Hey stp, my friend @seeking existence has recently bought a property in michigan and really could use your help putting it together and surviving the winter. Hes kinda trapped there in his situation, right in the middle of winter. He's a long time member that i know to be sincere in his goals, is a great friend, and has had a long year dealing with alot of shit. If anyone is in the area, or anyone going that way, that would like to help him build this property up or can come through to hang out with him right now it would be greatly appreciated. Right now hes doing this project solo so any support is welcome, even just shooting him a dm so he has people to talk to as he survives the winter in his vehicle. If your in the tri state area and can offer him a place to retreat to while he goes though this that would be great too. Hes been just saying warm in his car day to day so a break from that would be awesome! Message either of us for more details and where abouts. I hope someone can come through on this, he could definitely use the help in this situation since its just him up there in a state thats alien and its taking a toll on his emotional health. Not to mention physical health since hes calorie counting because he has limited funds and its cold as shit. Again any ideas or help you can provide would be excellent, thank you!