I agree it is a bit outdated. What if I don't want to work? Some runaways need to run the fuck away! Some laws NEED to be broken, like Trespassing. When's the last time any of you have seen or participated in a Hobo Court?
While I hate cops just as much as the rest of you I'm sure, it is easier for me as a tramp to be as respectful to the Police in any jurisdiction I am passing through. If a cop does approach and want to talk, it works out way better if you are friendly, polite, and respectful. They usually just want to run your name and see if you have warrants, and will let you go. It sucks. But I'd rather just "do the dance" and get it over with and be on my way. Yes, they can sure be the biggest fuckin asshole robots ever, but if you are a respectful Tramp or Hobo just "passin' through" a lot of times they won't give a fuck what you do as long as you are warrant free and they don't see you a week later flying a sign in the same spot. It seems like the only time I get messed with by the police is when I am panhandling or hitchhiking, so I always try to be courteous and respectful so I can be on my way. It sucks when I go through a place and I have half dozen people and two police officers and a security guard all ask me If I was part of that "Train Gang" that was here last summer? And, "Do you know HorseShit?" (True Story)