I don't think there's anything unreasonable about looking for like-aged folks to hang out with. I also don't think there's anything wrong with people making friends with folks that aren't similar in age.
I think it's left to the individuals and what they're comfortable with. I'm at a place right now where there's a few people around 24 years old, one that's in their mid 30s, one that's 45 and I'm turning 50 in May.
I have amazing conversations with the folks in their twenties. They never seem uncomfortable with me being a dinosaur, and I don't mind them being the ages they are. It should be left to what people feel comfortable with.
I think it's hella weird to be guilting someone for excluding you based on big age gaps. Especially if you're an old dude and the person you're guilting over age discrimination is a young female presenting individual. How much more out of touch could you be. Don't be weird.
Also.. the artwork you chose for your profile cover is what appears to be a few bottles of cough syrup and the words "bang" and "screw" and you're from "D-town" what is that.. dick town? I just.. am I reading too much into this? I could be. But I'm getting big time "My name's Buck and I like to fuck" vibes.