Puzzles and Goldie

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
i'm re-opening the thread so goldie can respond.


i'm re-opening the thread so goldie can respond.

So i had to make one of these accounts cause a friend of mine sent me the link on facebook about it, Just to clear somethings out, this forum is very one sided and the subject at matter is like 3 years old ive been back in nola so many times since then so its not like i woulda been hard to find. Yes there are stupid things that every traveler Kid does that another travler kid is ganna be like, "see thats whats ruining traveling For the rest of us" most times ive said that, thinking back now, ive at one time did the same thing, were all fucking hypocrites never doing anything but what we want to do when we want to do it. And when someone else does the world is over! We expect society not to judge us panhandling and busking and yet turn and judge eachother like its every day rutien. Number one Thad yes i remember you, i was being the drunken sloor hookin up with your friends, shit i think i even made out with you, which god im Not proud of looking back but what can i say... you guys drank what was it, 3 half gallons to the dome between 4 people before jumping puzzles, not me, i wasnt hit by any of you that night, and lets not lie here it wasnt due to anyone braging about Montreal cafe, its because you guys were drunk as fuck, you had already beat up almost every home bum round blu jeans camp, your little homie wanted new shoes and tried to steal old man krums off his feet while he was sleeping, the home bum brian called the cops on you guys after Casper. Beat him up which in turn you and the other kid got arrested for jumping puzzles cause his blood was all over your clothes, not to mention all this happened after i was tryin to help give you guys the right info on how to get to nola cause yall didnt know how...And the fire was due to to Biscuit Leaving a candle in his tent and it caught on fire, see we didnt hop out that night phzzles was sent to the hospital. And had surgery done because the 3 of you spit his skull open i say three because i dont belive jay joined in, i think that was his name, hes the one the got you guys to stop stomping on his head before you guys coulda killed the kid. so this thread really could go both ways. See i went back to blue jeans camp a week and a half later, because all this happened when we were all at her camp not at you and your friends, and you guys got drunk you had already beaten up everyone else and cut us off after the 1 half g, yall had 3 more for yourselfs. 'jay' was sharing his booze with me, probably cause the night before i was a drunk whore which im wicked ashamed of but cant change the past, but after there was no one else to threaten you turned threated me and puzz, you didnt do it but casper did, he was kinda like the instigator, so we left, of course leaving was a fight kinda as well, then around sunset you guys ran after us to repetedly beat puzzles with all sorts of things, boots included. when he was released for the hospital and i found out the scoope about your remanding 2 friends that i was told stole the rainbow girls car and left here in p-cola cause they didnt want to get caught and go to jail, i mean who does want to go to jail right? But leave the girl thats fucked up, she was pretty mad about that too... but also that's just what i heard so it could be true and it could not be, all i know is the girl was there and here car wasnt they had gotten drunk she passed out and woke up alone.... Number two i remeber that night, 'number one train mama'? That what you told me your name was, ya my friend logan took you and your daughter on ur first ride, so he said, hes got photos... i was sober that night and puzzles was drunk and yes we did ask for food and the guy said some slick shit to puzzles about him being sick of crusty fucks and puzzles then started his slick shit back, he thought i was pregnant and was jist trying to get me food, but that wasnt what the fight was about, i wasnt drinking that day cause i had been sick so i was trying to get him back to the squat, the wait crew follwed us to the parking lot out back, the girl came runing up screaming about being sick of homeless kids begging and tried to hit me, i didnt smiley her, if i did her skull would have split i simply hit her repetedly with my fist. It sounds to me that your just sour she lost a fight. And third if people where looking for us that hard, after those two events before going to alt we were back in new orleans and this was what 3-4 years ago... i havent even seen puzzles since i left him in jail in Atl. But ive been back every year since.... Both of you two want to act like other kids be blowin shit up, thad and his friends did all that right b y the tracks, there were cops in the yard for days! Thats blowing the tracks up to the fullest, dont see me hating hard cause id be a hypocrite to say i never did some stupid shit while on the road... and yes puzzles was one of my mistakes,, he was manipulative and pathological, but he was a good guy none the less, and ive been told im pretty awesome haha, we all have people that will be for us and ones that wont.i cant change whats already done and whos kidding who, i wouldnt even if i had the chance, i can only accept responsibility for the part i play, which maybe its time for yall to accept your parts... oh and sorry to say yall can stop looking, ive settled down 5 months ago, got off the road and am going back to school, but jeez i dunno how yall were lookin for me, i was in plain view. oh and the only way travelling wont be blow up is ganna be when people stop doing it... anyways peace and love boats n hoes xoxo goldy
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
ok, so goldy's response started out well, then kinda went off on a bunch of stuff that i guess only the people involved would know about. also, the lack of the return key being used just made me stop reading.

i'm going to consider this issue closed. everyone's put in their .02, and a judgement can be made by anyone (that cares) by reading this thread in it's entirety and making up their own minds.

thread closed. for good this time.
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