Fruit Picking in the Okanagan this summer?


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Dec 4, 2020
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British Columbia, Canada
Hello lovely people! This is my first post here, but I've been lurking this site for years now. I'm making ideas of what to do with my summer, and as I'm already in BC, I'm thinking of spending the summer fruit picking in the Okanagan. I've heard cherries are where the money's at, and my plan is to do some renos on my old CRV to fit a bed and mini kitchen in the back where I can live in that. I've done some reading up on fruit picking in BC and talked to a buddy who did it a few years back, but I still have a few questions.

Seems like some farms are better than others. what should I look for when looking for work at one of these farms?

How long do you usually spend at one farm? are you moving around quite a bit?

I'm looking to hopefully save a bit of cash so I can head abroad once the pandemic chills out a bit. How much do newbies tend to make?

Also I'd love to hear any general stories of spending the summer fruit picking if youre keen to share. Much love!


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
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If i were you I'd just trim weed instead. There are some farms in Omak, wa on green acres rd. Probably alot of other places in okanogan county too. Fruit picking is alot more physical, but if you're into that then go for it.


Teleporter - Apprentice time traveller
Nov 29, 2019
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I have been picking in the valley for 5 years

Good money to be made if you're quick.

Like any labor position you can decide if your days gonna be complete shit show or acutally profitable and enjoyable.

If you cant work consistantly and need to take breaks you wont make much.

If youre absolutely doing nothing but picking you can average 140 a day.

Once youre used to picking and youre convinced that youre a picker with a good routine you can start making bank like 200 bucks a day.

If youre allowed to start at midnight you can pick with a headlamp and slam like 300$ a day you can also get away with getting paid cash by some farmers bur being off the books means that sometimes these farmers wont pay...

If the farmers have a good quality crop with okay maintence on the trees and fruit you can make between 150 to 300 per day. And a Crew foreman will make about 450 to 500 on a good day.

When i first started i was working 8 hours a day and making like 45 /60 bucks.

Enough to buy some party favors and keep the gravy train rolling.

After a while.. .. .. i gained experience and was able to clear 180 a day easily.

The money is lucrative but you gotta work Faaaassst.

3 months of hard work and discipline will pay off in the long run , if you even like picking and could make good money with it you can Migrate to Australia or New Zealand to go for the cherry harvest there which is 3 to 4 months.

But be aware and dont get discouraged of getting the shit end of the stick.. know that these types of jobs take alot of time to get comfortable with and be ready to compete with jedis out there with experience who are there to make that serious cash and will do whatever it takes to do that., this includes taking your empty boxes and cutting into Rookies lines to profit. It is a fast pace job and alot of the hardcore money making pickers are not to be fucked with.

Adios amigo and good luck ;)
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Joey Garbanzo

Muscle of the DiPinto Crime Family
Apr 23, 2019
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Could always try tree planting in B.C. haven't done it myself but hear the money is good. It's piece work paid per tree so the harder you work the more you make. Most camps have a cook and you live out of a tent. There are motel gigs too but not as common.
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Jeddore Premium

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Dec 31, 2022
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Great lakes
Could always try tree planting in B.C. haven't done it myself but hear the money is good. It's piece work paid per tree so the harder you work the more you make. Most camps have a cook and you live out of a tent. There are motel gigs too but not as common.

Is this still happening? What about northern Ontario? How can I start looking?


Sep 6, 2022
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Is this still happening? What about northern Ontario? How can I start looking?

There's tree planting jobs pretty much all over BC, Ontario and Alberta, and I've heard of some in other provinces too. If you just look up "tree planting (insert province/territory here)" you'll find lots of opportunities. Generally the planting season starts in early June/may and lasts until August I think. It's good money if you're prepared to bust your ass and stay focussed. It's always more profitable if you come back year after year because you get better at it. Room and board's usually included though so it's a pretty good gig I think. Good luck 🤞🙂
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Jeddore Premium

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Dec 31, 2022
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Great lakes
There's tree planting jobs pretty much all over BC, Ontario and Alberta, and I've heard of some in other provinces too. If you just look up "tree planting (insert province/territory here)" you'll find lots of opportunities. Generally the planting season starts in early June/may and lasts until August I think. It's good money if you're prepared to bust your ass and stay focussed. It's always more profitable if you come back year after year because you get better at it. Room and board's usually included though so it's a pretty good gig I think. Good luck 🤞🙂

Got hired on! time to turn life around. Thanks so much


Jun 27, 2023
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Montreal, Canada
Cherry picking is fun but there's a steep learning curve and I didn't make that much money my first season! My first contract was in Creston with OPL, we worked 12-hr night shifts from 10pm-10am with headlamps on. Moths and other bugs fly into your face all night. You'll meet some of the craziest best people of your life. Each contract has advantages and disadvantages, some start at more regular times, like 4am, but the cherries are so covered in pesticides they clog up your nose and throat. I would rather pick in SouthEastern BC than the Okanagan for this reason. It can also be unsufferably hot starting from like 8-9am. You have to pick the trees bare and you're not supposed to rip out the buds (spurs) or the stems.
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