Squatting the wilds of Alaska or the PNW


Active member
Sep 10, 2020
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Hello all,

I am from Alaska, but live in the PNW. I've always wanted land, but prices are so high, Ive considered just squatting. Kind of like making a dugout cabin or other type of hobbit hole in the woods, far away from people (but close enough for hunting, foraging, and a running water source/stream). Im mostly a recluse/hermit to begin with, so Ive always preferred this type of life. What type of advice would I be able to get from forum members or other avenues of the internet on how to do this, and remain undetected? Is it even possible? I know there are some places in Idaho (my current state) where its so dense, you could walk 5 miles in and not be found for years, even by rangers. I would prefer a shack/cabin back home in Alaska, but I worry about getting busted by troopers or cops or even crazy folks (watch out for Manley hot springs btw, lotta bad people out there who are on the run themselves) and then having to start over in the dead of winter. Advice please?

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