Why are you searching blame at something else then yourself?
I have been drinking lots of soda and eating more candy then real food myself.
However I have a brain in my head and I brush my teeth every day because I know otherwise I will be fucked.
You are not a kid now, are you? So what is in your way to brush NOW one or two times a day your fucking teeth?
There must be an awakening period of personal responsibility to everything in life. How many adults do we hear that were poor, abandoned, children of alcoholics; grew up hungry, abused, neglected. I might fall into these but rarely I will ever share to try to shift blame or seek pity. I drank soda ever day that I could if we could afford it. I still do, daily. I have many more choices now that I am an adult. I consciously didn't go to the dentist for many years when I was an active alcoholic myself. I lived in the oral pain just as I learned to live with other versions of pain. Luckily genetics also played a role in my life even while I didn't give a fuck. Here I am a binge drinking alcoholic that now only drinks soda as my only nonalcoholic fluids. Water if only when desperate & dehydrated but never much. Wouldn't you know that I am 41 years old today, 4+ years sober; still drinking a half a 2 liter daily of dark soda Coke, Pepsi, RC etc). All my grandparents have been dead for 20years. My mom just died & my dad is on his way out as his physical systems are all failing.
I have never missed a day not brushing my teeth though actually missing 15-20 years of not going to a dentist or doctor. Sure I got abscesses, cavities & didn't do what was the easiest. I bucked everything, making it all worse. As people; we sure love to be a victim, we love misery & we may be afraid of seeking true happiness. I must forgive 100% of everyone today, those whom are related to me; that I have interacted with, many who wronged me & those who I wronged & me..
Today I floss daily. Grownup shit I guess. I accept that fluoride is in the water & the toothpaste. I know that fluoride also pacifies people. I was once overly aggressive and always needed to be more passive, peaceful & kind. Today I am much calmer & gentle but still need more; if a bit of fluoride helps fight civilities & makes me an easier & softer person to deal with? So be it.
I have a great set of my own teeth today. No, they arent all there or all perfect but they are the best version they can be; considering our past trials & tribulations. Most importantly; my teeth occasionally show while I get caught smiling; a sign that I might actually be getting happy.
Who would have though t that a miserable drunk like me could learn to accept everything, resent nothing & find peace & goodness where only fear & sadness once dwelt. By eliminating one thing in my life; my entire life & how I handled things got 1000% better.