
eske silver

In Disguise
Sep 6, 2012
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What kind of live / work?

Jobs : Depends on what kind of job you're looking for, seriously.
Rent : Look on Craigslist.org
My thoughts : I don't know you.

Source : Born and raised in Oakland.


Active member
Dec 24, 2011
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From Providence
What kind of live / work?

Jobs : Depends on what kind of job you're looking for, seriously.
Rent : Look on Craigslist.org
My thoughts : I don't know you.

Source : Born and raised in Oakland.
I work mostly with food cooking/front of the house
and for rent im guess wondering how cheap it can get

eske silver

In Disguise
Sep 6, 2012
Reaction score
I work mostly with food cooking/front of the house
and for rent im guess wondering how cheap it can get

If you have a good amount of experience, in decent restutaunts, you might have luck applying to every place on Solano Ave in Albany; College, Shattuck, Telegraph, San Pablo Aves and 4th St in Berkeley; Telegraph, Broadway, Lakeshore Aves and All of downtown Oakland; Bay St in Emeryville; to start.
Don't rely on Craigslist. Make a list from Yelp and Call & visit Everywhere.
The East Bay is drowning in fresh meat so jobs are scarce. Even bring a native and knowing a ton people all over, the last few times I looked for a job, it took an average of 4 months. And that was Before Oakland was named "Most exciting place to live", and people started bumrushing the place.

As far as living - you'll be hard pressed to find anything cheaper than $400 for a room in a house, or $850 for a one bedroom apartment.


Active member
Dec 24, 2011
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From Providence
If you have a good amount of experience, in decent restutaunts, you might have luck applying to every place on Solano Ave in Albany; College, Shattuck, Telegraph, San Pablo Aves and 4th St in Berkeley; Telegraph, Broadway, Lakeshore Aves and All of downtown Oakland; Bay St in Emeryville; to start.
Don't rely on Craigslist. Make a list from Yelp and Call & visit Everywhere.
The East Bay is drowning in fresh meat so jobs are scarce. Even bring a native and knowing a ton people all over, the last few times I looked for a job, it took an average of 4 months. And that was Before Oakland was named "Most exciting place to live", and people started bumrushing the place.

As far as living - you'll be hard pressed to find anything cheaper than $400 for a room in a house, or $850 for a one bedroom apartment.
Sounds easy enough,i have a good resume so it shouldnt be hard to get a place, and only about 400 a month to live is pretty damn cheap even for where i live. I have to say people always bumrush when the going gets good,but as for me any new change would be nice at the moment

eske silver

In Disguise
Sep 6, 2012
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Forgot to mention, mind, these numbers are from before the HuffPost (and other) articles about Oakland being the most exciting place to live. People have been moving here by the dozens every month. Six months ago, I couldn't find a single room in a house, in a decent neighborhood for under 550$. And this low of the low - no amenities whatsoever and no pets. Be aware that almost every place here will ask for first, last and deposit, and most will want a paystub and credit check. Now that people are clamoring over each other to live here, renters can be more picky.

eske silver

In Disguise
Sep 6, 2012
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= Rant time.

3... 2... 1...

How about NOT.
Fuck the word gentrification.
I am so sick of people whining about gentrification.
Especially white people or
ANYone in the houseless/ homeless/ traveling/ anarchist/ activist/wtfever community.
Worst of all - any combination of the two.

That word is almost as grating as like hearing some prim white yuppie in yoga pants complaining about how their local coffee shop only carries local fair trade and not fair trade from xx country "cause they need the money more blah blah".
Furthermore. If you stop and thing about it - the whole concept is actually pretty fucking racist.

But its ok. Cause white people had their turn to be racist.
Now the fad is "white guilt" and passive aggressive "payback racism".

But if we must -
For the record,
Oakland is one of the many fine melting pot cities in America which is exempt from any kind of "gentrification" claims.
It has never been a solid, static set of racial neighborhoods. Just read any part of the history of it on wikipedia. It only ever rotates and folds in, like homemade dough.

If any kind of "gentrification" happens here its solely done by yuppie, hipster, artsy, frat or silicon dildos and doosh boxes, who think they can use cities like oakland as their own personal version of the Capital from Hunger Games.
Temescal. Yea. Im talk about you, ya hipster doosh scumbagels.

Fuck them. Yea
But moreso,
Fuck that word.

How about we actually start saying what we mean. How about we start addressing issues like "gentrification" by the individual level and not make every god damned thing about race.

Doosh boxes.

*extends arm*
*drops mic*
*walks off*
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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Cleveland, oh
I think you've been misinformed about what gentrification is Karl because your rant is just pure ignorance. gentrification is the shift in the community, pushing out the poor in favor of the wealthy, fancy businesses, and increasing property value.

it is caused by primarily as you said
If any kind of "gentrification" happens here its solely done by yuppie, hipster, artsy, frat or silicon dildos and doosh boxes, who think they can use cities like oakland as their own personal version of the Capital from Hunger Games.

You can actually see on google maps where all the wealthy neighborhoods are in the bay area if you type in whole foods.

Race only coincides with this because minorities haven't had the opportunitties (i.e. acces to education) as long as the white yuppy silicone valley person, so there are more poor minorities. It happened to L.A. in the 80's It's been going on in NYC and san francisco since the 90's, and it's just starting to happen in Oakland.

Final Summation

gentrification isn't about race.

Gentrification = Class War
Last edited:


Dec 7, 2013
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I mean I don't think you can complain about rising rents and what not, and not think that gentrification (as defined by mongo above) is a serious contributing factor to that phenomenon. Of course its a complex issue. Neighborhoods do change over time—for example Fruitvale used to be predominantly African American. Whether or not you wish to acknowledge it, though, race is a significant component of discussions about the spatial manifestations of wealth disparity (for example, race is a better predictor of exposure to industrial toxins in the US than income)—and yes its fucked up, but as soon as you start believing that we live in a post-racial society, even in as tolerant a city as Oakland, then it just becomes an excuse for inaction and the perpetration of extant structural injustices.

Also my response was a quote. Buggin out? Anyone?


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Cleveland, oh
We may not be living in a post-racial society but that's because of our history and the fact that looking at race is so ingrained into us just by our culture, right down to the little boxes on the census (a lot of countries don't have those). Race and Income are actually interdependent when it comes to things like industrial toxins.

Do the Right Thing, wasn't a fan of it. He was awesome as Gustavo and his new role in Revolution.


Dec 7, 2013
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Yeah totally. The point I was trying to make is that even though "gentrification" is an overused and abused word—especially in Oakland—it is a real phenomenon with real (and unjust) consequences. Racism on an individual level is less common than it used to be, although certainly still a serious issue with regards to racial profiling by police, shopkeepers, etc. as all of the protests over the summer demonstrated. However, thinking of gentrification as only involving interactions between individuals would be losing sight of the cultural and economic factors that underlie the issue.

Gus Fring! Yeah, totally blew my mind when I realized they were one and the same person.

Any of you ever found any sweet ue/squat spots in Oakland? I'm still mourning the development of Oak Knoll. That officers club was soo dope.



Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Cleveland, oh
nah don't know of any totally down to look for some though!!!


Dec 7, 2013
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I haven't done much exploring in the last, well, almost two years, but I'm down to start up again. I'm back in Oakland (weather permitting) sometime next week, and I should be around for a while. I'd be down to check out the old sites, see how they've aged. You ever been to point molate or drawbridge? I almost got arrested in a bunker at the army base two summers ago, and I've kind of laid low when I'm in the bay since then.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Cleveland, oh
honestly I've never really done much UE except for when I was in Gary, IN.
I've been kind of a shut in as of late mostly just the way I am, partially because of a lack of funds to do anything because I'm saving to go to Mexico, so UE sounds like an awesome no-low cost activity. I've got a semi open schedule next week.

eske silver

In Disguise
Sep 6, 2012
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Ok. Wow I didn't think this would blow up - but them again... this is the internet and this forum is full of opinionated people.
Good. lol

To clarify: While I do have an issue with the word, none of these statement are truly my own.
After various conversations with the people about oakland, gentrification, race, Occupy, FFF, etc, etc, I've almost blown a mental gasket -
It's truly been as eerie, constant coincidence, actually...
People keep bringing it up with me lately and I've never been a fan of political convarsation.

And after no sleep and shitty sleep for days and days,
and missing STP shenanigans,
I though I'd post some ridiculousness.

I get fucking weird and internet trolly when I'm bored and sleep deprived. You should see the evolution of my OkC profile... :/

Aaaanyways. I like where this went, though. :)

You can actually see on google maps where all the wealthy neighborhoods are in the bay area if you type in whole foods.

It is very, very true! I like how easy it is to find them, too. For instance, the closest poorest neighborhood to Downtown Oakland is the West, where the only grocery store is a local-run, not-for-profit and similar amenities are outnumbered by liquor stores, almost four to one. The only decent coffee shop is being run into the ground by a low-life, wannabe, stealing, lying pissant. There are no Whole Foods, Starbucks, Department Stores, or anything.

The most ridiculous part of it is, when the older houses in the North of West Oakland are bulldozed, and new structures are put up in their place, the address no longer reads Oakland, but Emeryville instead. Slowly, but surely, West Oakland will be devoured.

The rant I went on is, as similar as I could manage to, a rant I once had to listen to, by a woman I met while living at Hellarity. She had passed through the Bay, on her way down to Slab, and despite all of the other truly amazing hypocritical viewpoints, her views and statements on gentrification and her "knowledge" of the SF bay, took the cake, by far.

After the conversation I had a few hours before I posted the rant, (and after another three just like it with other people, over the last week) I recounted the conversation between my fellow wingnut and me, and had discussed the possible merits of her inane rambling and what a lot of other peoples opinions on the matter seem to be, especially in the community.

Her main stance was that Squatters had no right to complain about "gentrification", since they, in their own way, made the situation just as bad as if they were legally moving in, as nouveau rich yuppies and SF vacationers.

Neighborhoods do change over time—for example Fruitvale used to be predominantly African American.

What are you talking about?
After WW2, a lot of African Americans moved to Fruitvale, but it has always been primarily Latino.
In the early 19th century, the Spanish crown deeded the East Bay area to Luis María Peralta. When Peralta died in 1842, he divided his land among his four sons - Most of Oakland rose on two of their shares of the land.
Many Latinos, especially Mexican Americans came to Oakland to work in the war-time jobs of WWII; many worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad, at its major rail yard in West Oakland. While some of the rail workers lived near the yard, most of the Mexican community was concentrated as it always had been since the early days of the Peralta ranch in the Fruitvale District.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
honestly I've never really done much UE except for when I was in Gary, IN.
I've been kind of a shut in as of late mostly just the way I am, partially because of a lack of funds to do anything because I'm saving to go to Mexico, so UE sounds like an awesome no-low cost activity. I've got a semi open schedule next week.

I've found a lot of cool stuff in the bay area on atlasobscura.com
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