Taking Your Dog Everywhere


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2007
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eastern shore of Maryland

this one always worked...laminated or in a plastic id holder


Nov 14, 2011
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colorado or midwest
i travel with a REAL SERVICE DOG. i hear some comments that go something like this "oh look , another filthy homeless kid with a fake service dog" . but , not often . BoonDox wears a vest with a ID , patches , a nice collar , nice leash , tags , rabies tag ,Dr's note, registration # and papers, and a small water proof vile on her collar with pills in it . boondox is 102lbs ,long haired , and white . keeping my dog clean and free of ticks and fleas is important when i take her places . i was arrested in glenwood springs colorado with my dog , and boondox went to jail with me . thats right , i had my service dog in my jail cell with me for 4 days .
i know that life is hard on the road with a dog , but it still irritates the hell out of me to see fake service dogs . me and boondox have worked very hard and my health depends on her. about 6 months ago i was in a store and some oogles "service dog" pulled its rope leash - ripping it in half , and attacked my SD.i kicked that fucking oogle dog over and over again , other costumers had to help get that dog off mine. boondox had to go to a vet to get fixed up. that was expensive . i had to go back to my friends shitty apartment and re-train boondox for another 2 months (to get over her new fear of other dogs ). i hate fake service dogs , because sometimes peoples selfish behaviors needlessly put other peoples lives at risk.


Nothing pisses me off more than someone trying to run a scam.

I have (so I'm told) a dog that's mostly Argentine Dogo.
They are illegal in places like NYC
It also explains why the Latinos compliment her everywhere we go.
My dog also does not believe in tollerance.
Even her last owner would agree with that Loki want's all other dogs to be very quiet and stilll
(another DOGO charactheristic)
Even though my dog only weighs 65 lbs, she will pull down this 6'7" 245lb individual.

Since I adopted (or rescued, depending on how enraged I am) my dog from the person
who got her out of the pound prior to being exterminated - I can't do half the things I used to.

I also can't find anyone I can trust to handle her (should something hppen to me) because of how she is.

She is the best dog - but once I googled DOGO - everything else about her behavior started to make
complete sense, and now I have an even better understanding of her.

I would never try to pass of my dog as anything other than a big game / herding dog because that is
what she is.

She scares people, and definatelty cannot be around children.

When I first started reading this post, it seemed interesting enough - then as soon as I saw it was just
another scam, I wondered why somebody would go through so much trouble to risk having their dog siezed.

The ADA is for people with legit disabilities - not fakers.

Just like these pieces of shit I see parking in handicapped spots then doiing a 100 meter sprint (and no, just because you got a handicaped kid - that don't give you the right to take a spot for someone elderly or a person missing a leg or something) which is common place out here...

I would think somebody has a better chance of pulling it off by simply saying "this dog is my companion animal, she keeps me straight" (which is exactly what I do) rather than run a scam, and if you can't do certain things because you have a dog, deal with it - it's called being responsible, and making proper choices.

As I mentioned before, I can't do half the things I used to - but I would not trade my dog for anything....

The part which really got my blood boiling was the term for service dogs for people with autism - only because I knew someone who has a form of that, and all I ever seen her do was neglect / ignore her animals - which broke my heart.
(you can guess correctly that I liberated my dog from a terrible existance....)

Sorry for going on, but please - love your dog - and don't run a scam for it - just tell the truth.......

One does not need to lose their dog for doing something that's not legit in the first place


Well-known member
May 4, 2008
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Northern California
I was trying to ignore this whole ooglish site, but I kept getting e-mails, and finally got bored enough to look, and lo and behold...All of you bitching about how much you hate scams? Get the fuck over it. "Ooh, I'm so counterculture...oh wait, you're doing something the government frowns on? Oh noes!" There's a fucking area of this forum for scams, oogletards. It's called "making a living" and blatantly advertises shoplifting scams and all kinds of scams ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. For those of you talking about your "real" service dog, good job, the government has sanctioned you to go in public with your dog. Maybe next they'll allow you to suck the dicks of everybody in congress, if you're nice. For those of you talking about your regular dog and how you just suck up not being able to go everywhere with your dog, wait until you have a choice between going into Taco Bell and spending your last buck on getting a burrito, or some asshole (say, a cop) stealing your dog. Stupid oogle, maybe you'd understand that if you left your mom's house and got out on the fucking road.

Maybe some of you dumbass oogles missed the part where I said you have to train your dog, and your dog has to act the part. My dog has been pretending to be a service dog since she was 4 months old (big enough to resemble a dog). She's probably at least as good as any of your oogle dogs, which is why she goes everywhere, and yours sits in your mom's backyard while you share your newest oogle hitchhiking techniques on Digihitch. I'm willing to bet she behaves better on the bus than you fucking oogles, come to think of it. My dog and her papers have passed inspection from bus drivers to police. My dog is LESS likely to go to jail than any stupid oogle doing stupid oogle things. Bet she's had more time on the road than most of you oogles, too.

I see the link to the site that's as much of a fucking scam as this, just you have to pay for it, didn't get edited out. I guess it suddenly isn't bad if you oogles can borrow some cash from mommy to buy it. Not that people on fucking Squat the Planet would advertise anything ILLFUCKINGEGAL like, say, squatting, urban camping, hopping fucking trains, or any of the other million detailed instructions on doing illegal stuff on this site.

I'm sorry, I guess I should've put an oogle disclaimer. Here it is: This is not information for you stupid oogles, this is information for people who have a dog and need to go places because they're actually on the road, 24/7, 365 days a year. Not you dumbasses who take the summer off from college to hitchhike, not old dried up oogle hippies (or young fake oogle hippies), not anarchists who sit around having circle jerks to each others' zines at the local infoshop.

I hope I've used the word oogle enough to make my point. You stupid oogles bitching about, god forbid, breaking the law or telling other people how to break the law, are a bunch of hypocrites. Get a fucking job. Maybe with something appropriate, like law enforcement, since you're so big on the law. I imagine this is the post that gets my ban, just remember, while you guys are having circle jerks at your local anarchist shop, or hippie festival, or whatever it is you oogles do when you're not on Squat the Planet (c), there's other people who are actually doing the shit that you talk about. Maybe if you actually got out there and did shit, you'd understand why somebody wouldn't want to tie up their dog outside on those inevitable occasions when you have to be indoors. You fucking pussies, if the system doesn't let you do what's necessary, you don't say "well, the government doesn't want me to do this, so I guess I'd better not..." You do what you have to do so cops don't take your dog while it's sitting waiting for you to get out of the restroom, or somebody doesn't steal your dog, or let it loose so it can potentially run off and get hit by a car.

Sorry Matt, I love you, but you've turned your site into a stupid oogle extravaganza, don't give a shit about censorship, and appoint stupid oogle mods. Shit, might as well merge with Digihitch at this point. The rest of you, StP is a fucking joke to anybody that isn't an oogle. And yeah Matt, or anybody left who might actually know me and read this, I may have had some ooglish behavior in my past, but I got over being any sort of oogle and grew up.

There, I was angry, and it took a few times of calling all you oogles oogles to get it out. I hope you didn't read all this and misconstrue it to mean I give a shit about any of you, or Squat the Planet, or your bullshit. I look forward to not reading a single reply to this, and knowing you're all replying even knowing this.

And Shwillyhaa (fucking oogle), I wasn't crying on my way out, I was laughing.


Nov 14, 2011
Reaction score
colorado or midwest
hey Dameon i am surprised by your blatant selfishness and arrogance . your actions could put a disabled persons life at risk . just get a chain and a couple locks . that way it would be too much of a hassle for anyone to steal your dog. being homeless , traveling , and disabled is challenging enough without dealing with dogs attacking my SD in a store , or on a bus.


Jul 25, 2011
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austin, texas
If you do this please do this as "professionally" as possible so to not blow up the ability for all of us to use these methods of necessary...

The most frustrating part of having a dog is all the places you can't go with your

dog. Inside stores, on buses, even on certain streets in some cities. For normal people, it's not a big deal, they can leave their dog at home. For those of us on the road, that's not an option. Luckily, there's a thing called the Americans with Disabilities Act

Before you read this, you should read this short FAQ regarding service animals from the ADA:
Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals in Places of Business

1) What's Your Disability?
Service dogs are usually thought of as guide dogs for the blind, but there's a whole host of things that qualify a dog as a service dog. Here's a list of some of the types of service dogs:

Guide Dog: For the blind or people with very poor vision.

Hearing Dog: For the deaf or hard of hearing.

Mobility Assistance Dog: Pulls a person's wheelchair, carries things in a backpack, picks up things a person drops, opens/closes doors, helps the handler get dressed or undressed.

Walker Dog: Helps the handler walk by balancing or acting as a counter balance. Does many of the tasks that the Mobility Assist Dog does.

Seizure Alert/Response Dog: This dog is trained to respond to a person's seizures and either stay with the person, or go get help. Some dogs are trained to hit a button on a console to automatically dial 911. When the dog hears the voice over the speaker, the dog starts barking. The disabled person would have arranged that the system is dog activated.

Psychiatric Service Dog: A person with a mental disability may need a dog to be able to go out in public (agraphobic), or may be autistic and need the dog to keep them focused. These dogs are trained NEVER to leave their handler's side. For more information on tasks that a dog can do, go to the IAADP PSD Info page.

SsigDog: A dog trained to assist a person with autism. The dog alerts the partner to distracting repetitive movements common among those with autism, allowing the person to stop the movement (e.g., hand flapping).

2) Train Your Dog
Your dog needs to walk with you (not pull, not lead), not bark, ignore other dogs, and generally behave extremely well. The worse your dog behaves, the more likely you are to have problems.

3) Know Your Rights
The most important thing to know is in the FAQ you should have read earlier. Specifically, this section:

Legally, if you say it's a service dog, you can bring your dog anywhere you could go without your dog. It's federal law.

The problem is, other people don't necessarily know the law. I've had police tell me that an ID card is required, and refuse to believe me on this point, even when I've produced the FAQ. Which brings me to the next bit...

4) Have Documents
The easiest thing to get is the FAQ from the beginning. Print it out and have a copy with you, and that'll give you something to show people who demand papers or ID when you say your dog is a service dog. Make sure they know that this is federal law, and that businesses have had fines of over $30,000 for denying access to people with service dogs.

The next easiest thing to do is to create an ID card yourself. There's lots of places that sell service dog IDs online for $10-$30, or if you have access to a computer and graphics program, you can make your own. Just do an image search on Google for "Service Dog ID" for lots of examples.

4) Make It Look Like a Service Dog
This means no bandanna, a real collar, and a good looking leash. If possible, you should have a harness, too. Having tags helps too; you can make your own ID tag at Wal-Mart ID tag making machine for $5, and hopefully you've had your dog vaccinated for rabies and gotten a tag for that too.

Finally, to make your dog look REALLY official, as well as to help with having your dog travel in general, buy a dog pack, and a couple of service dog patches, and put the patches on the pack. Or you can buy an actual service dog vest, but I prefer having a pack so my dog can carry her own stuff. You have to order this stuff online (except dog packs, you can find those at lots of hiking/outdoor stores for $50-$150), but you can just get a reloadable credit card from Wal-Mart for a few bucks and use that.

5) Nifty Links
Here's some links to useful stuff for creating your very own service dog:
A guide to creating service dog identification: PonderEthereal - How to Make Service Dog Identification and Information Cards
Somewhere to buy patches, vests, backpacks, and more for your dog: Service Dog Patches - Rockers - ID Cards - Therapy Dog Patches
That place has a pack you can buy for $20, although I doubt it'd last long. Patches run $6.75 each


Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score
austin, texas
And now after reading this whole post, fuck all you assholes who want to talk shit-the majority of what we do as travelers is Ill FUCKING LEGAL so don't bother with your cry baby bitch posts...and for those of you who talk about greyhound asking fOr papers etc, here are SO many ways around it, like I said, by acting he fucking part and having a well trained dog. I took a bus from southern California to northern Californiania and back to Tennessee with my "service dog" not one peep out of her the whole trip, fucking five goddamn day trip probably 10 or more tranfers...and yeah bus drivers tried to give us shit but if yu take the necessary measures they can't do SHIT about it. So anyway fuck anyone who says oh I hate scams blah blah, because every fucking thing in the world is a god damn scam.

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