Nintendo DS


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Nov 10, 2009
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southeast, usa
Does anyone have any experience with using a Nintendo DS (Lite) as a mobile (wifi) internet device while on the road? Or experience with homebrew for the DS or other hacks (DSLinux)?

This spring I plan on taking a hacked DS with me while traveling.

I'm thinking about doing this too...


Active member
Feb 26, 2010
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Hey, I've picked up a DSi but they're just about the same thing.
You can get online anywhere that has a wi-fi connection. Of course you'll need the password for protected access points.

DSLinux is awesome from what I've heard. But I don't have any experience with it.

What I DO have - is experience with is hacking my DSi.
The DSi has an SD port on the side but if you fill it to hell with music, it doesn't play right for some reason. ( i know that you have a Lite, I'm just trying to point out that you shouldn't upgrade if only for the sd capability.)

I've got an AceKard2i cartridge and it works wonders! The "2i" version works in the DSlite just fine I believe, There's another card called the R4 or R4i but they've stopped making them and the stuff out there now under that name is a knockoff that's had some pretty bad reviews. My friend got one - an R4 card - works great but he got it before the company closure.

Anyway - I use mine to look at text files, play roms of old school nes and snes games. you can play gameboy games too. Of course, you can play all the new roms for DS games too. You can look at pictures - You can also get it to play music too which is far and wide the main use that I employ.

If you get this program called moonshell that works quite well for me with all of that.

You can watch videos too - fuck I feel like a commercial. I just saw that no one else posted so I'm trying to include as much info as I can but it looks like you've got your finger around it.

The AceKard uses a MicroSDHC card so you can store as much data as you want - there are like 16GB versions readily available but they're like $100 I think. I just got a 4GB one for my music / files / pics, and another 2GB for all of the games I have and swap them out.

Dunno if you sorted out the modding yet, but if you need any help / a reliable store to get one from (harder to find that you might imaging) just let me know!

Plan on taking mine with me too - I'd go mental without tunes ^_^
Let me know how it goes for you!


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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on the road
I don't have one, but plenty of my buddies have experience hacking into, and with, them. You can't do 'everything', but you can do a lot.

If you pick one up and need any serious help, drop me a line and I can contact some old buddies. I use a nokia N800 personally, cost $150 two years ago, has a better web browser, but doesn't play games...It's a personal choice.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
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Hernando Beach, Flori-duh
Using my sisters DSi (unhacked) right now. For message boards, it's not bad. I'm gonna try to pick one up for myself. Most of what I would use it for(StP, porn, music) can be done well enough on an un-hacked DSi, but I'll probably pick up an Acekard for it... All in all,it's pretty good for its size.

One problem I do have with it though is memory. Some of the sites I hit are pretty memory intensive, so the standard system memory fills up really quickly. I'm clueless about the finer aspects of the DSi, but I heard somewhere you can get around that problem(to an extent) by putting an SD card in the slot on the side. Anybody know if there's any truth to this?

Mr. Expendable

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
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Analslime Southern California
I have no clue about hacking DS but I've watch someone hack a PSP if it's anything like that your might have to do some surgery.... he used to hack them so you could basically use them for whatever you want and put any game from any system on them then sell them (of course "legally" he's non-existent)... he always had to open it and make some modifications with a sodering iron and shit.... or if it's anything like apple the newer the software the harder it is to hack if not impossible

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
i had a hacked ds lite for about a year while traveling, the lite doesn't have web browsing built in, you gotta buy a cart for it from europe. although i hear the dsi has it built in now. i haven't hacked the dsi, but the ds lite was super simple, and you could do pretty awesome shit with it. my favorite was a comic book reading program, i ended up reading more comics on it than i did playing games. but yeah, from everything ive heard you get more outta hacking the ds than you do the psp. plus, if you're interested in web browsing, it's waaaaay better on the ds than the psp because the ds has a touch screen so you can type web addresses and write really easy as opposed to the psp which requires you to scroll through the keyboard with the dpad (pain in the butt).

although it's been a while, i still have the impression that there is a SHITTON more homebrew for the ds than the psp as well.

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