A New Anarchist Vision


Active member
May 21, 2022
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[any mention of Anarchism, really, really pisses off the government, seeing as they watch me so closely these days]

Here's my vision and my explanation for such.

Let's all agree that modern society works for a vast majority of people. The masses seem to be pretty damn happy whilst subjugated by our governments. There's no point in trying to reach the masses, they're lone gone. I view the majority of society like a water-logged tree trunk that Chuck Noland had to let go while trying to stay afloat on his raft. You gotta let em go to survive and uphold the truth.

But, for a minority of people. The last bastions of truth, of free thinkers. Of critical thinkers. Some of those reside here, right on StP; modern society, tyrannical governments, don't work. And you damn well know it. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". And I have been subjected to the pinnacle of tyranny. Don't worry my friends, the "grand finale" is coming...

So here's my vision;

Up here in Canada, we take a portion of each province and territory, [except for maybe PEI, cause so small eh] and make a "simple living zone". Now I say each province instead of the entirety of one single province because people have provincialism, instead of uprooting people and having to move to the "simple living zone", we allow/encourage people to partake in the "simple living zone" at their home province or territory. It would probably entail the Northern portions of the province, as industrial society breeds unequivocally in the Southern portions. Uprooting that would... well, let's be practical here folks.

So, the "simple living zone" is exactly what it sounds like like. You go there, live off the land, taking only what you need. Fish with nets, hunt and trap. Build your cabins, build your floating homes (if that's your fancy). No masters. No tyranny. Just be. The ultimate crime against humanity is subjecting a human being to modern society against their will.

Ironically, there would have to be regulations at the border of said "simple living zone" because as you know people would definitely exploit such a venture. Corporations would come into the simple living zone and clear cut the fucking forest and dredge the lakes of fish and say "ohh, it's just for simple living".

AI said my vision isn't exactly Anarchist because it entails a sanctioned zone somewhat, somewhat akin to Slab City and requires regulations in order to keep it from being exploited. So, idk.

Like I said, the masses enjoy being subjugated, and we can never reach them, they're gone. The motivation for a complete Anarchist society would be not only impossible, but impractical imo. That being said, continue on with your acts of dissent. Never stop Big Bro from knowing we dissent. Never.

Maybe my vision is a happy medium? An athame that divides Big Bro's soul?

What're all ya'll thoughts?

P.S To all the government entities reading this. Bud, I gave you all so many fucking chances to avoid "the grand finale". And as you've seen, I'm a very forgiving person. Ultimately I decided to enact "the grand finale" because of our dear pal Justin. It's not the songs about me that upset me. It's the songs about her, L. Justin, if you're reading this. I want you to know, that you were instrumental reason for "the grand finale".

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