Lmao where did I say anything remotely positive about slavery? Seriously I know I wrote a lot but where? Either read all the way through or don’t go spitting out straw man arguments based on your own misconceptions. What I said was you’re talking about a very complicated book that is thousands of years old and you are reading it as a completely one dimensional text the way fundamentalists do. The Torah also says that runaway slaves are to be protected and adopted into the tribe and not returned to their masters. See? Complex and contradictory and addressing a totally different situation that hasn’t existed for millennia. It’s not even really one book it’s a bunch of very ancient texts collaged together and I think it’s fascinating. Some parts are inspiring and moving to me and others are appalling. The idea that you have to either accept or reject it all as a single unit is literally exactly how fundamentalists of both faiths view it. I’m not one, obviously. I’m sorry you think it’s just a pack of lies. I guess we need to denounce all literature and mythology then. All a bunch of fkn lies!!!! DANG but you’re edgy.
And I’m not afraid of you protesting Judaism, dude, although your admiration for Dawkins and his wretched philosophy is disconcerting. I’m just trying to show you there are other ways to look at the subject than your prophet of atheist fundamentalism has taught you. I’ve hated that guy since he came out with his book about how humans are just meat robots piloted by genes. That’s not science, it’s just a disgusting and depressing philosophy. The idea that life is just genes making copies isn’t even very good science and that’s his great discovery he’s known for. It basically ignores ecology and sociology altogether for one. Anyway there are about a thousand replies on that thread explaining why eugenics is bad science as well as bad politics. You can go read them it’s still up. I don’t think you’ve explained why it’s necessary to debate the merits of eugenics at all in this day and age. Neither did he... No one made him tweet that. It’s a weird fucking thing to say. At a time when fascism is back on the agenda? This is what I’m saying. Scientism has you treating the world like an amoral collection of facts. “Lol y u triggered I’m just saying. Eugenics could make people better!!” Nope. Not having it.