
  1. TheTexasRoadrunner

    Available Sqaut ( Lufkin Texas )

    There's a abandoned store n the middle of the woods that I been to a few times. It's been abandoned since at least the.late 90s or early 2000s and a abandoned railline runs next to it. If any of my fellow sqautters or freegans need info on it hit me up it's a few buildings down from my house ...
  2. TheTimeEnder

    Looking for long time and reliable squatters in ANY state - willing to relocate.

    PM me for more information, please and thank you. :) - Looking for any other squatters in ANY state who will allow me to join them and contribute - currently residing in Gresham, OR - willing to take Amtrak to you - I choose to live freely and mindfully - please be down to Earth and chill. :)
  3. roughdraft

    Reported content: Post in thread 'I am leaving Squat the Planet.'

    Post in thread 'I am leaving Squat the Planet.' by feralautistic has been reported by roughdraft. Reason given: Content being reported:
  4. D

    Can we manifest/maintain a squat?

    Look you guys. I'm seeing many people on here in need of housing, or wanting more viable housing. It really makes me wonder, why are we not correographing and starting more squats? Can we please get a discussion going on this? There is just a REDICULOUS amount of unused/abandoned houses out...
  5. MolotovMocktail

    I am leaving Squat the Planet.

    Hi folks. I’m making this post to announce that I’ve decided to step down as a moderator and participant on Squat the Planet. Please know that this wasn’t an easy decision to make but I’m convinced it’s the right move for me. There are a few reasons for this: 1) I’ve been on StP for six years...
  6. DoctorZ

    Would You Squat in The Old Moose Lake, MN, High School? It's Haunted!

    I believe This building is still abandoned--the old Moose Lake High School. Only thing is--It's haunted! Duluth Paranormal Society Investigates What Can't Be Explained - Fox21Online - https://www.fox21online.com/2017/10/29/duluth-paranormal-society-investigates-cant-explained/
  7. Crazy Hobo Johnny

    Be Careful Where You Squat

    This morning while walking towards sh*tmart (Walmart) by my house, I heard gun shots. 4 minutes later I saw Milw. police SUVs racing to a major popular park. Reading this news article should be heads up to be careful where you squat. There's more to this story we're not being told. To me...
  8. Coywolf

    'Residential' camping and squatting on Public land

    Not sure if I should put this is squatting, orwilderness survival....it seemed better here. Hey all, I am creating this thread to see what people's experiences have been with the recent push by the Forest Service and BLM to limit 'Residential camping'. As I have noticed recently, the FS and...
  9. Stiv Rhodes

    Room available

    If anyone is interested in wintering in the Kitsap peninsula, I have a furnished room available at a squat outside of Bremerton for a person or couple. 1hr 15 min drive from Seattle or 2 hr on public transit. House has electricity and internet but no water. Nearest tap water source is a 15...
  10. Zbart1108

    Squats on the Big Island

    Just got back from the mainland and found my place to stay not so favorable anymore...now looking for a place to squat ugh.
  11. RedDeath99

    UK Bound

    Heading to the UK quite soon,. Was wondering if anyone is there and knows a place that ill be able to squat. I do plan on visiting A.S.S once I get there. I just want to be sure i got a place to pass out. Til I can get on a train to somewhere warmer.
  12. pachacuti

    SE Asia this December - squats, food, freights, tips, etc?

    Hey all, Backpacking everywhere through Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore for the next few months. No destinations in particular. Either keep traveling if I can find the means all the way to West Europe by land, or pounce on some yupster job offering. Basically I need some...
  13. D

    Reported content: Post in thread 'What is Squat the Planet?'

    Post in thread 'What is Squat the Planet?' by chadwisoclo has been reported by Brodiesel710. Reason given: Content being reported:
  14. Matt Derrick

    More Thoughts on Squatting in the San Francisco Bay Area

    @Matt Derrick submitted a new file to the library: More Thoughts on Squatting in the San Francisco Bay Area - Personal thoughts on the squatting community in the SF bay area with some additional resources. Click here for more info!
  15. LucasDalton

    Potential Land Squats

    I am in process of planning an extended adventure of indefinite duration in which I plan on finding good squat-able land areas in the US and trying my best to stay there throughout the majority of the season, then migrate like a bird along with the pleasant weather. My plan is to build a man...
  16. D

    Potential Squat-able Land Areas on the US/MEX border.

    I have found two small parcels of Mexican land located on the US side of the Rio Grande. The land seems to be routinely & potentially traversed by the USPB as it has a border road that runs parallel to the River Google Maps - https://goo.gl/maps/fH8k8ETHJ9oiLAzi9 What I do not see is the cross...
  17. P

    Atlanta, Georgia, squatting scene / squatting-type scene, like veggie eating, houses with homemade art?

    Hello everyone, Is there a squatting scene or squatting-type scene in Atlanta, such as with veggie eating, houses with homemade art? I would love to see this on my short trip for a week this month.
  18. nastynaty

    The battle of tuntenhaus

    This is a pretty interesting documentary i came across a few weeks ago. I didnt see it posted here so i thought I'd share. Ffo queers, squatting, police conflict Caught amongst the fragile ruins of post GDR East Berlin, a community of queer people occupied a house in the near derelict...
  19. nastynaty

    official declaration of takeover

    So I've stayed at a few squats now where I saw a very official paper on the entrances that stated that the tenants were tired of being harassed, and had legal right to be there. I just now popping my first long term squat am interested in a template of such document as to make my squat seem more...
  20. Justine

    LA/NOLA punk scene/house & squats

    Hey, I'm a Canadian - currently living/travelling 'Straya but heading back to Turtle Island in October. I want to spend a about 3 months in the USA in January 2020. Iwant to spend most of my time in 1 place with only a bit of time in transit. I am town between LA and NOLA. I love them both...
  21. Chevyheavy

    Charleston SC squats

    First time posting on here, anyone know of any squats or spots to set up anywhere in the Charleston area?
  22. japanarchist

    Going to Europe in August -September and looking for tips?

    Hey folks, I'm making my first trip outside the US to Europe for a month and I'd love to get any advice y'all could share. I'm flying into London and my itinerary is France(Paris)-Spain(BCN)-Portugal-Greece(Athens/Exarchia) then back to London for my returning flight. I'm not exactly sure on the...
  23. D

    Reported content: Post in thread 'News & Blogs - Reddit Thread On Squatting Homes, Interesting Read.'

    Post in thread 'News & Blogs - Reddit Thread On Squatting Homes, Interesting Read.' by IgnibusAtris has been reported by IgnibusAtris. Reason given: Content being reported:
  24. WyldLyfe

    Car And Squatting

    Ok, recently there was a thread about what do you do with your bags when entering a shop that says no bags allowed, an I guess this question could be slightly similar in ways, but anyway.. The general question here is, what do you guys do or have done with your car/automobile when squatting a...
  25. Gabe22

    Abandoned buildings in seattle?

    Been prepping to travel to washington for a while. Wondering where the highest voncentration of abandoned buildings or best places are to start a squat. Thanks.
  26. Gabe22

    Internet in squats.

    How do you get internet in a squat? Do you just have comcast come over and hope they don't say anything? Or do you do something else?
  27. babywavy

    Looking for a big city squat

    Hey y'all, I'm working on some back muscle issues that have been slowing my ability to hoof it across the country like I want to. My pack is really aggravating it, and I'm doing exercises that are helping, but slowly. I'm hoping to find a squat in a larger city, ideally Chicago but any large...
  28. Pedal to the Metal


    I haven't been here in 20+ years, curious about camping/squatting close to town in Taos. I know the Mesa is wide open, just wanting to explore town a little. Any stories, suggestions?
  29. GreenthornTraveler

    Hello Squat The Planet . New traveler here to learn

    Hello, i know a little about camping and trains but i have never train hoppped or hitch hiked yet. Im interested in taking off this summer and traveling around the west coast . WA , OR, CA area. I have a lot of interests based around growing food, permaculture , living more closely with...
  30. Ginli

    Germany squats????

    Hey people! I am travelling around Germany in June! Its my first time going here!! Any other travelers out here at this time that would wana hang out? Also any squats or alternative living communities ????? Thankkkkkks! Liarna
  31. ElNayshon

    Squats or safe place in Oahu, Hawaii

    Just moved to Oahu from the Big Island. It's a huge culture shock. It's almost like a different state, crazy. Iv been staying along the North Shore but it's kind of sketch. Can anyone recommend some good spots? Mahalo 😀
  32. D

    Looking for a new squat in east austin

    Currently squatting in east austin but i have reason to believe that my current squat may not be safe for much longer, if anyone knows any good area's or buildings in east austin preferably, because thats where i work , messgae me, gracias.
  33. Potatos

    We've set up shop in slab City

    We've taken over and now running a smoke shop an tattoo parlor serving snow cones cold drinks hot vegan food. And a good old squatting time
  34. J

    Noob to the site but not squatting

    Houston, homeless, in a car... need to squat a place for about three months or so. Anyone know of any decent spaces?
  35. Crazy Hobo Johnny

    Tennessee Veteran Returns Home From Deployment To Find Squatters

    At least he's not going after those who squatted in his home! Middle Tennessee veteran returns home from deployment to find squatters - https://krcrtv.com/news/nation-world/middle-tennessee-veteran-returns-home-from-deployment-to-find-squatters
  36. D

    Washington Post photo essay on Brazilian Squat

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/photography/2019/03/27/what-its-like-living-an-abandoned-building-one-most-populous-cities-world/?utm_term=.9bfd07d2ba41 ~ peace
  37. saul

    Need help and advice from fellow squatters

    I found an abandonedbuilding and was wondering how I could take owner ship of it
  38. Mabombix

    Looking for Chicago Squats

    Apologies if I don't know the correct words or terms for certain things. This is my first day being homeless and I am genuinely searching for a community that will take me in. So, I'm looking for squats (or one of the under-bridge-tent-goups) around Chicago, and I can't find anything recent that...
  39. Mabombix

    Alone in the Windy City

    Hi there! I'm Maeve, a 19 year old trans woman who just got thrown out of her family home. I don't really have an interesting story aside from that, but I figure that's not super uncommon on this forum. I'm an amateur cartoonist and guitarist, and I'm looking for squats in or around Chicago that...
  40. Slingshot Collective

    Book Reviews: Fighting for Spaces, Fighting for Our Lives: Squatting Movements Today

    https://slingshotcollective.org/a18-book-reviews-fighting-for-spaces-fighting-for-our-lives-squatting-movements-today/ Squatting Everywhere Collective (SqeK) Edition Assemblage 2018 Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 37, D – 48157 Münster Review by dj dio This book is 356 pages long and contains 30...
  41. Prometheus

    Squatting Ghost Towns Out West

    Hey comrades, I've avidly developed a huge interest (both historical and personal) in ghost towns of the 19th to early 20th century and am musing on the idea of squatting one, or at least exploring more of them out west than the handful of tourist attractions I've seen and the one so abandoned...
  42. cherryb0mb


    So we’re stuck in Oklahoma. Our Explorer is in the shitter and needs $800 worth of repairs plus the $700 we already put in that shit shoe. We keep the Explorer for sleeping space which is very helpful traveling with our two furry kiddos. BUT winter is almost passed and we need to get the fuck...
  43. T

    Hello! Galway squats needed

    Hello all, I'm very new to this but i'm excited and hope you welcome me in. I'm going to keep this short and sweet, im looking for somewhere to squat in Galway in the West of Ireland, indoors/underground preferably. All help is much appreciated :)
  44. AAAutin

    Squat the Paeans — Member Appreciation Thread

    It's the holiday season once more; and whether you're on the road away from loved ones or housed up and stuck with them, it can be a time of intense loneliness. So, I figure it's as good a time as any to express our love for one another—like the maudlin saps we are. C'mon and gather round, ya...
  45. Stiv Rhodes

    Country Squat in Kitsap County, WA

    Some folks at the Jambo said I should post some pics of the awesome house I've been working on over the last 6 months. It sits on 4 acres. The owner died and left all their stuff behind. The bank has a lien on it and will probably foreclose next year. It was vacant 3 years, but the owner only...
  46. Slingshot Collective

    Kansas City Squatters' Handbook from the feral cat collective

    I would post this in the library but the PDF isn't downloading to this computer. https://web.archive.org/web/20140223190626/http://zinelibrary.info/files/kcsquat.pdf Anyone else who has lost 'zines when zinelibrary.info went down, please check archive.org for it!
  47. A

    Squatting Augusta, GA

    Anyone bummin around downtown Augusta, GA? I've got a dope squat here. No way of knowing how long it'll hold for, but if things fall through, I know of other spots. This one's a loft right on Broad St with rigged electric and some furniture, including clean mattresses. Hardwoods, chandeliers...
  48. MadAndy

    Squat Across Europe Summer Media Project Idea. Need Your Advice

    Hey everyone. I'm still sorta new here, and most of my travel experience is limited to more traditional means of transport, through the US... and then several years of packing around the Middle East and South Asia. I got hitched to a Spaniard a couple of years back, so I live in Spain now, but...
  49. Tigerlily

    Squat in SoCal

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this whole thing and have been seriously contemplating squatting in a vacant home I found. So the home has been vacant for a year because the owners died. I checked with the county for property owners names, info and taxes. Owners are still the deceased and taxes are...
  50. Vagrant Son

    Need advice about starting a squat

    Im staying in nyc. There are currently 6 people staying here but only 3 are on the lease. We got an eviction notice a few days ago. Myself and the two others that aren't on the lease plan to squat it out. Any advice moving forward would be greatly appreciated.