New and ready to learn all I can about this lifestyle.

Jul 8, 2016
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The Dirty South
Hello everyone. I just found out about this forum recently. Two days ago to be exact. I have had a growing desire to travel for the past year and a half or so. Literally I think about it every single day. I work at a job I absolutely hate and I've been thinking... "Why continue on like this and be miserable? There is more to life than this!" I want to go to concerts and experience things I never have before. So I've been seriously thinking about quitting my job, using the money I've saved up, and just hitting the road to go out west for however long I choose to. My parents never traveled and always worked and I don't want that to be me. I'm a noob when it comes to all of this though. I've never been on vacation, never driven for more than 3 hours at a time, and I've been camping only a few times. I have been in a car for more than 24 hours at a time, I just wasn't the one driving. I'm in my early 20's, have an SUV, money saved, and while my parents won't approve of this decision I want to make, I still want to do it. It's my life and I want to live it. Not wait to die! Thank you for reading my thread.

Places I want to go to: California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Arizona.
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Reactions: wizehop and Koala
Jul 8, 2016
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Thank you man! By car and sleeping in my car. May do some camping as well. It's a nice sized SUV. Wanting to get out West. Currently in the south right now. Hey... you're from upstate New York. You ever been to sterling stage festival near Oswego?


Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
Well I must say you have hit the right place. Out of the many traveling sites I've researched I have to say we have the best library of traveling info here. And if not - we add more as we and all our members add what they found. Do research and read the info posted in our sub forums - lots of good things, cool things and ... some funky things. But from what I've read on other Introductions - where the people say they lurked for a while but read through our stuff - they were impressed with the knowledge included.

Do this and ask questions :) Your state itinerary sounds quite nice. With SUV - do check out the rubber tramper subforum especially.

Oh and do go and have fun and enjoy and be safe. I'm entrenched with 3 cats, dog, bf, job blah and just get out on quick travels ---- so go enjoy :)


sleeps 22 hours a day, eats chutes and leaves
Nov 3, 2015
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Rad!! I'm sure you've got decent space to set up a place to sleep in the back. Check out the rubbertramping section here on StP if you haven't already. Some people have such awesome car/van setups.

Whereabouts in the south? I hang around Mobile AL and south Georgia a lot.

Nope never heard of that festival! You been?
Jul 8, 2016
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Definitely will check out that sub forum. I'm happy and excited to now be a part of this forum. In FLA. Yeah, it's a cool little festival. Maybe a few thousand people go there each year. There is one in late may, june, july, and I think one in September too. If you like to party then that's the place to be. 4 days of camping out and having fun. The music is alright. If you go with friends you'd have a lot of fun.


sleeps 22 hours a day, eats chutes and leaves
Nov 3, 2015
Reaction score
Oh man, that sounds super fun! Thanks for the heads up! Will definitely look into that. I'm definitely the type who likes to check out at least a few festivals a year, mostly for the hanging out part

Word, I go to school in Miami right now so I'm between there and NY. Have you been out to the west coast before?

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