Website Updates StP will NOT be shutting down at the end of the year!

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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
as this is off topic as per the thread, ill just name john payne, brian, windandtherain, odin, ironweed, that one guy that showed me where to hop south out of seattle, kokorodoko.. its been so long i cant even remember their handles here anymore.

definitely off topic.

@Eng JR Lupo RV323 i really can't think of anyone more deserving of a ban than OTD. I mean, that person really, really, went out of their way to be an asshole to the staff (mostly targeted at myself, both here and to my personal email) which is against the community guidelines. But again, that's a topic for another thread.
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Haha.. nah I knew it wouldn't be a popular opinion. And I totally agree, he was a full-on asshole. I just thought he was an asshole worth keepin around. Guess I got a thing for assholes. I would actually love to stroll down memory lane about some of those cats. Juan Derlust comes to mind as well. But yeah, super off topic now. I don't really think we need to make a whole post about it though. Seems like that would just be hella drama nobody wants and realistically it would probably result in a couple more bans, so yeah... hard pass on that from me.

Back on topic, super stoked about the site staying up. Actually, we should chat soon. VC Wednesdays still a thing? Will the current discord be carried over as well?

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR


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Oct 23, 2023
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Atlanta, GA
that's the plan for the time being, but the end goal for the chat would be to move to Matrix.

To add onto this there's apps for Matrix called Cinny and Element both of which allow us to bridge Discord and Matrix. So, Discord doesn't necessarily have to go away in the future but the priority will definitely be on Matrix.

Big George W

Oct 21, 2021
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East Derby, Connecticut
I came across this post about 10 hours ago, and was very relieved to hear that not only is STP staying in business, but that it is going to be taken over by some kind and gentle souls that seem to really get it.

I just finished sinking a few pints of Ice Cream Man IPA while blowing out my ear drums in my old skool control room, listening to Killing Joke's Pandemonium, then I switched gears and cranked up some live Reagan Youth from the mid 1980s, and I suddenly realized how much I missed Older Than Dirt on this forum, because a] he was actually older than me ha ha and b] we hung out with the same people during the tail end of the first wave of the NYHC scene, figure 1982, 83, 84....

Truth be told, OTD hated me towards the end, but to me that did not matter because I still had the utmost respect for him.
I'm so happy that eyes - is that correct ?? - is taking this whole forum over, as I've kinda felt thar by 2019, it had kind of run it's course, and to make matters worse - reached a point where one literally had to watch what they said here, and that to me ain't freedom, it's something else I'd rather not be a part of.
I checked out that link eyes provided = the mycosystems co-op and loved that layout.

Some kind soul whose name escapes me said it best:

been here since 2012.. all the legit cool people have since disappeared or were banned. so pretty much neutral at this point. seems more a little techy clique now, which is also interesting. the internet has changed a heck of a lot in 20 years and the idea of traveling hackers is kinda cool

This individual makes a very valid point, as I've been here off and on since 2010, first as Earth, than Otterwolf, and now under my true name.
But who am I to judge or state what is right or wrong ??

I'm pretty sure that the person who brought me here back then - Graven [or is it Gravenz??] - STILL probably hates my guts, but that's ok because I still love her.

You see, she is the person I adopted my dog from, and who took my profile picture, and that to me is something that can never be denied.

The picture I am including shows the best friend I ever had, right after she woke up in the control room, which is where she ended up claiming as her bedroom.

It was taken on Feb 11th, 2011 which is a couple of days prior to when my profile picture was taken at Graven's place next door.

On August 7th of this year, Loki crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and I lost the best friend I ever had.
She was 15 and a half years old, and live with me for 13 years and 1 month.

Anyhow, I'm way off track as usual.... which is kind of normal for me.

I'm just so happy to hear this news, not too mention seeing that AIi is still active here, as she is someone I greatly admire.

Anarchy Peace LOVE and Freedom !!!

Big George W

East Derby Connecticut

PS: I tried to attach a picture, but it didn't work.... the story of my life.....
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I've kinda felt thar by 2019, it had kind of run it's course, and to make matters worse - reached a point where one literally had to watch what they said here, and that to me ain't freedom, it's something else I'd rather not be a part of.
Then you're perfectly welcome to leave.

Let me be very clear here. People like OTD and other people you liked so much were banned for violating the rules of the community. While not the case for OTD, (they were banned for staff harassment), the majority of people you lament so much were banned for posting racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic content. If that's the type of people you miss being here, then I'll gladly show you the door and ask that you not come back.

A lot of folks in the train hopping / traveler culture seem to think 'freedom' is the ability to say whatever racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic shit they want without consequence, and that is not freedom. Freedom is not the ability to oppress and degrade others. I'm fucking sick of people crying, "but my freedoms!" when we choose to take action on these kinds of posts. It's fucking gross, and it's not going to fly here. If you think that kind of logic is acceptable here, do us all a favor and go walk into traffic.

@Big George W if that's the kind of 'freedom' you're looking for, you need to seek it elsewhere.

I'm so happy that eyes - is that correct ?? - is taking this whole forum over

Just to clarify, there isn't a 'takeover' happening, the three of us (@eyes @Brookeeeeeeeee and myself) are working on StP as a collaborative effort (one that I am extremely grateful for). For the time being, I'm not going anywhere. Additionally, StP will not be welcoming back anyone that has been previously banned.
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Active member
Mar 25, 2023
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“Freedom is not the ability to oppress and degrade others. I'm fucking sick of people crying, "but my freedoms!" when we choose to take action on these kinds of posts. It's fucking gross, and it's not going to fly here.”

Well said @Matt Derrick . And this is the same argument that MAGA assholes make while tossing kids books into the bonfire.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
OTD was obviously using the forum in an effort to salvage his academia career after managing to be such an asshole he lost tenure at whatever overpriced nyc daycare he was employed by. When he realized that people here were not gonna validate the conclusions he came to after hanging out with some junkies in VT for a summer 20 yrs ago, he decided to lash out at the staff. Fuck that guy.


May 26, 2023
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Thankyou so so much Mycosystems members for working with Matt to take over the backend, it warms my heart to know the forum will live on!

Something I have to add because I've seen this happen to other forums and it would break my heart to see it happen here. If the forum must migrate to new forum software 2 things must be maintained. The first is that all of the existing threads on this forum must be migrated over. I have seen very old active communities lose 90%+ of their active users in a forum software migration. When people can't read the threads they've been using as resources for years and decades they stop coming around, it happens every time.

If this isn't possible please please please create a full forum archive with this forum's CSS that is accessible somewhere and linked from the new forum. The forum might still die over the course of a year or two in that case but at least what STP is today will be accessible into the future.

The 2nd thing is that this forum barring a few little bugs here and there like the email thing is very functional from a user perspective at least. I don't think the CSS, UI or anything really needs updating. I know this might come off contrived from a lurker's account but I've been here for over 10 years for a long time without an account.

New software can ward people away in forum migrations when the new forum looks and acts differently. STP is genuinely fine as it is assuming the software is still working. Unless there are critical errors that aren't fixable I hope the team here will consider keeping this forum software going instead of pushing for upgrades. Feature creep is real, not everything needs to be fixed or changed. It is actually okay to use the same forum software and software in general for decades. In this case I think the old software is part of the character of this community!
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