ZAD - protest site in the forest/swamp in france, resisting plans to build an airport. treehouses!


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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over where?

Website of the ZAD occupation - where the future airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes is planned to be.
The ZAD - to the developers it is the Zone d’Aménagement Différé’, the differed development zone and for us it’s a Zone À Défendre: a zone to be defended. Either way, it’s a part of the countryside close to Nantes in France, which according to the decision-makers should make way for an international aiport.
Their construction project "Grand Ouest" is an economic platform of international importance stretching from Nantes to Saint-Nazaire, which will form a singular, huge metropolis. Fulfilling this project means taking over the sky, the sea and the land in replacing the current airport in Nantes with a new one at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, but also enlarging the port at Saint-Nazaire and constructing new roads and highways...
Our goals, in coming to live here on the proposed site of the airport, are many: to live on a protest site, where we can be close to those who’ve been opposing the project for 40 years and to have the power to act when construction happens; to make use of abandoned spaces to learn to live together, to cultivate the land and to be more autonomous from the capitalist system.

i personally am in ireland now. heading to the ZAD at the beginning of july. was wondering if anyones ever heard of this place. heard SO many incredible things about it at the squatters convergence in brighton a few weeks ago.
anyone else interested in going ?

food is growing in the ground! bikes bikes bikes! 750 people or so! in th woooods! IN TREEHOUSES!


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Jan 10, 2012
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Dublin (Ballymount), Ireland
Hi there..
Never heard of this place.. sounds big..

Where you in ireland? Just visiting or living here..

Will be big group at hill of Tara for solstice this year..
The last one before December 21, 2012..


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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Website of the ZAD occupation - where the future airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes is planned to be.
The ZAD - to the developers it is the Zone d’Aménagement Différé’, the differed development zone and for us it’s a Zone À Défendre: a zone to be defended. Either way, it’s a part of the countryside close to Nantes in France, which according to the decision-makers should make way for an international aiport.
Their construction project "Grand Ouest" is an economic platform of international importance stretching from Nantes to Saint-Nazaire, which will form a singular, huge metropolis. Fulfilling this project means taking over the sky, the sea and the land in replacing the current airport in Nantes with a new one at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, but also enlarging the port at Saint-Nazaire and constructing new roads and highways...
Our goals, in coming to live here on the proposed site of the airport, are many: to live on a protest site, where we can be close to those who’ve been opposing the project for 40 years and to have the power to act when construction happens; to make use of abandoned spaces to learn to live together, to cultivate the land and to be more autonomous from the capitalist system.

i personally am in ireland now. heading to the ZAD at the beginning of july. was wondering if anyones ever heard of this place. heard SO many incredible things about it at the squatters convergence in brighton a few weeks ago.
anyone else interested in going ?

food is growing in the ground! bikes bikes bikes! 750 people or so! in th woooods! IN TREEHOUSES!

That sounds rad. How you getting there from Ireland? I would be so up for heading down there seeing as the olympics are coming to London SOON and I need to get the fuck out of here before its completely overrun with vile yuppie tourists. Also I love forest defense and I need to brush up on my Francais.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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over where?
That sounds rad. How you getting there from Ireland? I would be so up for heading down there seeing as the olympics are coming to London SOON and I need to get the fuck out of here before its completely overrun with vile yuppie tourists. Also I love forest defense and I need to brush up on my Francais.

Are you flying from ireland into france?

im leaving dublin around the 1st of july or so... got a ride down to dingle ( the sw of ireland) with my brother, and then we're hithcing to rosslare to take the ferry to france, then either hitching or faredodging on them good french trains to the ZAD.

im planning on staying there or around there till the 20th or so of july and then actually planning on hitching to barcelona/madrid as well!


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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im leaving dublin around the 1st of july or so... got a ride down to dingle ( the sw of ireland) with my brother, and then we're hithcing to rosslare to take the ferry to france, then either hitching or faredodging on them good french trains to the ZAD.

im planning on staying there or around there till the 20th or so of july and then actually planning on hitching to barcelona/madrid as well!

Cool, Dingle is gorgeous. I saw 7 rainbows in a day there. Zoe are you going to Boom festival by any chance? I have tickets so I'm tempted to hitch down from London and maybe hang out at ZAD for a little while before Boom starts. Maybe on the way back too.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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over where?
oh mannn.... ive heard shittons of wonderful things about boom festival, but i didnt know it was in portugal! i might be down to head to that. i was thinking of checking out madrid/barcelona to see the squat scene there during that time, but maybeeeee boom would be a worthy alternative... just cause ive got to be in switzerland for the anarchist conference from the 8th to 12th of august.

faredodging on trains is wickeddd easy in france:
the ticket collector comes by to collect your ticket and you say nope ive got no ticket and heshe says well thats 50 bucks or somethin and you say well ive got no money im broke and heshe says damn it well do you have an ID gimme your ID and you give himher your ID and then heshe puts your info into hisher machine and asks if youve got an address in france and you say well of course i do and then you give em some bullshit address, say... 22 Rue de Sambre et Meuse, Paris, 10eme arr.

and heshe gives you a copy of the fine/ticket (in french, the 'ammende') you must pay when you receive it at your address. and if you like, you can say: im so sorry, if course i'll pay it as soon as it comes in the mail, i just don;t have any money on me right now. and heshe says well now just dont be doing this again any time soon!
and then you continue on your way, on the train, as far as you like.

ta da!

tried this in england. sometimes works but they def take it more seriously and last time it didnt go well at all; i wouldnt try it again unless i rly need to.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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oh mannn.... ive heard shittons of wonderful things about boom festival, but i didnt know it was in portugal! i might be down to head to that. i was thinking of checking out madrid/barcelona to see the squat scene there during that time, but maybeeeee boom would be a worthy alternative... just cause ive got to be in switzerland for the anarchist conference from the 8th to 12th of august.

faredodging on trains is wickeddd easy in france:
the ticket collector comes by to collect your ticket and you say nope ive got no ticket and heshe says well thats 50 bucks or somethin and you say well ive got no money im broke and heshe says damn it well do you have an ID gimme your ID and you give himher your ID and then heshe puts your info into hisher machine and asks if youve got an address in france and you say well of course i do and then you give em some bullshit address, say... 22 Rue de Sambre et Meuse, Paris, 10eme arr.

and heshe gives you a copy of the fine/ticket (in french, the 'ammende') you must pay when you receive it at your address. and if you like, you can say: im so sorry, if course i'll pay it as soon as it comes in the mail, i just don;t have any money on me right now. and heshe says well now just dont be doing this again any time soon!
and then you continue on your way, on the train, as far as you like.

ta da!

tried this in england. sometimes works but they def take it more seriously and last time it didnt go well at all; i wouldnt try it again unless i rly need to.

haha thats so cool thanks for the info! Let me know if you go to boom, im working there this year. There is very little fencing at boom, just get a little inflatable boat, or put ur pack in a bin bag and swim (if you're quite fit), across the lake. at dawn or dusk would be best.

Yeah in England they got people under the thumb, you must conform, there is no other way. Even hitch-hiking is a fuckin nightmare. Often times sitting in the beer garden at the Hawley Arms in Camden, watching the freight trains stop, change crew then ride off again, I been so tempted to just hop over the fence and jump on. Sadly there's very few rideable carriages and also BTP have been known to waste people for that kinda shit :(


Aug 7, 2012
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Barcelona, Spain
hey you ever made it to the ZAD.? i just read your post.. its a great place.. i stayed there for a few months last year helped build some cabins.. will go back there again.. hope you enjoyed.. or you havent made it yet that you do go there.. its worth staying for a while...


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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over where?
hey you ever made it to the ZAD.? i just read your post.. its a great place.. i stayed there for a few months last year helped build some cabins.. will go back there again.. hope you enjoyed.. or you havent made it yet that you do go there.. its worth staying for a while...

yes! came here about a month ago and stayed for a coupl weeks. just got back yesterday for the reclaim the fields event happening here this weekend. fucking beautiful place. leaving saturday to go back to the states, but otherwise id stay for awhileee. they need more heads here helping the resistance.
awesome people, awesome farm house squats, tree houses, gardens, caravans, cabins...... really sweet.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
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the zad really needs support and solidarity!
for a week there has been hundreds of cops, helicopters, tear gas, trying to evict the place. resistance is impressive. second wave of evictions expected from this weekend on, everyone is welcome to join, or to organize solidarity actions wherever they are
and if you'll be around france, keep following the news for the upcoming re-occupation demo


Feb 3, 2018
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Cool, Dingle is gorgeous. I saw 7 rainbows in a day there. Zoe are you going to Boom festival by any chance? I have tickets so I'm tempted to hitch down from London and maybe hang out at ZAD for a little while before Boom starts. Maybe on the way back too.

Haha funny that's just my travel plan. I'm now in the Ardeche region doing some wildcamping in this beautifull nature. But afterwards i'm going to ZAD to help them out before going to boom festival in the summer. If you are still on the way maybe we can meet up somewhere.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
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Montreal, Canada
So did anything happen? Id google it but idk what to Google. And im curious if the ZAD is still active??
I don't know what's up in Notre dame des landes but there are other forests/spots to be defended. There always are :/
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