially because I either got the bus that went through the worst ghetto in the county or the worst trailer park in the county.

None of my fights were funny though. It was just the typical scared kid that started a fight with me and got beat or some trashy guy that fought back but wasn't really good. School fights get broken up before they get started. Nobody got stomped or seriously injured. Well, one got stabbed or something but that isn't really a fight.

My best was when I fought this pudgy spoiled little white kid in the middle of the gym floor. (He deserved it.) 6th, 7th, and 8th grade were all pretty much present since it was when all the buses and cars unloaded and all the kids had to wait for the school rooms to open up. So the gym is loaded down with nobody in the middle of the floor and this little chump sticks a staple in my arm. I tell him if he does it again, he is going to have to fight. So he goes away for a second, he comes back and takes a pencil and a rubberband and shoots this stumpy pencil into my side, breaking the tip off in me. I jumped up and he took off running. He stopped in the middle of the gym yelling for teachers or coaches or something. He doesn't even try to fight back, he just takes his beating, he doubles over and I grab his shirt and knee him in the face (May have taken it too far at this point.) and he falls downward while I still have his shirt and jacket or whatever. This fat blob jiggle to the floor and takes off running shirtless outside. I stood there and coaches swarmed in at the sound of the gym going crazy. I was grabbed and throw to the ground by some idiot and they had to go find this kid in the woods behind the school with his face covered in blood and shirtless. Later that day, his parents talk about suing and all this other crap but having a broken pencil wound and other kids backing my story it doesn't go anywhere. Eventually after suffering 2-3 weeks of abuse from kids making fun of him he is withdrawn and the family moves away.

I have a bunch more but most aren't really entertaining to hear about like that. The more time that goes by I get the more polarized. It is far more difficult to get me in a stage that I want to fight but at that point, I'd probably just stab you or have already maced you. I don't ever look for trouble and leave it when I find it so if things come down to it, you'd have to be so ardent in trying to cause me harm that you are basically asking to get seriously injured. Live and let live.


May 24, 2016
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a guy stole my hat at a concert then when i confronted him he threw a punch at me so we fought for a bit and i ended it by swinging a mean elbow to his head.
felt good man.

however that is the only fight ive ever been in.
first panhandlong fight with a fellow panhandler was in henrico county virginia he walked out of the woods where i stood handed me 5 dollars and walked away then he came back saying he handed me a 50 we fought cops showed up he went to jail i had to leave the county

Rob Nothing

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Aug 26, 2012
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171 Market St, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
Too even-headed to be prone to this stuff. But technically I have been hit in the face once and headbutted once and crowd-jumped / thrown out of a punk show once. None of those ever escalated because there was no good reason. I remember once in middle school this kid pushed me over unexpectedly, so I got up and chased him down and nailed him one in the face. That never escalated either. Elementary there was a time someone in my class pushed me and I exploded on him and pushed him into a wall and told him I would kill him. Never escalated.
Plenty of other times I wanted it to happen but.. everyone I push turns soft.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2011
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San Fransisco
When I first came out and started riding freight, traveling, squatting etc I used to be pretty agro. Fighting at the drop of a hat. I guess I felt I had something to prove. Which is a completely insecure and shitty attitude (And I'm not bragging, because I lost as many as I won) as time went on I've realized that though I'm far from a hippie, fighting is really lame and primitive. For idiots who can't solve things any other way (mostly). Now with years and years of hindsight I literally could give two shits about fighting, whether participating, watching, or instigating (which is what most kids do best).
All that being said, the sad truth is,there are some shitty kids out here. And once in a while they seem to understand nothing else but a good old fashioned schooling. I know that seems awfully contradictory but that's why I rarely run with heads I don't know.
A good example would be the last fight I got into, which was with a kid I didn't know but my old road dog did, I ended up losing my shit and schooling the kid because over the course of three days I watched him treat his dog (the four legged kind) like complete shit, then ignore my obvious frustration culminating in him beating the shit out of said dog. So I showed him how it feels. I admit it I lost my cool but I don't regret it one bit. So yeah fighting.
There's my drunk post for the night.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
to be honest i can't fight for shit, but that doesn't stop me from getting into fights i guess. thing is, i only end up fighting people when they're picking on me or one of my friends (mostly the latter, since i try to avoid conflict).

last fight i was in was at the range in slab city, some people were heckling an old guy (mike bright) on stage and i told them to shut the fuck up and of course all three piled on me and beat me pretty good. not like it was a fair fight by any means, but it still wasn't fun.

the main guy went on to fight a friend of mine afterwards and crushed his skull and they had to fly him out to san diego. it was a pretty fucked up night; i'm pretty sure the guy just wanted to murder someone.

now that i think about it, i don't think i've ever been in a 'fair' fight (i.e. one on one). it was always multiple people vs myself... do people even fight fair anymore? i think that's a myth, or something we learned from hollywood...
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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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VA for now
Fighting was a past time when I was young, but once the concussions start to rack up you start to avoid conflict or end it immediately. All is fair in love and war, but it is just so much easier to try and be nice to people.


Jan 14, 2014
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Slab City
I got into a lot of fights when I was younger. Something I learned when I owned a gun is that it's far easier to deescalate conflicts. I had a couple of run-ins with people that could've ended in something horrible happening, but it was always easier to talk people down. The only reason I had the gun was because I was living with a gun-toting drug dealer who had paranoid schizophrenia. He gave me the gun and I left it in my backpack (which is very illegal and very dumb.) That was about 5 years ago.

Fights usually aren't worth getting into. One of those situations was some traincore tardnugget who was trying to provoke me into fighting him because I wouldn't give him some of my liquor. He literally walked up on me after sunset, yelled "HEYYYYY!", sat down in front of me, and said "give me some of that." I told him I don't drink with strangers. He started ranting and raving about how he's going to kick my ass, I'm lucky he's withdrawing from heroin, blah blah blah. I'm sure that some of you would've given him an ass beating at that point, but if you look at it objectively, there's literally no good reason whatsoever to be violent in most situations. That kid wasn't right in the head. And even if he was, so what? I deescalated the situation, let him rant a little bit about how badly his life sucks, and then sent him on his way (and promptly moved my camp over a mile away.) Problem solved. No assbeatings or brain damage needed.
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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2016
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new Orleans
I had to drop a big homebum Christmas walk into our camp acting really pysco he was looking for trouble told him to leave he started swinging . He went night night woke up on a corner . I hate Violence . I choked him out .

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