Cornelius Vango (Kelsey Abeler) should be avoided at all costs


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2014
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Little Rock, United States
Please make sure to express your non-conformity in accordance with the currently accepted levels of non-conformity. Failure to conform to presently accepted norms of non-conformity may result in your banishment from the tribe of rugged individualist free- thinking rebels. Thank you drive through.
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Very sneaky how neither side and nobody else is clarifying this.

Oh that's ironic, look who thinks withholding clarity is sneaky..

Kinda like the time you made this creepy ass comment here?
I'm a big fan of the Asian format fleshlight. It's real tight, just like a young lass. ;) No drama, either. I call her Saki. ;)

Or sneaky like how when asked to define or clarify

Ummm, define "young"..
you didn't clarify shit?

Sneaky like the time @SlankyLanky called you out again on the creepiness of using the description "tight just like a young lass" where you again didn't clarify anything?
@Phuen Yer comments about yer sex toy feeling like a young lady in another thread were already off putting enough to get my attention
Leaving an angry emoji but no clarification?

Or the time I explained just exactly how creepy that comment was and yet again you felt no need to clarify?
I believe "Just like a young lass" was the wording. Even worse right? Lass is typically used to describe a girl rather than a woman. Then to add "young to it.. So he's literally talking about what a young girls vagina feels like. Pretty fucking skeevy if you ask me.

Again only leaving an angry emoji, no clarification?

Sneaky like that or another type of sneaky?


Andie of the House of Queer
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
New Orleans
To be clear, this could have been talked through but Matt decided to throw away our entire friendship and mutual exchange over a text.

HA! Wow okay. Do I even have the time to call this out? Yes, yes I god damn do.

Boy how long I've waited for you to back the hell off StP. This is going to be a doozy so STRAP THE FUCK IN FOLKS.

First of all, Corn, no. This cannot be talked through because there is no reasoning with you. No matter how many times I, or Matt, or anyone has ever tried to explain our feelings to you it never gets absorbed. I can't say I'm surprised considering the way you go through life letting your toxic traits burn every bridge you ever build.

You don't give people any other option than to just ghost on you because you're so god damn self serving and narcissistic that any criticism of your behavior just gets translated in your perpetually drunken brain as abuse. So, you lash out at your friends, call them assholes, and get in their faces over the most minuscule of situations.

You had the fucking GALL to get on the StP discord and try to convince everyone that Matt is a transphobe; your reasoning? His default pronouns for people are neutral and thus don't recognize a persons transition.

Seriously? You need to spend some more time in some actual queer run spaces and less time with your head lodged up your own ass and maybe you'd understand that non-binary, queer folk have been fighting for decades to make they/them pronouns the default and when a Cis/Het white male actually puts forth the effort to make that shift you think its transphobic?


You just make shit up to justify the miserable rage-fire you have burning inside you. Matt using they/them pronouns in place of a transpersons specified pronouns is a frustrating mistake. It is in NO WAY maliciously denying a person's transition. The fact that you can't come to that conclusion on your own is fucking laughable at this point.

The fact that you drunkenly used that as an excuse to verbally abuse and berate the one person who was still vouching you is the most quintessential Cornelius Vango move you could have made.

And further more, who in the hell wants to try and repair a friendship with you anyways? You're cruel.

When I won the chili cook off in Slab City you told me I only won because you didn't enter. When you stole Nemo's robe while he was bathing in the hot spring and destroyed it with caveman you said he deserved it for talking back to you. (which as a side bar is SEXUAL HARASSMENT AS FUCK but hey he's a cis-presenting male so whatever right? Fuck outta here with that).

You are manipulative, conniving, and you leech off the queer folk you encounter. The only reason you want to still have the party is so that people will show up to work the library for the season so you can get drunk off everyone else's hard work. I got your number, I saw you take advantage of mine and everyone else's work for three seasons in row until i finally realized, "wow, this person is awful."

Your breaking off of StP isn't some nuanced disagreement, it's you trying to save face on the internet so people don't get an idea of the type of toxic piece of shit that you really are.

Thats the entire purpose of this thread isn't it? To get people to see you as the unfortunate victim? You can take that shitty entitlement elsewhere.

So go ahead, distance yourself. But know that you're taking your reputation with you. You deserve every bit of the pain and loneliness you feel for the way you treat others.

And just so we're clear, this is 100% me attacking you right now. You pulling this shit means I am dropping all pretense, and I will defend my friends, this website, and the traveling nomad community as a whole from people like you.

You are fucking done here. #canceled
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Andie of the House of Queer
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
New Orleans
Also while I'm on a pettiness roll,

"I'm disassociating myself from StP."

Disassociating? Seriously? You live in a fucking library, try actually reading a book sometime instead of just getting shit faced at the bar and maybe you wouldn't be so grammatically incorrect. Seriously we're choking on the irony.
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Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
Slab City, Ca
Go ahead and post as many paragraphs of spiteful nonsense as you want. The people that know who i am know that you're full of shit. I don't have to retaliate with a response attacking your character.
The fact that you can call a person a friend while cultivating these ideas about them is telling enough.


Andie of the House of Queer
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
New Orleans
The people who know you are all sick of your shit and the ones who aren't will be once you turn on them too.

Nice take on the high road though, I can't wait for the next time I run into you in slabs and have to deal with your overly aggressive behavior and the constant antagonism. It'll just put this interaction into perfect perspective.

Act all innocent online to your heart's content, we see through your bullshit.

Seriously, if you wanna distance yourself then why even bother replying? Get gone already.
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Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
Slab City, Ca
Clearly the reason im still replying isnt for personal gain or "saving face". I respect the folks in this community enough to let them see what's going on here. I allow you to drag my name through the mud, Andy. As you have for years.

As for blowing up my personal traumas in a way that blames me for them in front of everyone; you can't hurt me anymore. Give it a rest and move on. This is getting to be kind of an obsession and you should be embarrassed.


Andie of the House of Queer
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
New Orleans
Gaslighting me eh?
Classy. And no I don't drag your name through the mud, you do that to yourself.

Even after our falling out I still looked out for you, or did you think that filming gig just came out of nowhere?

Take some accountability for when you mess up and maybe I wouldn't have to be calling you out.
  • Agree
Reactions: beersalt


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
Reaction score
Mormon Country
Oh that's ironic, look who thinks withholding clarity is sneaky..

Kinda like the time you made this creepy ass comment here?

Or sneaky like how when asked to define or clarify

you didn't clarify shit?

Sneaky like the time @SlankyLanky called you out again on the creepiness of using the description "tight just like a young lass" where you again didn't clarify anything?

Leaving an angry emoji but no clarification?

Or the time I explained just exactly how creepy that comment was and yet again you felt no need to clarify?

Again only leaving an angry emoji, no clarification?

Sneaky like that or another type of sneaky?

Oh snap, dawg....

HA! Wow okay. Do I even have the time to call this out? Yes, yes I god damn do.

Boy how long I've waited for you to back the hell off StP. This is going to be a doozy so STRAP THE FUCK IN FOLKS.

First of all, Corn, no. This cannot be talked through because there is no reasoning with you. No matter how many times I, or Matt, or anyone has ever tried to explain our feelings to you it never gets absorbed. I can't say I'm surprised considering the way you go through life letting your toxic traits burn every bridge you ever build.

You don't give people any other option than to just ghost on you because you're so god damn self serving and narcissistic that any criticism of your behavior just gets translated in your perpetually drunken brain as abuse. So, you lash out at your friends, call them assholes, and get in their faces over the most minuscule of situations.

You had the fucking GALL to get on the StP discord and try to convince everyone that Matt is a transphobe; your reasoning? His default pronouns for people are neutral and thus don't recognize a persons transition.

Seriously? You need to spend some more time in some actual queer run spaces and less time with your head lodged up your own ass and maybe you'd understand that non-binary, queer folk have been fighting for decades to make they/them pronouns the default and when a Cis/Het white male actually puts forth the effort to make that shift you think its transphobic?


You just make shit up to justify the miserable rage-fire you have burning inside you. Matt using they/them pronouns in place of a transpersons specified pronouns is a frustrating mistake. It is in NO WAY maliciously denying a person's transition. The fact that you can't come to that conclusion on your own is fucking laughable at this point.

The fact that you drunkenly used that as an excuse to verbally abuse and berate the one person who was still vouching you is the most quintessential Cornelius Vango move you could have made.

And further more, who in the hell wants to try and repair a friendship with you anyways? You're cruel.

When I won the chili cook off in Slab City you told me I only won because you didn't enter. When you stole Nemo's robe while he was bathing in the hot spring and destroyed it with caveman you said he deserved it for talking back to you. (which as a side bar is SEXUAL HARASSMENT AS FUCK but hey he's a cis-presenting male so whatever right? Fuck outta here with that).

You are manipulative, conniving, and you leech off the queer folk you encounter. The only reason you want to still have the party is so that people will show up to work the library for the season so you can get drunk off everyone else's hard work. I got your number, I saw you take advantage of mine and everyone else's work for three seasons in row until i finally realized, "wow, this person is awful."

Your breaking off of StP isn't some nuanced disagreement, it's you trying to save face on the internet so people don't get an idea of the type of toxic piece of shit that you really are.

Thats the entire purpose of this thread isn't it? To get people to see you as the unfortunate victim? You can take that shitty entitlement elsewhere.

So go ahead, distance yourself. But know that you're taking your reputation with you. You deserve every bit of the pain and loneliness you feel for the way you treat others.

And just so we're clear, this is 100% me attacking you right now. You pulling this shit means I am dropping all pretense, and I will defend my friends, this website, and the traveling nomad community as a whole from people like you.

You are fucking done here. #canceled


Ya. That's all I really wanted to say.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
Reaction score
Andy isn't lying about anything.

You, Cornelius- are the liar.
And it's true, the fact that you're grouping the whole community on STP as whom you need to dissociate yourself from is ridiculous, since as this public conversation goes on it's due to some bullshit between you, and Matt Derrick.

I know Matt personally, and he is one of my fucking best friends. He is definitely not transphobic.

Matt has been nothing but pretty darn respectful to you based on many of the other people I've met that have stayed at the Library. When it comes to how he's talked about you when you aren't present, and how he's continued to have a friendship this long- which he deserves mad props for, because I know you've talked shit on Matt to me, and
Now- to the entire website he created, initially.

That's some blatant disrespect that I really wasn't sure I was ever gonna see from you on here.

But, you did it. And it shows that you're still just as overly defensive, childish, and maniacal as ever.

I've told matt, and others in the community about how passionate I feel about not even being around you, or talking with you.
I'd actually go to the jambo if you weren't the host. Same goes for my partner. @Caveman118

Figured you already knew all of this, based on the kind words that were shared the last night I spent at The Library in early 2018. Which was my second season of investing time, money, energy, much else into the space, as well as into you.

I'm truthfully really stoked for you to not have any say in anything STP anymore, especially on your own accord. Hopefully you stop replying to this before you just get banned FINALLY for being fucking shit to people IRL. Myself included.

You've also been spreading rumors about me to people on this website, who I haven't even fucking met. They've messaged me, personally.
And the stuff your saying is not only false, but straight fucked up.

I regret nothing about our relationship, and I stand by all of the things I've said, and done in regards to it.

You're just, shady dude. And I wouldn't advise anybody to trust a lot of the shit you claim.

Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
Slab City, Ca
@dumpsternavel you left my house drunkenly screaming insults at me last i saw you. And your partner was my partner first. You also neglected to tell me that you probably had hep c while we were involved and never tried to tell me the results of your std tests after that, leaving me wondering if i was sick for months afterward.
  • Stupid
Reactions: Caveman118


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
Reaction score
Hahaha, your partner first?
You both got me involved in your supposed "polyamorous" relationship !

I've always been public to all people about the time I didn't know if I had hep C.
@Shwhiskey Gumimaci used to mention it publicly at the library a little more than I had liked, actually.

I've had Hepatitus Freight Punx n Fux tattooed on my knuckles since I met you.
You, and your previous partner @Caveman118 breached the sexual relationship with me. Neither of you ever blatantly asked the questions about STDs before intimacy.
For me at the time, what the two of you might have had wasn't important to me.

Caveman let me know before he and I even met up, and became a couple about the shit you were talking. Accusing me of stealing your laptop, calling me a diseased liar.

So I got tested just to prove that I most likely didn't have it. And I don't! Hurrah!
Why would I tell you if you wouldn't even talk to me about your supposed issue in the first place? I had to hear it from 3 other plus people, scum bag.

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