News & Blogs f you drive an expensive car you're probably a jerk, scientists say

Hobo richard

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Nov 30, 2019
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Deleted member 13433

Yeah, totally.... rich people suck - they serve no purpose whatsoever except to exploit the poor and the working classes.

I'm in the middle of a situation right now where I have declared outright war on the rich pigs who are ruining it for everyone else on the assembly line, by crying about how there's too many workers, and how that's cutting into their overtime - so the company is now going to reduce the workers so these capitalist pigs can work more overtime while the lower seniority workers are being kicked out.

Nice, huh ??

I told one worker, who is pleading poverty while living in a half million dollar home and making close to $200k a year - yeah... I told him how he better hope that those who go out the door because of capitalist pigs like you - you better hope they don't got rifles..... and man, did he get out of my face fast, funny how that works, eh ???

But seriously though, the problem with the rich is they always want more, and the more they get the more they want, and they don't care who gets tamped down or turned out into the street and run over in the process......

As for the nice cars, I remember reading a great article Henry Rollins wrote a while back, about how the parking lots filled with Hummers in LA were being torched... !!

Yeah, the revolution is a coming, no doubt about it.

I'm so glad I never left the poorer/downtrodden neighborhood which I have called home for all these years, because at least I will be united with all the people in my neighborhood once the shit hits the fan.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
While I think that may be mostly true, it's certainly a huge generalization that I know for a fact doesn't hold up 100% of the time. I have no dog in this fight, I drive a 91 Toyota 4X4 that's been rolled twice and it shows. But I got a couple acquaintances who drive nice whips and they're pretty fucking stellar human beings.

Beegod Santana

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Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
I know a bunch of people who grew up poor, entered the middle class and bought fancy cars on credit. Totally anecdotal but ya, they're all total jerks. My home area is kinda known for assholes though. In high school I used to get dragged to car audio competitions by my friends and ya, total jerkbag sausage fest.

Deleted member 13433

Left the plant tonight, it's raining and all the people with their fancy new expensive cars with their fake handicapped parking permits are like looking to run people down like me using a cane, trying to make [our] way out to where the regular folks park, I mean what is the hurry at midnight in the rain ???
Not cool at all, so I'd say upon reflection [*I felt my first comment here was off topic...] that there's a lot of truth to the original posters observation.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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Once heard a wealthy real estate man say all those people you see driving fancy cars, and big houses are not really rich but get these things via putting themselves in debt, he said a lot of real rich people he met, and thats a lot btw actually drove shitty cars or normal cars, and dressed normal, because they actually want to save there money and make it work for them, the rest he said are posers, wannabee show offs who end up struggling to pay things off. I'm sure thats not true for everyone out there like Eng said, but yeah. Also know of someone whos not rich, but he acts it, he thinks his a big man with money and likes all the brand clothes ect.. and his a fucking jerk, thats for sure, more then most.

When it comes to cars I listen to the words of my pop "don't every buy an expensive car boy, they all do the same thing, get you from a to b, expensive cars are a waste of money" why even get fast cars too? theres speed limits and speed cameras whats the point? yeah I know some people gets cars an drive em all over the place in the country side, but yea they ain't normally flashy cars... if the car runs well and you can build a sleeping space in it, its good tho imo.
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Deleted member 13433

The wealthiest people are the ones who are happy with what they have, and recognize the balance between work and life.
So many people at the plant work 7 days a week so they can have that McMansion, fancy new cars... they truly believe that only money can buy happiness, and these are the most miserable people I have ever met in my life.
[*This is what prompted my original comment, because you got people at the plant who are starting to show signs of real anger, I mean - look what happened yesterday in Wisconsin ??
People are super wound up in today's so called civilized way of life...]
Me ??
I literally only work when I fell like it, my little place is long paid off, and I live a very simple life.
That to me is wealth.
When one is completely at peace with who they are, and the life they are living.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
Once heard a wealthy real estate man say all those people you see driving fancy cars, and big houses are not really rich but get these things via putting themselves in debt,

There's definitely some truth in this. Although there's plenty of rich kids driving around in whatever crotch rocket daddy bought them, when I really think about the few like rich, rich people (grew up with servants, made more off interest in a year then I'll make in my life kinda deal) I've met none of them drove anything terribly fancy. Like they had nice cars or trucks, but they weren't whipping around in lambos. I've met gem dealers who handle million dollar rocks like it's nothing and they rock flannels and blue jeans.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
i've had the great fortune to borrow BMWs and once an Audi A4 for a spin and these were really nice times and all, but not *THAT* fuckin nice. 60k for a cadillac escalade? can you believe it people?
When I was a car repo man I used to hook the cars, lift em up a little so they couldn't run out and drive off and then I'd knock on the door and give them the chance to trade the keys for their personal belongings inside the car.

This worked out really well because we could move them around the yard easier and it also gave me some really nice cars to drive for a few days before I'd take them to our lot.

One thing I noticed is that there isn't a huge difference between a $60,000 car and a $25,000 car. Not enough of a difference to justify the difference in cost, IMO.

Bicycles is an entirely different story. I've had $200 dollar bikes and I've had $3000 dollar bikes and there's definitely a huge difference on all levels. I'd splurge on a bike but I'll forever drive beaters.
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Deleted member 13433

Those big wagons are the best !!
I got an 86 country squire, same thing with the fake paneling.... man, she rules BUT she is getting tired.
My other ride - a 2002 Monte Carlo SS project car, well.... she's starting to have her own ideas on when to give me grief, and seeing a tire almost completely flat tonight at the plant was not my idea of a good nights work coming to an end, so I got to get her on a lift and see what's up with the tire, as with a bad back... pulling the rim off is not an option at this point in time :(

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