
  1. Russetfur1128

    Advice for a new squatter?

    I just moved into a house that is abandoned. The owner died 3 years ago and his wife moved halfway across the country. Planning on fixing up the yard and then getting water and electricity turned on, but not sure about how to do that. I've never paid bills in my life, as I've been living with...
  2. Maliceofcats

    Can you squat a trust owned property?

    Hey y'all, I been in the midwest for a bit looking at some places to squat in my hometown, and I gotta ask. What even does it mean when a property is owned by a trust? I've been coming across some places that are owned by em, and while I do know the Google results for what a trust is I'm curious...
  3. Inhibition

    Told to Vacate Apartment, Might Be Squatting And Would Like Advice

    My family has been told to vacate after living in the same place for 20 years. We've never missed rent, but a new landlord bought my place and is kicking us out so he can double the rent. I'm not sure the covid eviction moratorium fully protected people in our circumstance where renovation...
  4. japanarchist

    Squatter movie night in Portland Or.

    Hey folks, if you're in Pdx come out for a movie night! Some buddies are having a benefit event and I'm helping boost this. Come out to Pennsula park on 9/11 to watch some cool squatUmentaries, meet other squattas & anarchos and have some fun! Here's more info on it:
  5. Tony Pro

    Tips for adding better feng shui to a squat

    Tl;dr how to make a spooky cabin more cozy while treading lightly? I’ve recently acquired de-facto possession of an old cabin on a riverbank. I don’t want to give away the location but it’s actually a semi-famous building with a really interesting history. Inside i found Brochures from 2019...
  6. Yerbiologicalfather

    Ahoy fellow squatters

    I'm new here and just wanted to say high. I've spent over a decade traveling the lower 48 and parts of Canada most recently by van. Right now though I'm only traveling part time to help support my family more. I hope all are well and I look forward to interacting with you all!
  7. CCKM

    Squatting Baltimore, hints or tips?

    I've done my reading by this point, apparently the city is tearing itself to pieces trying to keep up with the rate of abandonment. Theoretically, it should be pretty easy to squat a house. At the same time has anyone been there recently? Are there spots, green flags, is there a good way to go...
  8. Wierden

    Advice for Squatting in the Reno 'burbs?

    Hey all, So I've got a work-stay set up at a sweet spot outside of Vegas, but it doesn't start til August. For personal reasons, I'd like to leave my current state and be in Nevada prior to that, for up to a couple of weeks. I have a couple friends in Reno, so I could probably get a couple...
  9. KrimsonDCLXVI

    Where/How to squat in NYC? (+making money while disabled?)

    Recently I've been struggling with finding places to live or even squat. I've been sleeping on the benches of Tompkins Square Park (LES manhattan) and I'd really like to know how I can find places in NYC to squat or where I can find experienced people here who know about this stuff. Also im...
  10. KrimsonDCLXVI

    Staten Island's Abandoned Farm Colony?

    (This ones gonna be quick and messy but might post a better in-depth thread on this area with pics i dunno) One time a few months back one of my friends took me to this abandoned area with a lot of abandoned structures in the area. Its the Staten Island Abandoned Farm Colony. In NYC, ya take...
  11. D

    New York Squatters of 1791

    Looks like the first cop killed in the line of duty in the US was killed by squatters who were all aquited in a jury trial: https://www.odmp.org/officer/20692-sheriff-cornelius-hogeboom
  12. Jonnyboy369

    Old New Orleans public drunk warrants??

    So, the last time I was in New Orleans was in 2006 after the hurricane. I ran into someone I knew from having been there the year before and stayed in a squat with (the old rice mill). So, we thought it would be fun to go break into it and get shitfaced there. We all went up to the roof, and...
  13. B

    What's the squatter law say about a working hobo sleeping on rail road property if they can prove they work for the union.

    Hey, I'm in cali at my hometown of sacramento and they bulldozed our village of tents on the freeway, so I moved to the other side of the fence so cal trans couldn't say anything and all I have to trip off of is the bulls which never come here and the tourists in town train ride can't see this...
  14. jacketpunk

    How can you tell if somewhere is a good place to squat?

    There's a sweet abandoned place close to me, I think it was a preschool or nursery or something. It's been abandoned and untouched for a while, maybe 5-10 years? It's on kind of a suburban area, though. I'm personally not squatting there, but I was thinking about posting the location here for...
  15. Xentah

    Seeking Work/Home in Las Vegas

    I am a highly skilled Marketing Professional, living that digital nomad life with moderate success. Vegan, social-entrepreneur, and activist. I have wanted to move to Vegas for something like 7 years now, and finally about to achieve that goal. My company is doing well and I am currently...
  16. Badly Drawn Girl

    Safe places to camp or squat in Philly

    This is a long shot but I'm really up against it. Philly residents or folks who are familiar with the city...are there any good spots you know of either in squats or bandos where I could possibly find a little shelter from the elements without exposing myself to too many other people? I've been...
  17. Matt Derrick

    Reported content: Post in thread 'Getting paid to squat.'

    Post in thread 'Getting paid to squat.' by Greeneyedgoddess has been reported by Matt Derrick. Reason given: Content being reported:
  18. D

    Squatting In The US

    Brought this over from where I published it earlier as it kinda applies to freight hopping and many folks may only read in here, dunno. I used to do a lot of foreclosure work back in the day in between hopping freights. Nine times out of ten, if you have the keys to a residence --- in the US at...
  19. D

    Squatting With The Keys

    I used to do a lot of foreclosure work back in the day in between hopping freights. Nine times out of ten, if you have the keys to a residence --- in the US at least --- the cops will generally leave you alone and consider it a civil matter. The double edged sword here is that if you are going...
  20. Adriel

    Euro travel

    Heloou, Someone want to go to travel from Czech Republic to south Spain and around? Im from Argentina, living in a car since 3 years, currently in a squat in Czech Republic. Cheers
  21. FawnGone

    After 18 years of housie life... Back on my bullshit

    Hi everyone! New to this site so here's a bit about me.... I started squatting at 15, traveling/hitching/hopping at 16. Traveled all over the country multiple times that way until I got pregnant at 20 and got off the road for my kid... Did a lot of domestic, responsible shit in the past 17 years...
  22. Ceannairc

    "The Joys of Being Homeless" - old article with good tips

    I found this article while lost in some internet rabbit hole during the summer. I saved it as I thought it was very good, and I was worried the site it was on would go offline, as it looked like it hadn't been updated in years. I think it will be of interest to a lot of people on this site. I've...
  23. D

    Shelter: A Squatumentary

    The whole film is posted on the youtube now!
  24. Workhorse

    Whats poppin' stp, I'm ready to squat and other jazz like that.

    New to all of this, been a long time camper and hiker tho. The road life has been calling me for a while. Cool to find an online community. Can't wait to learn and share with y'all. Peace.
  25. Loudlocusts

    Squatting Journal, Day by Day

    I will be updating this journal so you can see in real time how things develop. Typically day by day, unless it's a nonsense day. I am brand new to this, so it all comes from the eyes of a total newbie. Day 1 - Three floors on the house I found. Basement has water and electricity, and a broken...
  26. MiddleNameLide

    Bests cities to squat in?

    Hey Y'all, I hope you're all staying safe and healthy right now but I know this is a very hard time for a lot of folks so you have my sympathies and prayers. While I'm stuck in place and likely not going anywhere for a long while I started to wonder about what cities are the best to be...
  27. Lamentations

    Free utilities

    I know in a lot of abandoned buildings, there's a power box with no lock. You just take the little piece of red tape out from between the two currents, open up the meter and stuff something in between the dial and the thing that holds it to stop it from rotating, and voila! You have free power...
  28. nikhil madhusudhanan

    Beyond Squat or Rot by Chuck Munson

    @nikhil madhusudhanan submitted a new file to the library: Beyond Squat or Rot by Chuck Munson - Anarchist Approaches to Housing Click here for more info!
  29. nikhil madhusudhanan

    Squatter Comics [No.1]

    @nikhil madhusudhanan submitted a new file to the library: Squatter Comics [No.1] - A modern history of squatting on the lower east side Click here for more info!
  30. Shwhiskey Gumimaci

    Photos Squat the Airport. And the planet

    squat that planet
  31. Older Than Dirt

    Description of dirty kid squat i lived in, from an unpublished report

    In 2016, i did a study of heroin use in Vermont for the state Department of Health there. i ended up living in a dirty kid squat in Burlington for the summer after i met a former poster here on the bus, and remarked on his CSX hat, and Crass logo patch. Due to a falling out about funding, the...
  32. nikhil madhusudhanan

    Tresspass at Will - Erin Wiegand

    @nikhil madhusudhanan submitted a new file to the library: Tresspass at Will - Squatting as Direct Action, Human RIght and Justified Theft Click here for more info!
  33. nikhil madhusudhanan

    Crisis Squatting Report 2011

    @nikhil madhusudhanan submitted a new file to the library: Crisis Squatting Report 2011 - An evidence review Click here for more info!
  34. nikhil madhusudhanan

    Hidden Homelessness : Life on the Margins

    @nikhil madhusudhanan submitted a new file to the library: Hidden Homelessness : Life on the Margins - The experiences of homeless peopleliving in squats Click here for more info!
  35. MetalBryan

    To the tweakers scoping out my squat...

    I have been leaving the lights off at night for a few days because I got spooked. I won't do that again because I don't approve of what you did with sugar packets in my front yard. However, I'm leaving the empty packets where you left them because these gentrifying assholes have to learn this...
  36. ChillAI

    New to this idea. Should I start squatting?

    I’m 26, a guy and from NorCal. I don’t or can’t really keep a full time job, and most jobs don’t hire or keep me for long, and any that would I wouldn’t want to do them. I’ve never been homeless but I have considered squatting, moving around, couch surfing, or whatever. I have little to no...
  37. nikhil madhusudhanan

    The Hidden History of Housing - Colin Ward

    @nikhil madhusudhanan submitted a new file to the library: The Hidden History of Housing - Colin Ward - Talks of squatters in the era of the World Wars, after the wars and then in the modern world (2004) Click here for more info!
  38. Des

    City owned squats

    Does anyone have experience with squatting city owned houses? Id like to hear peoples thoughts on their experiences with the ejection process and how long they were able to hold them
  39. MetalBryan

    Turning over the squat

    My squatting is coming to an end. I can either: turn my squat over to the city, giving me some protection if something happens to the physical structure. Declaring the property vacant would give me some legal protection. Or, instead of declaring the property abandoned, give it over to a...
  40. D

    Say I want to squat in Philadelphia

    Where should I go? I'd love to meet other squatters and get a lay of the land, and help with any projects that need being done.
  41. TheUndeadPhoenix

    Looking for empty land in New York or New England

    I've been stuck in NYC for the last like 4 years in an apartment. I want to go into the woods for awhile and live off the land, somewhere I'm not going to be bothered by landowners or cops/rangers. I want to be able to build stuff and if I have to worry about rangers kicking me off of state...
  42. M

    Accomodation in Cambridge

    Hello, Regarding the situation with the Coronavirus and since public transport in the UK is very restricted, if you are stuck in Cambridge and don’t have a place to stay at the moment do contact us, we can accommodate up to 15 squatters for free. The rooms are separate, in different apartments /...
  43. D

    anyone know of Olympia WA SQUATS?

    Anybody know of any active squats in olympia?
  44. danidatx

    Austin Squat - seeking advice and interest

    Myself and a small group of folks are interested in putting together an intentional squat for rad/anarcho folks who want to do the damn thing! I am in search of legal advice specific to Texas, anyone with resources they can offer or have leads on, and folx who may want to help/participate in...
  45. MetalBryan

    My first week...

    As of March 1, I am a squatter. It's not the first time, but the scale of it feels larger because I'm not sneaking around. I've become the default caretaker of a property without permission and this was the first month a rent check wasn't cut. This all started in March (yeah, almost a year ago)...
  46. MetalBryan

    Moms 4 Housing Evicted : News item

    If you didn't know, like me, now you know. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/15/us/moms-4-housing-homeless-evicted-oakland-trnd/index.html
  47. Taylorwltrs

    New squat member heading to AZ

    New to travel and heading to southern Arizona in March. Seeking friends and ways to sell/trade art so I'm not broke as fuck while I'm out there. Some things about me mmm I enjoy camping, trash punk, swing dancing.. any kind of dancing/live music, art, booze, belching buggos and sunshine. I...
  48. PeaceAndLove

    Websites for forclosures

    I've been useing trulia to find forclosures. Does anyone have experience with this site or suggestion for others?
  49. TheTexasRoadrunner

    Available Sqaut ( Lufkin Texas )

    There's a abandoned store n the middle of the woods that I been to a few times. It's been abandoned since at least the.late 90s or early 2000s and a abandoned railline runs next to it. If any of my fellow sqautters or freegans need info on it hit me up it's a few buildings down from my house ...
  50. TheTimeEnder

    Looking for long time and reliable squatters in ANY state - willing to relocate.

    PM me for more information, please and thank you. :) - Looking for any other squatters in ANY state who will allow me to join them and contribute - currently residing in Gresham, OR - willing to take Amtrak to you - I choose to live freely and mindfully - please be down to Earth and chill. :)