Active member
So I literally just signed up and chances are no one will read this but I figured now is as good a time as any to come clean. I haven't always been a great person and I regret many things. When I Truly needed help the one person of whom I basically owe my life to who isn't my mother abandoned me while claiming to still love me. I'm sure its happened before but there's nothing quite like having to reevaluate a relationship that you up until now had thought was completely secure. Or maybe the lack of thought was what got me in so much trouble.
Anyway Now I am thinking more clearly I'm almost back on my feet for the first time since 2007. I have decided to listen to myself and change my situation. My plan is to basically "Squat" in the woods....god that sounds bad lol. I am going to take up residence in the forest. I live in an extremely small town but we are completely surrounded by woods, I spent all day hiking and finally at the end of it all i think Ive found a spot that's close to my job and secluded enough where I wont be bothered by anyone. You would think it wouldn't be so hard, what? one person camping out for the season? But there's always the fear of getting found or camping in the wrong place and having some backwoods local up in your business.
This is my choice, once I find a permanent spot I intend to build a tee pee and settle down while saving almost all my money, that is the money I don't spend on weed ^_^. Ive even made plans to keep warm during the winter by building a makeshift wood stove out of an oil drum and a pipe for exhaust. I just have to find a spot where I'm secluded and there are no houses or people around and I can still get to work. The spot I have now does have a house near it and it does show signs of people having been there at one time but I'm hoping it'll be good enough for now. I really hate hunting season.
Any advice from fellow survivalists?
Anyway Now I am thinking more clearly I'm almost back on my feet for the first time since 2007. I have decided to listen to myself and change my situation. My plan is to basically "Squat" in the woods....god that sounds bad lol. I am going to take up residence in the forest. I live in an extremely small town but we are completely surrounded by woods, I spent all day hiking and finally at the end of it all i think Ive found a spot that's close to my job and secluded enough where I wont be bothered by anyone. You would think it wouldn't be so hard, what? one person camping out for the season? But there's always the fear of getting found or camping in the wrong place and having some backwoods local up in your business.
This is my choice, once I find a permanent spot I intend to build a tee pee and settle down while saving almost all my money, that is the money I don't spend on weed ^_^. Ive even made plans to keep warm during the winter by building a makeshift wood stove out of an oil drum and a pipe for exhaust. I just have to find a spot where I'm secluded and there are no houses or people around and I can still get to work. The spot I have now does have a house near it and it does show signs of people having been there at one time but I'm hoping it'll be good enough for now. I really hate hunting season.
Any advice from fellow survivalists?