
  1. Des

    Insulating/heating a squat

    What up y’all? Can anyone point me in the direction/give me any advice on insulating or heating a squat for winter? Ive heard sealing up the windows can help but one of the folks squatting with us is pretty sensitive to cold and I’d like to make this as doable as possible for them
  2. S

    Anyone in PDX want to squat a house with me?

    I have comrades who've been squatting or scoping out houses and nobody's invited me. I've always idealized the squatterpunk lifestyle, winter's coming, and I hear PDX has chill squatting laws. I don't want to do it alone because I've never done it before and I'm a fuck up, and I don't want to be...
  3. Matt Derrick

    #08 - Adventures in Squatting with Homes Not Jails

    Link: https://youtu.be/9dkUp3n1Gzs This week we'll be speaking with Wren and Stix as they recall some of their previous work opening abandoned buildings for squatters in the San Francisco bay area. The StP podcast is a weekly series discussing various topics related to underground travel and...
  4. Stiv Rhodes

    It's Vacant Take It

    @Stiv Rhodes submitted a new resource: It's Vacant Take It - San Francisco Homes Not Jails How-To Read more about this resource...
  5. D

    Albany NY: Millennial survivalists share downtown squat, anarchist ideals

    https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Millenial-survivalists-share-downtown-squat-13215107.php#photo-16216489 David Gunn had just been released from the hospital after trying to kill himself when he met the fallen beauty who changed his life...
  6. tony longshanks

    Creative housing alternatives aka squatting in strange and unusual places!

    THIS IS A LENGTHY POST AND I'M GOING TO KEEP ADDING TO IT AT INTERVALS UNTIL IT'S DONE Others can & should share their answers at any time I guess this should be moved to either the Squatting or Alternative Housing forums if it makes the cut __________________ In SF between 2011 and 2015 I had...
  7. ElNayshon

    hawaii squats

    Anyone know of any squats on the big island? Im headed there in a couple of weeks and might need a squat if things fall out. If anyone here has been in hawaii Id love to hear from you.
  8. TheRealRadical1

    Anyone know any squats or safe spaces in Houston, Texas?

    I was wondering if there were any places, like squat locations or safe spaces, that I could visit in Houston. I've been to a couple before, but I was wondering if any still exist. Peace, Joel
  9. MauroV

    Looking for a squat/community in Brooklyn

    Hi everyone, my name is Mauro, I'm Italian and I live in Brussels, Belgium. I'll be coming to New York next January for 6 months, I was granted with a residency in Brooklyn. I'll be there working as an artist, but still traveling to and from Europe form time to time. When I arrived in Brussels I...
  10. Darby Howard

    squatting a forclosed house

    does anyone know the squatting laws for montana? could i get away with squatting a house that was put on forclosure?
  11. Matt Derrick

    Squatting the Grey City

    @Matt Derrick submitted a new upload to the library: Squatting the Grey City - Squatting the Grey City is a book about the squatters movement in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Read more about this upload...
  12. Darby Howard

    Squatting in montana

    I'm in east Helena mt and just tryna find a good abandoned house to squat. Any tips?
  13. ScumRag

    The best squats ever?

    I've had a few near the top end but the most memorable was one in St. Louis where there were like 5 of us in this 1800's warehouse that backed to the Mississippi River. It was the middle of January so the river was frozen af so we kept warm by (this is crazy) burning coal + logs in our barrell...
  14. BDB

    in the Med, looking to squat a cruiseship and...

    fill it with refugees. l got here from California on a boats. No photos or videos as l do not have a phone/ device. l am in Corsica now. Looking for any and all sailing, really. If l move around, things will happen; always happier and healthier sailing.
  15. Victor

    Squat of 5 years is goin into Foreclosure Im asking of any and all advice

    Hi all I joined STP around 2016 been squatting since 2013 when I returned into a home that owners defaulted on and was left vacant, been here trouble free for 5 years but got a letter posted on front door that its goin into foreclosure sale on July 24 im concerned about what I should do Stay or...
  16. Dragonfly

    new-bee seeks local abandoned shacks to squat

    Hey all, I'm new here and wondering if any one has info, in my local area of Fort Bragg, Ca (or frankly all of coastal Mendocino county) as to where abandoned shacks/houses are. I'm a long time resident of Mendocino county and have some knowledge however the ones I know about are too 'public' in...
  17. Coywolf

    Defendents plead "No Contest" in Ghost Ship Fire case

    https://www.npr.org/2018/07/04/625918717/men-charged-in-deadly-calif-ghost-ship-warehouse-fire-plead-no-contest Men Charged In Deadly Calif. Ghost Ship Warehouse Fire Plead No Contest July 4, 201812:04 PM ET AMY HELD Two men pleaded no contest Tuesday to 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter...
  18. MolotovMocktail

    Bitter to better: Squatters transforming a derelict pub

    Interesting story about some folks squatting in London! Activists and squatters have moved in to a derelict Romford pub, The Bitter End, with the aim of transforming it into an independent environmental and cultural space. In April, photographer Ed Gold spent three weeks living alongside...
  19. dubh

    Website for abandoned and derelict places in scotland

    happend accross this listing of abandoned sites in Scotland. Maybe good for post apocalyptic dystopia survival of societal collapse (wishful thinking?). :)...
  20. dubh

    Squat Scouting Dublin Ireland

    So anyone in Ireland want to start a squat, here is a good listing of vacant premises in Dublin. https://www.reusingdublin.ie/
  21. caffine addict

    Useful site for squating

    For anyone who needs a place to squat while hitchhiking or anything else, I got what you need. A Website called "ghosttowns.com" is a Website/Wiki that shows all locations of ghost towns in the United States and Canada. Some places are abandoned, some are private property. Be safe
  22. tony longshanks

    Midwest ghost towns

    A friend of mine recently came back from traveling all over the Midwestern USA on an extended road trip, & reported to me that there are TONS of abandoned towns there. "Town after town after town... completely empty," she told me. So, having been born in Minnesota, I know how inhospitable the...
  23. junkpolecat99

    brazilian music video squat (location unknown?)

    Found it on youtube broz
  24. tony longshanks

    Cheeta says Hi / magic castle squatter film vision

    Hello squatters & misfit travelers, my name is Cheeta (that's not the name the housies get, but it's the name that you get!). I've been semi-lurking & occasionally posting on this forum for a while, minus a proper introduction. I finally thought of a good one. So, a couple years ago I was...
  25. P

    Looking for squats or communes anywhere in the continental US

    I'm facing down unexpected homelessness, and have somewhere to go in the fall. I just need somewhere to be between early May and late August. If some communal farm needs help during the busiest months of the year...
  26. dubh

    ohio and ireland squatter traveller

    Hi, I am a squatter when travellin'. I live in Ohio when not on the road, if you are passing through Alliance, OH area and need a place to crash for a couple nights hit me up. It is a squat like condition at my house, although I own it but it is a roof for a couple nights if needed. There...
  27. Asharachne

    Returning to the life

    Yep. Likely relocating to Omaha from Lawrence hell hole KS temporarily. Then back on the road ((proper)) again after 7 long fucking years. Looking for anything squat worthy around Sweet Springs, MO. And anything notable and discreet anywhere, AR. No you can't be my 'road dawg'. I fly...
  28. Hillbilly Castro

    Building a Stealth Squat on Wilderness Land

    Was curious about experiences with this. I've got a spot I know of by some nice moving water where I know virtually no one ever goes. It's close enough to resources - library, bar, post office, places to find a day's work, etc - but very seldom traveled. It's a stream valley with extremely steep...
  29. Tude

    Encampment discovered on top of CA Amtrak station

    Thought this was interesting - squatting right out in the "open". _______________________________________ http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/12/homeless-encampment-discovered-on-top-california-amtrak-station.html Homeless encampment discovered on top of California Amtrak station By Travis...
  30. Cornelius Vango

    Slab City Library 2018 update

    This past winter season at SCL has been INTENSE. Mostly in a great way. We've had ups, some downs and were thrown a few loops. Overall, I feel like we've grown quite a lot. This is the first summer since I've re-established the place that it's been able to continue running without me for an...
  31. D

    summer time uninhabited island squat cape cod mass

    okay so this place okay so this place called panekes Island that used to have a school on it for bad kids from Boston has been uninhabited for several years now maybe as many as five but it has a big house a tool shop a boat shop climbing walls animal pens chicken coops Garden space basketball...
  32. Shwhiskey Gumimaci

    The Austin Squat Is Officially Dead

    So last year around this time @Matt Derrick @VikingAdventurer @sofarfromhome @EphemeralStick Anna and I all had a squat in Austin. We even had an STP Cribz video posted on here. I just came back to it yesterday and most of it is completely torn down and whats left was being torn down this...
  33. Toadandspur

    Stranded as fuck in EL CENTRO

    I recently came across matt's book, the anarchists guide.. Got it from a friend named toasty. Toasted tramp on insta. Him and i both agree that the book overwhelmingly SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN FUCKING PUBLISHED BECAUSE CERTAIN SECRETS ARE LEFT TO BE DISCOVERED AND NOT TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREELY, That...
  34. mans

    hitchhike nightmare tips

    hey everyone i wish you all a blessed life and journey thrue traveling. i'm leaving soon to hitchhike Europe and i wondered if any of you have some more tips to recognize bad people and intensions. i have 3 years of hitchhiking experience so i know about most of the general tips and tricks...
  35. ScatteredCrowBones

    Poking the Campfire

    Hey There! just thought I'd introduce myself to any of the west coast wanderers. Been wandering around the west coast and the deserts of the south west for a couple years. Wintering here on the North Coast, trying to set up and squat a house right now. I'd love to talk with folks familiar with...
  36. mans

    new member from europe

    Hey everyone, i wish u all the best in your traveling and wicked adventures. i'm going to start a hitchhiking trip in europe in a month and i was wondering if there are any other european members on this site. any other hitchhiking or wildcamping tips are also more then welcome ;) . have a...
  37. troublefunk

    Respect to Manchester UK

    Fantastic crew from Manchester who get busy.RESPECTS!
  38. fuck capitalist scum

    Squatting abandoned houses

    With so many empty houses I don't understand why it's so hard to find organized communities around squatting. At least in my country it's near impossible to find information or a list of some empty places and people willing to use them, because there are really a lot of empty abandoned places...
  39. VickyFresh

    Best Squat You've Ever Had?

    I want everybody to post about the best squat they have ever had, and your story of how you found it, what happened and why you left. Here's mine. It was a hotel/pub which had closed a few years earlier. It was in a beautiful location right on a harbour by a beach. It was easy to hitchhike...

    New to squat the planet

    I've been doing this for years but just made an account
  41. mazapunx

    Bristol Squatters

    Hi humans!! This is my first post so, thanks you for reading me. I'm from spain and i'll travel to Bristol (England) in January. i wanna squat but i don't know nothing about that squats situations or how many crews there are in Bristol. So i need some help. If someone can help me, please...
  42. Kerri K

    Thinking of moving to slab city with our kids

    So our family lost everything... Any advice for traveling with kids? We hope to try Slab City, yes we know most say it isn't suitable for kids but we don't have many options. TIA
  43. almostvicious

    Featured That time i hitchhiked to Belgium and almost died :P

    Ladies, gentlemen and people who are neither or both, the end of the year is near so i thought it could be a good opportunity to reflect on the past year and tell you a little (very long) story. On the first of july 2017, my friend Kim texted me: "Hey, wanna go to Belgium? I have friends that...
  44. outskirts

    Philly cracking down on squatters.

    I just saw on the Philly evening news, wanted to give heads up to anyone squatting in Philly. http://6abc.com/squatter-crackdown-after-action-news-investigation/2774292/ Squatter crackdown after Action News Investigation Action News Investigation: Squatter crackdown: Wendy Saltzman reports...
  45. James Maarsten

    EMERGENCY! Beijing evicts thousands! Get them to the "Ghost Cities"!

    Folks: the site wouldn't let me put this into 'Conversations' so I had to make it an article. Do any of you speak Chinese? Can you get past the Fire Wall? Yesterday, Xi Jingping, and the local officials just evicted thousands of poor, underskilled workers from their homes, under the excuse of...
  46. Stalker pup

    How do you sleep discreetly in a large city?

    I've had the cops called on me countless times around europe while simply trying to sleep away from rain under some roof of a public building... What are your guys' tips for discreet urban camping?
  47. P

    Squat Atalanta

    Super clean squat I found in Atlanta with Ticket Rick off a jump out pics are to follow . Bad part was two homebum didn't even know it was there and had to listen to them most night yelling but squat was underground . BAD ASS DUBBED SADAM PALACE BY US
  48. Aleks Milenkovic

    Photos Captain looking for crew members to squat uninhabited islands east med

    I will be voyaging to a group of uninhabited islands Deep South croatia in my sealine 410 statesman, a 3-4 bed yacht, I dream of purchasing atleast part of those islands one day, it is easily possible to build a large enough squaters Wright’s style village or even towns
  49. zaye rodriguez

    Family of 3 students need a place to sleep at night unitl 12/1/2017

    Greetings. I need information on an emergency temporary living situation until the 1st of december 2017. Two adults and a teen, all students with income, have very little resources until the 1st of the month. The intention is to find a month to month, no lease, rental situation and continue...
  50. japanarchist

    “We’re Not Leaving”: Chicago Squatters Resist Eviction

    This statement published below comes from a group of squatters who have occupied a building owned by Barnett Capital, one of the driving forces of gentrification in Chicago. The squatters state that they are not leaving the building. As many of us are squeezed out by rising rents and real estate...