I fly a lot for work, I often have 12+ hour lay overs. And I have slept at an airport while bumming it. But my last trip up to work I got harassed by airport security in Minneapolis. I had arrived a day early because that was the only way it worked out with getting a bus from central Wisconsin to MSP for my flight to work, and they woke me up and grilllleddddd me hard. They asked me for my flight info/boarding pass, asked me a bunch of questions, like what was I doing there and why was I so early for my flight and so on. Asked if I was on anything ? Idk it was a lot and weird af.
I'm sharing because while in my 10+ years flying for work multiple times a year, this is the first something like that has happened to me, and makes me question how viable crashing out at the airport for the night really is anymore. So be careful y'all!