doesnt matter because he cant. You can't make over about $1300 a month gross.
The average $10 hr job @ 40hrs a week gets you about $300 net pay. It disqualifies you for any kind of assistance unless you have a dependent to claim. Now you have to pay insurance out of pocket on that income too. And full utilities and full rent or mortgage interest rates.
If you only work say 24hrs a week on the hand you can get all kinds of assistance including medicaid. Utility subsidies, rent control/subsidies, food stamps, etc to the point you're better off or at least about the same working 3 days a week instead of 5.
I can make more money traveling and working seasonal jobs than I can working a 40hr week for general labor level pay. Working seasonally, especially when an full hook-up site is included, I qualify for unemployment, food stamps, medicaid, etc.