parking a car outside a squat


New member
Oct 13, 2017
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Port Charlotte, FL
i'm planning on scoping out some places in FL to do some temporary/practice squatting since i haven't done it before and i want to get confident with it before i do anything big. i've got a car (pretty fucken sketchy looking.. duct-taped tire arch, huge scratch from when someone keyed it, some mysterious yellowish splatter on the window that i keep forgetting to clean, etc) but i don't want to sell it, so i'm not really sure what i should do with it

what do yall do with your cars if you have them? i feel like parking even a normal-looking car outside an abandoned place would get pigs sniffing around. especially if it's in some suburb. and maybe parking at a nearby lowes or wmart would be ok for a little while but i would stress so hard about it getting broken into. i have no idea how much vehicle storage costs or if i would be able to afford it.

alternatively, maybe parking outside a squat isn't really that big of a deal at all? i wouldn't know

Deleted member 20065

i'm planning on scoping out some places in FL to do some temporary/practice squatting since i haven't done it before and i want to get confident with it before i do anything big. i've got a car (pretty fucken sketchy looking.. duct-taped tire arch, huge scratch from when someone keyed it, some mysterious yellowish splatter on the window that i keep forgetting to clean, etc) but i don't want to sell it, so i'm not really sure what i should do with it

what do yall do with your cars if you have them? i feel like parking even a normal-looking car outside an abandoned place would get pigs sniffing around. especially if it's in some suburb. and maybe parking at a nearby lowes or wmart would be ok for a little while but i would stress so hard about it getting broken into. i have no idea how much vehicle storage costs or if i would be able to afford it.

alternatively, maybe parking outside a squat isn't really that big of a deal at all? i wouldn't know
What part of Florida? I'm in Tampa


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
like you say the car will probably attract attention to your location - i'd park it nearby but not right outside your squat building, take all valuables out and leave a 'broken down but not abandoned sign' in the window, which might explain its continued presence to passing cops...

WanderLost Radical

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2014
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If theres other cars parked around, I wouldnt sweat about it at all. Maybe just move it around a bit so it looks like it's being used?

If it looks out of place, I would park it at the nearest place where a car wouldn't look weird and have the same strategy

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