What is a "Punk"?


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Sep 4, 2024
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Wellsville NY
From what I knew a "Punk" was a edgy anti trendy aggressive young person with a multi collered mohawk hair dew....The Ramones are now old men and half of them are dead.. I am just a old man who loves to travel on the cheap by bike and rail and am not into making a fashion statement...I just want to go along to get along,,,Though that's kinda hard in some circles these days..
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Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
the four original members of the Ramones are all deceased amigo ! and while they might have been the original punk band, there's much more to the scene than those guys...

punk means many things to many people, but to me a true 'hardcore' punk is someone who's beliefs are strong enough and systemised enough, that they choose a life apart from mainstream society... because they view the current system as having major flaws -

our planet is being destroyed so that a minority can get very rich and the majority can have more shiny new toys to play with each month - couple that with the 'divide & rule' tactics those in power utilise to keep us all apart and it all starts to look really fucked up !

It's all about perception....


Banjolele Strummer
Jul 25, 2023
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To me punk only has to be three things; anti-authoritarian, anti-mainstream, and DIY. They kinda form a punk trinity. Conservatives can never be punk because they are pro-authority and mostly pro right wing mainstream. What disqualifies something from being "punk" is if not anyone can just jump in and do it. If it requires a fancy degree or years of training, it's not punk. Etc. You get the idea.


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Sep 14, 2018
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Cali, unfortunately.
I have resisted the label for too long because of fashion. I may be drawn to the advertisements for "hippie halloween costumes" after years of brainwashing, but I am definitely allergic to money.

"Hot Topic is not punk rock" may be permanently burned into my memory, but the hands of the clock kept spinning.

We got old. It happens. Life is just lifey that way.
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Nov 12, 2024
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Punk is the unknown forever. Punk cannot be defined because then it's corralled and freedom cannot be freedom if it is corralled by definition and category. Punk happens without any preconceived notion. Otherwise what you're describing when you try to define Punk is a past construct or lifestyle, not fresh and not new. Punk is forever new, immune to age or time because it happens ever-before a thought or notion comes. Punk is freedom. No thought can touch it. Even the words you're reading right now are only a arrow pointing to Punk. Authority cannot touch punk because as soon as it's defined by someone who claims to "know", it is no longer punk but an item to be categorized. Punk is only ever known in the mystery of the present moment that happens before a thought is formed. Punk is ever-fresh and to pursue the true essence of Punk is the ultimate expression of no-authority. <3


Nov 5, 2024
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Punk is doing your own thing and genuinely not giving a fuck what everyone else thinks of you doing so.
Punk is a rise up against the mainstream of everything.
Punk is also considered a fashion so other like minded can see you through the crowd.
What punk is not is a fashion trend that may cloak the NPCs in to believeing they are part of something, but lacking the conviction and spirit.

Green Day is not punk
Jan 3, 2025
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Savannah GA
Punk is the unknown forever. Punk cannot be defined because then it's corralled and freedom cannot be freedom if it is corralled by definition and category. Punk happens without any preconceived notion. Otherwise what you're describing when you try to define Punk is a past construct or lifestyle, not fresh and not new. Punk is forever new, immune to age or time because it happens ever-before a thought or notion comes. Punk is freedom. No thought can touch it. Even the words you're reading right now are only a arrow pointing to Punk. Authority cannot touch punk because as soon as it's defined by someone who claims to "know", it is no longer punk but an item to be categorized. Punk is only ever known in the mystery of the present moment that happens before a thought is formed. Punk is ever-fresh and to pursue the true essence of Punk is the ultimate expression of no-authority. <3

So in other words, it's nothing.

There may not need to be a rigid definition to punk, but to say that there is no definition I think is untrue. We all know what a punk show looks and sounds like. We have a pretty good idea of which kinds of people and ideas broadly exist within these spaces.

The thing you are describing sounds more like primordial chaos. Cool post, though.

In my opinion "punk" is anyone who is anti-estblishment and lives outside the status quo

I think this gets closer to a definition, but once again, it is too ill defined to actually encompass all it's components.

I'm a little surprised to see that punk being a youth subculture centered around music seems to have fallen out of favor. Sure, it's obviously grown beyond that, and I agree that a large part is the attitude that comes along with it. But I don't think it can be divorced from the music and fashion because it neither reflects the history nor the current lived experience.

Alien Gold

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Feb 5, 2022
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verdun quebec
Punk is doing your own thing and genuinely not giving a fuck what everyone else thinks of you doing so.
Punk is a rise up against the mainstream of everything.
Punk is also considered a fashion so other like minded can see you through the crowd.
What punk is not is a fashion trend that may cloak the NPCs in to believeing they are part of something, but lacking the conviction and spirit.

Green Day is not punk

Although green day wanted to be...,and to a shit load of young posers they were, plus appearing that way brought a lot of money to their bosses.
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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
Green Day started out like many other punk bands - they were part of the San Francisco / Berkley DIY underground for many years before hitting the big time - Aaron Cometbus knows them from the early days and wrote a great zine called Green Day in China about a big tour they did in SE Asia

I don't moan about sell outs these days - many punk musicians would love to make a good living playing music - unfortunately they often have to compromise heavily to get there
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