As first-world as this problem can be emotionally and psychologically trying. That's not a bad thing. Growth doesn't come in comfort zones and without stretching. It also doesn't come when all of this is being imposed on you. I suggest you don't work quite so hard, and take time to go watch trains go by, or go play some guitar downtown, or whatever. Personally, I am more stressed our by self-directed stuff / do-at-your-own-pace stuff, then in-class, because I am a terrible procrastinator and waste my time, so I don't know if online learning is really that great. I would never do it that way.
Hanging out with positive people is something I recommend to anyone for any emotional and psychological issues. It can do not bad, provided the person is not ignorant and cold toward your problems.
Hanging out with positive people is something I recommend to anyone for any emotional and psychological issues. It can do not bad, provided the person is not ignorant and cold toward your problems.