Your site has gone to shit.

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Aug 8, 2010
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wherever i sleep that night
move on, go outside. HAVE A LIFE. dont come back. youll be better off for it! trust us!
Don't any of you realize that was the point I was trying to make in the first place?
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Dec 20, 2009
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as for your second link, youre taking that COMPLETELY out of context. That person was not being victimised. They were performing at a concert and the audience turned on them. So like the majority of your opinions, they dont hold much weight.
So, a half-naked woman with blood streaming down her face who was pelted with bottles and huge rocks by dozens of people (mostly men, who obviously have the physical capacity to cause enormous damage) wasn't being victimized? Why don't you try to explain that one? Given that the band who hosted the festival, ICP, has lyrics such as
Clench my fist and cold clocked the whore
Rape the bitch, and tell a nasty lie
Whip out my shank and cut her eye
it's more than obvious that the incident can't be separated from an overall culture of misogyny, one that is supported by what goes on here as well.

As for the rest of your comment, it seems like you're saying that any criticism of STP that occurs on STP is automatically invalid just because it's on STP. This makes no sense and is just an easy way of avoiding personal accountability for what goes on here. And as usual, personal attacks stand in for actually addressing the original issue.


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May 14, 2011
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I think you`re beating a dead horse, This mat pit guy has already verbally Diarrhea-ed the vary important point that anybody with an opposing opinion needs to move on, go outside and get a life, hes provided a thesis.
The Bandwagon effect itt is in full gear bro,
they viewing themselves as relatively more variable in terms of personality,
behavior and mood while blindly viewing others as much more predictable,
it`s merely Ingroup bias, the tendency for people to give preferential treatment to others they perceive to be members of their own
groups or ideology`s, see; most these anarchist are ignorant, the system they deny is in fact themselves; contradictory, controlling, judgmental and stupid.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
Jesus christ people, its a fucking website about living for free. StP has gone through a lot of changes over the years, but even in the "crusty train kid" days this site mostly served as a discussion forum for those looking to live simply and cheaply but still enjoy life. Matt's provided us with a platform for this discussion and has mostly let it be a free for all over the years. However, there seems to be an increased interest in vagabonding coming from the younger generation and in order to keep things orderly he's had to lay down some rules. I've received warnings on this site for use of the word "fag" and for calling people fat. Both times it was from an over-eager new moderator (no, not you gudj) and mostly guided by their own personal insecurities. It pissed me off at the time, but I explained the situation to Matt and guess what? I was never banned.

To put it simply...
Back when this site was blocked from google and was mostly a word of mouth thing, not much regulation was needed since the community was small enough to police itself. Oogles where immediately laughed off the board, train info could be posted without fear of a million people seeing it and trolls where all but non-existent.

With 800 some new members in a month though, keeping track of who people are becomes nearly impossible. Some regulation is needed if want to keep the site from completely degrading.

StP is just funny to me these days. Of course a lot of the old hardcores aren't around much! We're off traveling!
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May 14, 2011
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Jesus christ people, its a fucking website about living for free. StP has gone through a lot of changes over the years, but even in the "crusty train kid" days this site mostly served as a discussion forum for those looking to live simply and cheaply but still enjoy life. Matt's provided us with a platform for this discussion and has mostly let it be a free for all over the years. However, there seems to be an increased interest in vagabonding coming from the younger generation and in order to keep things orderly he's had to lay down some rules. I've received warnings on this site for use of the word "fag" and for calling people fat. Both times it was from an over-eager new moderator (no, not you gudj) and mostly guided by their own personal insecurities. It pissed me off at the time, but I explained the situation to Matt and guess what? I was never banned.

To put it simply...
Back when this site was blocked from google and was mostly a word of mouth thing, not much regulation was needed since the community was small enough to police itself. Oogles where immediately laughed off the board, train info could be posted without fear of a million people seeing it and trolls where all but non-existent.

With 800 some new members in a month though, keeping track of who people are becomes nearly impossible. Some regulation is needed if want to keep the site from completely degrading.

StP is just funny to me these days. Of course a lot of the old hardcores aren't around much! We're off traveling!

Your use of the words oogle, crusty train kid and "old hardcores aren't around much! We're off traveling" proves to me you stuck within
The Minimal group paradigm.
Investigate the minimal conditions required for discrimination to occur between groups. Experiments using this approach have revealed that even arbitrary and virtually meaningless distinctions between groups (e.g. the colour of their shirts can trigger a tendency to favour one's own group at the expense of others.
Social identity theory and self-categorization theory explain this phenomenon by proposing a process in which ingroup members seek to build collective esteem by making social comparisons with other groups. For example, ingroup members often attribute the achievements of outgroups to luck or circumstance. On the other hand, their own successes are seen as reflecting their inherent qualities and as a validation of their ethos. This process of attributing one's own group's achievements to internal causes and the outgroup's achievements to external causes is related to the fundamental attribution error. Ingroup members also make biased comparisons with less fortunate outgroups to support the validity and legitimacy of their beliefs, values and behaviours. This allows them to distinguish themselves from outgroup members by exaggerating their differences and enhancing intergroup boundaries. Threats to distinctiveness in minimal groups are often overcome by making more biased social comparisons, expelling black sheep and re-categorizing the ingroup to exclude members that share outgroup values.
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Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
I think you're over-analyzing my statement just a little.

This site used to be much more dirty train kid orientated, in content and membership, thus the crusty train kid comment.
I personally know some old members of this site who where major contributors at some points, that's how I know they're off traveling.
I use the word "oogle" to describe an annoying individual who only hurts the community.

I guess using the slang that I use makes me a racist and a bigot, thanks for letting me know.

Experiments investigating the minimal conditions required for me to do your mom have proven that they are quite minimal.
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May 14, 2011
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Beegod satana; you have the mentality of a menstruating tween. here is a diagram.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
Oh I love it! Cause referencing a menstruating tween totally proves you're the intelligent one! I think my history on this site speaks for itself. If you wanna call me a moron go right ahead. YOU"RE the one who was quoting Metallica yesterday.

By referencing me to a menstruating creature are you implying that creatures that menstruate are some how inferior to those that don't?

Sounds a little rude to our sister squirrels brother bear.

Oh shit... by using rainbow slang am I blindly viewing you as more predicable than me??

Seriously though, this has been fun, stp RULEZ


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2009
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You're too smart for that, dear. Yes, beating a dead horse. If people don't get it, they don't get it. Moving along...
And speaking of Metallica, this thread is in need of some of their eternal wisdom...


Active member
May 14, 2011
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Oh I love it! Cause referencing a menstruating tween totally proves you're the intelligent one! I think my history on this site speaks for itself. If you wanna call me a moron go right ahead. YOU"RE the one who was quoting Metallica yesterday.

By referencing me to a menstruating creature are you implying that creatures that menstruate are some how inferior to those that don't?

Sounds a little rude to our sister squirrels brother bear.

Oh shit... by using rainbow slang am I blindly viewing you as more predicable than me??

Seriously though, this has been fun, stp RULEZ

Seriously though, your history on this site means nothing brah and the picture Is a joke; sounds like you`re an ignorant man beegad, you are the embodiment of an ignoramus.
Please understand that you have failed at comprehending.
So Mister beegod, what does quoting Metallica make me? funny; Guess you missed my Forest Gump quotes the other day, feel free to haunt my ghost my good man,
By referencing you to a menstruating creature I`m simply implying that you are in fact menstruating,
I think you're under-analyzing your level of contradictory stupidity.
You are presenting words that, while compelling, are irrelevant to the argument at hand, and then you claim that it validates the argument, you are merely speaking Glittering generalities,
Glittering generalities are emotionally appealing words that are applied to a person or idea, but present no concrete argument or analysis. This technique has also been referred to as the PT Barnum effect.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
"You are presenting words that, while compelling, are irrelevant to the argument at hand, and then you claim that it validates the argument, you are merely speaking Glittering generalities,"

I'm pretty sure you started with that one way before me.

"sounds like you`re an ignorant man beegad, you are the embodiment of an ignoramus."

I love that by simply defending the site that we all use (yourself included) I've gotten you on this holier-than-thou kick. Everything you say is concrete fact (although you offer no references what-so-ever) but everything I say is a glittering generality that not only proves my ignorance but is also intended to put up walls of oppression and perpetuate the false sense of superiority of the "ingroup." I was unaware I was in the "ingroup." I guess actually traveling and being in contact with others who travel make me part of the ingroup.

Also glittering generalities are supposed to be vague and have positive connotations (according to Wikipedia anyways), therefore I don't really feel that "crusty train kid" and "oogle" qualify as such, as neither of those terms have positive connotations to me. Using a term like "old hardcores" is just easier than specifically naming all my friends who used to use this site but hardly do anymore because they travel so much. Not to mention they probably wouldn't appreciate me talking about them on the internet without their permission.

You imply I am menstruating, I can only assure you that is incorrect as I am a male and lack the proper equipment. I understand though, I tend to come off as a hot chick in my posts and you're far from the first to have made this mistake.

Oh, and yes, quoting / posting metallica does make you funny. I'm pretty humor was the goal of Venus' last post.

Don't get too upset by my presence. I'm actually a really nice and effective person in the real world. Internet bickering is one of my guilty pleasures though.

So in conclusion, I don't feel stp has gone to shit, but I agree with people who claim its not like it used to be.
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2009
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Oh, and yes, quoting / posting metallica does make you funny. I'm pretty humor was the goal of Venus' last post.
I was using humor as a way to demonstrate how ineffective it is to insult someone on the basis of their quoting Metallica, because (early) Metallica is actually great. The rest of your post is as you described it, petty internet bickering, so I will not address that part.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
blackswan, your responses are just plain insane. venusinpisces, you continually lack the understanding to effectively make a rational argument, and it just seems like nothing but useless drivel comes out of your mouth that has very little to nothing to do with what's being discussed, so im just not going to spend any more energy on you.

nothing useful has appeared here in several pages. thread closed.


I still dont understand why you dont just go away. Its not like youre "fighting the system" here. Wouldnt it be ridiculous if i posted on the internet how much i hate facebook every single day yet ONLY used facebook to post such thoughts? thats exactly what youre doing.

move on, go outside. HAVE A LIFE. dont come back. youll be better off for it! trust us!

i agree i think it time for you to find some other place to troll and spread your discontent and hate
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