What am I missing?



Hey everyone!

So starting in July I'm taking off for an extended (and possibly indefinite) walking/biking/hitching/hopping tour of the Americas.

I've been slowly gathering the gear I'll need, but I'm sure I'm missing a couple things.
So help me out here. What am I missing?

Here's what I got so far, in no particular order...

  • Backpack
  • Hammock w/bugnet
  • tarp
  • wire cutters
  • pliers
  • water jug
  • water filter
  • can opener
  • paracord
  • water key
  • small pocket knife
  • LED flashlight
  • extra batteries
  • lighters
  • notebook/pens
  • sharpies
  • duct tape
  • iPhone (I don't have a plan for it, just use it for music and wifi access)
  • small first aid kit
  • toilet paper
  • trowel
  • small towel
  • a couple of bandanas
  • ziplock bags
  • spork
  • bungies and zip ties
  • needle and thread
  • ear plugs
  • sunglasses
  • weed and bowl
  • small metal mug and pan
  • safety pins
  • wet wipes
  • atlas
  • hand sanitizer
  • toothbrush
  • toothpaste
  • dental floss
  • bronners soap
  • deodorant
  • condoms
  • lip balm
  • sun screen
  • bug repellent
  • tylenol
  • small hair brush
Stuff I'm still debating over...
  • fishing hooks and line
  • tent stakes
  • small camp stove
  • folding saw
  • pepper spray
  • Monocular
  • shaving razor
I obviously have not included my clothes here, but feel free to share your thoughts on clothes too.
Thanks guys! I appreciate the input. :)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
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Oxford, United States
It really just depends on what you really need for you.I would definitely omit a few of the things your taking for sure.specifically weed,bowl,wire cutters and pliers.Why you ask?you will have plenty of run ins w police.No need to take stuff that is gna take you to jail as soon as your searched.If anything take a multitool.and personally I wouldn't take quite a few other things you listed....but that's just my preference.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
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Oxford, United States
Take wet wipes no tp,needless but no thread...use your floss.....if u have a multitool you dnt need silverware,knife,pliers,ora water key...but personally the water key would be good trading material.really.outa the hygiene I'd take toothbrush,bar of soap and deoderant...most things you need will be easily found traveling.I'm not hhere to critique what your taking.just try n think of ways to simplify.....if you get a headache...ask someone for Tylenol..if you. find a spot to shower or who're bath usually there is soap...u dnt really need a water filter or firstaid kit unless your gna be away from.civilization...


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2013
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Secret City, Massatwoshits
Don't forget to bring a couple hats, one warm and one for blocking the sun..Also sleeping bag and maybe a bed roll( if not find cardboard and layer it up). thats all i can think of right now...but good luck man and be safe.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
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If you're debating over fishing line/hooks, don't. Bring them - these are incredibly small and light items and the fishing line has multiple uses...


Burrito fund contributor
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Jan 2, 2009
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Foothills of the Cascades, western WA
i would have to disagree about not bringing a waterfilter. i personally think that was one of the most needed tools i had when traveling thru central america. you really don't want to get sick and stuck down there cause you drank bad water. a waterfilter is lightweight and doesn't take up much room, definitely would take that. even in some towns i would not drink the tap water if it didn't feel right, and buying bottled water everyday is just stupid


Burrito fund contributor
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Jan 2, 2009
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Foothills of the Cascades, western WA
i wouldn't bring a camp stove. most places or beaches you can build a fire to cook on. and the street food is so cheap there when you are in a city. also good luck finding the gas canisters you'll need down there. also, if you wear contacts make sure you bring plenty of solution. it's almost impossible to find contact solution in some parts down there......lastly, think about bringing a machete. they are great for opening coconuts, bushwacking, and for a sense of protection. you shouldn't get hasseled for having one cause they are pretty normal to have in that part of the world. i guess, don't bring anything expensive that you don't mind losing....cause chances are you will eventually get robbed at knife/gun point or you eventually will have your shit stolen in your sleep lol
Oct 23, 2012
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FOR CANADA----:multi tool, a good knife,flashlight ,garbage bags(to keep all your stuff dry,use it as a inside layer in your pack so if the outside gets wet,everything inside will be safe),clear bags to make digging through your pack much easier, can opener to open all the cans your gonna get for free, you can use your knife but i open so many i just bring the opener for convenience, i like a spork or a spiffe,or the ultimate THE SNORK, so i can keep my multitool clean, and its just nice to eat with a spoon, i really like my wool blanket,but always bring long-johns , floss to keep all my punk clothes in good condition,fix your backpack if it tares, rain coat, gloves, boots, as many socks as you can fit, lots of people bring tarps but i usealy just plan ahead and steal one where i need it because you can find them almost everywhere. pen and journal , a felt marker for tags/art/signs, get a water bottle with a harness cuz there so fucking easy to leave behind, also teach yourself to always check when your leaving a spot for shit you might have forget, ive left beer and knifes and countless water bottles behind. in Canada i bring my weed, its good for barter or an easy way to make friends. smart phone is always useful to find your way or meet up with people/stay in touch. -----------always start with as little as you think you need, you can always pick up stuff along the way, if your gonna be in the desert or the prairies bring extra water!!plan ahead for the areas you plan on going to, and bring stuff you don't mind on losing or leaving behind.-----almost all new travelers I've met have bags that are to heavy or full. it takes awhile to find what you are personally comfortable with, i prefer bringing almost nothing so i can get around easier,ive listed almost everything i bring in this list, don't forget you gotta carry that backpack almost all the time, --------have fun and stay safe,dry and warm, and drink lots of water


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
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Seriously, just think about the weight vs. utility of things you're considering packing.

My advice is to make three piles of all the things you are considering bringing. The first pile are essentials (the thing you definitely need), the second pile are the non-essentials-but-useful-things, and the last pile is random non-needed/fun stuff.

Take everything from the first pile, nothing from the second pile (uh huh), and 2 or 3 things from the third pile (for you, one of those things would be weed, I assume).

Deleted member 125

you might want to invest in a decent sleeping bag, so ya know, you can sleep at night after all of yer grand adventures across the americas. to be honest im sure if i picked everything out of my pack tiny item by tiny item it would be around the same degree of shit you want to bring, really alot of this stuff is personal preference/not wanting to be a complete bum stuff. you might want to try to bring more then 39 cents in change with you too.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
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Oh and don't forget the kitchen sink!


Lol sorry i had to.

Yeah i started out with carrying a fuck ton of shit on my 1st trip out.Then the next day i just started chucking shit left and right.Now 9 months later i got my own little set up and under i think 30lbs.I dunno i never weighed my bag but i should sometime out of curiosity

I'd highly recommend a good sleeping bag.I do lug the modular sleep system complete even in the summer i plan on being up in the mountains of Colorado so i don't have an idea as to what temp drops ill be dealing with.But im prepared.

Id say the biggest thing to have is the mindset to keep going and don't give up and just keep on booking around.Its more mental then physical.Your 1st trip is gonna make or break you.

Also don't forget a decent multi tool or a water key then a p41 or p38 can opener they are light weight and can open any ole can.

Enjoy it and you'll meet awesome people and make awesome contacts along the way!

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