Not sure what's going to happen in the next month..........


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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VA for now
It will need all new rigging if you get pretty much any affordable boat and want to cross oceans. Look into chinease junk rigs. Its the automatic honda of the sailing world as a sloop would be manual masaratii in terms of speed, reliability, complexity, price, and handling. Idk I'm in no hurry rather not have to go on deck during a storm personally so I'm replacing my marconi rig with a junk. How is this going any luck? Is it still a thing?


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
waiting to get paid, this week (possibly even tomorrow) for about 300 hours of back wages for the current job.
The contractor has some strange fucking billing cycle, & as far as is reasonable, i'm pretty sure i'll get the hours..

that being said, the full amount isn't certain yet.. there has been a lot of strange shitty shitty fucking shit i've had to deal with, & a lot of hard work that was done to make shit *right*, so i don't know if there will be a bonus or not.

in any case, whatever i'm paid is the first drop in the box for the boat.

so *yes*, it *is* still on.

i got fucked coming up here, thogh.. none of this work has paid overtime, despite over a 1/3 of it being..
traveled 1200 miles & *then* was told i could work as much as i want, but since i wasn't *required* (ha ha bullshit) to work more than 40 hours, any additional work would be straight time...

i don't *think* i will go into 'fuck mode', so long as i get *all* my fucking hours, but if i get one final little fucking squeeze, i am going to become a shit.

not sure how much it will be.
may have more work here, too, with a company that will pay the OT..

i'm leaving here with enough to either find work on the west coast, throw down into the boat or do another ~20,000 mile road trip.. that or go to japan or austrailia.. or hell.. maybe europe.. dunno..

i'd prefer *sailing* in the pacific, if possible.

plans right ow, if i don't find work, are to head to cali/west coast & look for work.
after that it all depends on how much i get paid here... less than 8k means heading to the coast & looking for work..
12k means boat.

7k means i become a fuck & go to the dept of labor & all the other shit that follows.. cheap places to stay while i at least make myself a highly regrettable episode.

i'll play that for maybe 3 weeks & see what happens..

ifall goes well & if there's work that ends before october, i may hit the fest.
if i'm west by mid sept, that's where i'll be.

if pay goes well & no new work, i am out of here the middle of next week or sooner.

hope that's not too much info..
have some leads on other boat stuff, too..

hope yer well



Jan 14, 2014
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Slab City
That was beautiful.

Made a contact about work today, up in North Dakota...

hell shit rape of the earth which will not stop..

but what i take from those whom take from what we ought most love most

i give to those whom take less than i..

as dirty & hellish as they may be...

& if they will die for peace, as well as die for truth
& die for whatever shithead says dying is what dying is for

so long as it is done in the belief of Life...

then i will drink with Them,


untill they try to Kill me...

because that is the moment when we all learn whether our flesh is is what we Dream

or if we are less than what cowards say only to those whom are smaller than them..

there are thousands of weapons..

& only One


only one

is true.

& that is that if Love fails,

you will die trying to claw the eyes out of
or break the throat
of whomever it is that tries to keep you

from the final moment of innocent freedom

which should be yours..

& i fear killing people..

i fear becoming such a bastard that i have to rise & use what i am to hate & destroy

instead of love & create..

to have have to destroy those whom never looked at themselves, other than to declare that they must be 'faith'
& they must be 'what is expected of them'
& that they must be what they are told to be

rather than what they have found they *ought* to be

if they were to look, with nothing more than a pleading of all they are
towards what they are most afraid to meet...

i Woe for you,
you whom claim Strength

& claim God

& claim all that you believe is all that the mind of the almighty is allowed to carry..

i woe for you.

because if you ever try to force me there,

i will fucking kill you.

i will fucking kill you, happily..

& so i have to fucking flee

because i see you fucking coming...

i see you fucking coming

& i hate you, with all my being for what you have left behind,
where you have been..

how... h...o..w...


how Brave would you be, if you had to build your own weapons?

how brave would you be, if all there were
were small people against large people, but all either were armed with were stones?

you would be afraid, you Beef-Fed rapists of you declare in the name of America & Jesus & Freedom & Truth
& Thomas Fucking Jefferson..

Jefferson would kill you *himself*, you fucking assholes..

assuming he actually believed what he said..

& that believing,

he let belief guide his being

instead of any little fantasies he might have had...

you are worthless shits, all you soldiers whom drive us because they are demanded to by those whom are able to pay for their fucking whoredom behind their fucking fucking guns & illusions of self-righteousness..

O, Christ..

O Jesus, & the way you Died...

O, holy blessed love that dies before it lets what it loves die...

Help me Get




& please, please, please

help me get the fucking work so i can do it...

which brings us back to the original point..

looks like there's a job opening that may spring up.. up in Hell Land..

if it does, it'll be what i'm after..

pointless, painfull, & destructive labor that will pay enough to Get The Fucking Boat..


about what i figured..

this isn't about fucking money, this is about work..

this is about being involved, for real..

this is about being what any Truth that you believe in
that is something more than merely selfish..

that being said..

Believe what you believe you Should Believe

so that we can get Her into




& what the Sun speaks

to Other




plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
folks who know me have my #.
Zim!! Hoidy Shit!!!

Yer aaaalllliiiivvveee!!!!!!

how the hell are you??

*where* are you???


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
folks who know me have my #.
as beautifull as she is, given @Higwayman 's advice & that from an old bargerunner, i won't be going with a steel hull..
new job outside of frisco.. east bay.. vallejo..
if all goes well (ha!) i should be able to look at a decent sized boat in about 6 months..

but man... looking at those pics..
& that big ass steering wheel???

i dunno...

i have a life long invitation to camp on some generational land on Cat Island, in the Bahamas..

i have to think about that.. maybe start polishing up those contacts, again...


this...this is what I need in my life. If this is still a thing, you know how to contact me and I want in. I'd be happy to get a job, quit my bum life and give you everything I have to make this happen.


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
folks who know me have my #.
well.. a lot will be going down within the next 2 to 4 months..
my current job will end, & that will leave me with my savings.. enough to get *something*..
a boat or land on hawaii.. **something** near or on the ocean..

if i find another job at good wages, i'll just keep working for however long i'm able..

but.. i've been hammering on this since early 2014..

i have what i've earned here in cali, & the lost wages from ND trickle in.. fuck.. if i had been paid *then*?


we'll meet up eventually, Desert..



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