A BIG HIGH to you all!!


May 21, 2009
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just a big thanks to the creators of this little get together on line. Im from miami and go to school in syracuse. Last week my best friend and i where exploring a 350 yr old cemetery when we came across some rails in the back. We followed them for like 30 mins, knowing that they would bend back to school, when a cruisen train came up behind us. Now to all you people that do this frequently, neither of us had been in this particular situation ever and it was an awesome sight. We jumped into the bushes to hide from the conductor, knowing that the rail way was not public property; given the big ass signs that read no trespassing. After the engine passed we stared at the train in amazement. damn those things are nuts. I couldn't get over how in shook the ground beneath us. With out looking my friend says "so are we going to do this". I hoped up thinking about all the great things that could result from this discussion such as loosing limbs, not really knowing if the train was going to go faster, or just what the hell to do. We started running along side, the train was moving like 12 or so, and I grabed on to a ladder that was in the middle of a big black persumably oil container. After feeling more comfortable about being that close to the giant machine, i jumped on and BAM what a rush of heroirn. I mean I wouldnt say im the craziest man alive but shit iv done some crazy ass things and man did this feel good. My friend jumped on the back part where there was a plat form to stand on. I jumped off and joined him. We rode that train for just about 10 min's. Just an instant of time but what good fun that was. This was only like 5 days ago and we have already, after reading all the stories on this blog, have decided to go on a trip from south florida to tennasy where we will camp till banaroo. After wards we plan to head west all the way to cali. Leading me to the most inportant part of this little story if any one should reach this part- has anyone rhode freight down this way, that is miami area and does any one have any advice??:cheers:


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